This Is Treason, Biden, Military Leadership, Conspiring To Airlift Illegal Aliens Into Nations Heartland


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
Hayward Wisconsin

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants


Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Tucker is no more reliable than Maddow.
Moron...please. :rolleyes:
If this is the whole story then there is a problem here. Somehow, I do not think it is the whole story.
Feel free to add facts that haven't been omitted or made up.

Time for Congress to jump in and get to the bottom of the Obama/Biden shit pile.
The military facilitating illegal immigration? That's extraordinarily illegal.
Biden's thugs scum have been air lifting illegals for a long time now to the nation Red States and to the Heartland.

Surprised I am not in the least!

Are Patriots still sleeping?? time to wake up my friends.
Tucker is no more reliable than Maddow.
Moron...please. :rolleyes:
A partisan hack is a partisan hack. Tucker is, again, no more reliable than Maddow. They both spout bullshit, just for different sides.
If this is the whole story then there is a problem here. Somehow, I do not think it is the whole story.
Feel free to add facts that haven't been omitted or made up.

Time for Congress to jump in and get to the bottom of the Obama/Biden shit pile.
The military facilitating illegal immigration? That's extraordinarily illegal.
I don't need to add facts. The problem is we have almost no facts whatsoever. A few sentences of a few emails with no context or data to back them up. IOW, not the whole story.

If I had more facts I would certainly add them but the person making the claims, Tucker, is the one that needs to find some facts.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

Lol you people are drama queens.
Tucker is no more reliable than Maddow.
Moron...please. :rolleyes:
A partisan hack is a partisan hack. Tucker is, again, no more reliable than Maddow. They both spout bullshit, just for different sides.
That remains for you to prove. The claim is easy to make. Not so easy to document.
If this is the whole story then there is a problem here. Somehow, I do not think it is the whole story.
Feel free to add facts that haven't been omitted or made up.

Time for Congress to jump in and get to the bottom of the Obama/Biden shit pile.
The military facilitating illegal immigration? That's extraordinarily illegal.
I don't need to add facts. The problem is we have almost no facts whatsoever. A few sentences of a few emails with no context or data to back them up. IOW, not the whole story.

If I had more facts I would certainly add them but the person making the claims, Tucker, is the one that needs to find some facts.
It's not as if the Obama regime, which has been pulling mentally unfit Joe's strings
all the while, hasn't seeding the nation with as many illegals into the interior as possible for years
now (excepting the Trump years of course).
They represent a sort of Fifth Column ready to jump in and tip the scales at the voting box whenever
the leftists are able to engineer a way for them to legally cast ballots, if indeed there is a way.

We've all seen this movie for years now. The Obama-ites invite illegals to enter the nation and
then they migrate to the interior (waiting for the time they are to return for legal proceedings
which never come about...because they cannot be found. Or do not want to be found).

Unless you can disprove what's already been reported, and you can't, it seems whatever else you
have to add is moot.
Tucker is no more reliable than Maddow.
Moron...please. :rolleyes:
A partisan hack is a partisan hack. Tucker is, again, no more reliable than Maddow. They both spout bullshit, just for different sides.
That remains for you to prove. The claim is easy to make. Not so easy to document.
It is actually really easy to document. All you would have to do is a quick google search for Tucker Carlson false statements and a plethora pop up. Of course, nothing beats the words from the horses mouth so to speak when even FOX claims that Carlson is not reliable:
"Fox News seeks dismissal at the pleading stage on two constitutional grounds. First, it asserts that Mr. Carlson’s statements on the December 10, 2018, episode of his show are constitutionally protected opinion commentary on matters of public importance and are not reasonably understood as being factual."

And, after a dozen mentions that it was all 'hyperbolae' it seems the judge agreed. Even stating it outright:

This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.”

So, yes. Carlson is unreliable as they even go so far as to use that as a defense when he is caught making false accusations, which he does rather regularly.
If this is the whole story then there is a problem here. Somehow, I do not think it is the whole story.
Feel free to add facts that haven't been omitted or made up.

Time for Congress to jump in and get to the bottom of the Obama/Biden shit pile.
The military facilitating illegal immigration? That's extraordinarily illegal.
I don't need to add facts. The problem is we have almost no facts whatsoever. A few sentences of a few emails with no context or data to back them up. IOW, not the whole story.

If I had more facts I would certainly add them but the person making the claims, Tucker, is the one that needs to find some facts.
It's not as if the Obama regime, which has been pulling mentally unfit Joe's strings
all the while, hasn't seeding the nation with as many illegals into the interior as possible for years
now (excepting the Trump years of course).
They represent a sort of Fifth Column ready to jump in and tip the scales at the voting box whenever
the leftists are able to engineer a way for them to legally cast ballots, if indeed there is a way.

We've all seen this movie for years now. The Obama-ites invite illegals to enter the nation and
then they migrate to the interior (waiting for the time they are to return for legal proceedings
which never come about...because they cannot be found. Or do not want to be found).

Unless you can disprove what's already been reported, and you can't, it seems whatever else you
have to add is moot.

Not relevant to the veracity of the particular claim made by Carlson.

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Do I, please explain to all, you impossibly stupid fucktard, just how the US Federal Government, and the absolute top echelon of the DoD intentionally subverting the nations constitutional law by illegally flooding nation with over one million illegal aliens with obvious intention of subverting the nations political landscape, and flying them and then dispersing them intentionally into red states, then ordering all involved soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to shut up about it, and scrub any and all social media references to the activity, is not treason, I am all ears fucktard????

Do you require a civic lesson, we allow the federal government to exist, to levy taxes upon us, for one specific reason and one specific reason only, to protect the nation and its borders, to ENFORCE the nations laws, including most especially the nations immigration laws, and when they intentionally do exactly the opposite of that with naked intention of permanently entrenching themselves in totally unassailable political power, they are engaging in treason, openly, right in your stupid fucking face! One million illegal aliens dispersed just since Biden was cheated into the capital,

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?
Do I, please explain to all, you impossibly stupid fucktard, just how the US Federal Government, and the absolute top echelon of the DoD intentionally subverting the nations constitutional law by illegally flooding nation with over one million illegal aliens with obvious intention of subverting the nations political landscape, and flying them and then dispersing them intentionally into red states, then ordering all involved soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines to shut up about it, and scrub any and all social media references to the activity, is not treason, I am all ears fucktard????

Do you require a civic lesson, we allow the federal government to exist, to levy taxes upon us, for one specific reason and one specific reason only, to protect the nation and its borders, to ENFORCE the nations laws, including most especially the nations immigration laws, and when they intentionally do exactly the opposite of that with naked intention of permanently entrenching themselves in totally unassailable political power, they are engaging in treason, openly, right in your stupid fucking face! One million illegal aliens dispersed just since Biden was cheated into the capital,

You have zero idea what treason is.

And apparently there is no Lt. Colonel by that name at Laughlin AFB.

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