This Is Treason, Biden, Military Leadership, Conspiring To Airlift Illegal Aliens Into Nations Heartland

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Can you fucking read? xiden is providing them aid by providing transportation for the final leg of their customers illegal trips. Transportation that we pay 100s of millions or more for, while the cartels pocket billions. ICE may lose track of those people, but the cartels damn sure won't if they're owed money. But hey, you commies just love this regime refusing to enforce US law, it's always different when it's your guy doing it.

Last edited:

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Can you fucking read? xiden is providing them aid by providing transportation for the final leg of their customers illegal trips. Transportation that we pay 100s of millions or more for, while the cartels pocket billions. ICE may lose track of those people, but the cartels damn sure won't if they're owed money. But hey, you commies just love this regime refusing to enforce US law, it's always different when it's your guy doing it.


You're making an allegation that these are "cartel members"...
What are you basing that on?

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Can you fucking read? xiden is providing them aid by providing transportation for the final leg of their customers illegal trips. Transportation that we pay 100s of millions or more for, while the cartels pocket billions. ICE may lose track of those people, but the cartels damn sure won't if they're owed money. But hey, you commies just love this regime refusing to enforce US law, it's always different when it's your guy doing it.


You're making an allegation that these are "cartel members"...
What are you basing that on?

You're a lying commie bitch. I plainly said "their customers", though I wouldn't doubt some are cartel members. And I guess the answer to my question is NO, you can't fucking read.


Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

really tucker???? he is your source of information ??? we are supposed to believe your post as being factual ??? nothing he says has a ounce of truth To it ... nice try we didn't just fall off the turnip truck ...

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

You have zero idea what Treason is.

Why does Carlson always look like he's about to poop and can't find a bathroom?

I'd say providing aid to criminal cartels that are responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans and to the people that are paying them billions would qualify. If the cartels aren't enemies of this country, I guess I don't know who is, Well other than you commie that think this is a great thing.


Really? What is the name of a cartel member we're supposedly flying around?

Can you fucking read? xiden is providing them aid by providing transportation for the final leg of their customers illegal trips. Transportation that we pay 100s of millions or more for, while the cartels pocket billions. ICE may lose track of those people, but the cartels damn sure won't if they're owed money. But hey, you commies just love this regime refusing to enforce US law, it's always different when it's your guy doing it.


You're making an allegation that these are "cartel members"...
What are you basing that on?

You're a lying commie bitch. I plainly said "their customers", though I wouldn't doubt some are cartel members. And I guess the answer to my question is NO, you can't fucking read.

. the cartel wanted people moved to a military base? Wow...some fucked up "logic" you've gotten there. From the bullshit you post, I think you're probably a great customer of drug pushers both near and far. What else could explain it?

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

really tucker???? he is your source of information ??? we are supposed to believe your post as being factual ??? nothing he says has a ounce of truth To it ... nice try we didn't just fall off the turnip truck ...
Google the Lt. Colonel who supposedly e-mailed his troops. Its a dead end.
Kalergi would be pleased.

Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates​

Generally accepted estimates put the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States at approximately 11.3 million. A new study, using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, suggests that the actual undocumented immigrant population may be more than 22 million.

The 11.3 million number is extrapolated from the Census Bureau’s annual American Community Survey. “It’s been the only method used for the last three decades,” says Mohammad Fazel‐Zarandi, a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and formerly a postdoctoral associate and lecturer in operations at the Yale School of Management. That made the researchers curious—could they reproduce the number using a different methodology?

The approach in the new research was based on operational data, such as deportations and visa overstays, and demographic data, including death rates and immigration rates. “We combined these data using a demographic model that follows a very simple logic,” Kaplan says. “The population today is equal to the initial population plus everyone who came in minus everyone who went out. It’s that simple.”

While the logic is simple—tally the inflows and outflows over time—actually gathering, assessing, and inserting the data appropriately into a mathematical model isn’t at all simple. Because there is significant uncertainty, the results are presented as a range. After running 1,000,000 simulations of the model, the researchers’ 95% probability range is 16 million to 29 million, with 22.1 million as the mean.

Notably, the upper bound of the traditional survey approach, which also produces a range, doesn’t overlap with the lower bound of the new modeling method. “There really is some open water between these estimates,” Kaplan says. He believes that means the differences between the approaches can’t be explained by sampling variability or annual fluctuations.

There are key areas of agreement between this paper and the existing survey numbers. Both methods found that the greatest growth of the undocumented population happened in the 1990s and early 2000s. Both found that the population size has been relatively stable since 2008. “The trajectory is the same. We see the same patterns happening, but they’re just understating the actual number of people who have made it here,” says Fazel‐Zarandi. In his view, that suggests the survey method doesn’t effectively reach a group with incentives to stay undetected. “They are capturing part of this population, but not the whole population.”
Eric Arthur Blair
I agree. Those illegals should be packed into busses and be sent back to Mexico. Those illegals cost we tax payers billions each year and here's the stuttering fuck flying them all over OUR country.

Most Americans want all illegals out of our country. Not more brought in and flown all over America.

What an imbecile that man is

Carlson makes point that this is illegal, and yes that is true, yet it is also something far more egregious, it is an act of war against the American people, and Biden/Harris, all other democrats, and complicit rinos in government, and especially the pentagon, all of them are guilty of treason, and the penalty for that is their lives!​

This is an act of war against you, what I anticipate happening next is Biden and the pentagon under the Marxist leadertship of Lloyd Austin, and Mark Milley, to flood the services with these illegal aliens whilst simultaneously continuing to target any Americans who remain whom they deem not loyal to the new Marxist paradigm!​

Every Marxist revolution always involves the corrupting of the military and you cannot do that in this nation while Americans serve in it, which is precisely why Austin and Biden/Harris began targeting them immediately, that is what their staged Jan 6th riot was all about.....​

Exclusive Clips​

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
tucker carlson tonight

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants

Which illegal immigrants? From where?
For all the lazy fucks who can't do a simple web search and say stupid shit like treason implies a murder threat to the president, or just begs to have it defined for them..

Treason is defined in the Constitution as:

Treason is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Here is a good treatment of the language:

What Is Treason?

Here is the relevant section:

Two Types of Treason​

There are two ways to commit treason: levying war against the government or providing aid or comfort to the enemy.

Levying War​

Levying war isn't limited to formally declaring war. It includes any forcible opposition to the execution of a public law. Such "forcible opposition" ordinarily requires actual use of force by multiple people (like the US military - if you don't think that is by force, go ahead and try to stop them) with the common purpose of preventing some law from being enforced (transporting illegals and dumping them across the country). Weapons aren't always required; sheer numbers can be enough.
There seems to be literally nothing some dems on this board won’t defend.

Can you define treason? Like, actually do it?
Is it not being treason the only thing worth focusing on here?

Tucker Carlson sure isn't worth it. Plus, it's part of the OP's idiotic argument. So, when is one of you dull blades going to pull your pants down and show us you don't know the definition as it applies to our laws.

So yes, that is the only thing you can focus on...

Nope, I answered your question it's the only thing worth focusing on. Where is the treason?
What makes you think I can point to the treason? Can you only see in red or blue?

I don't think you can.

I was pretty clear where I stood. That simply questioning the focus on a single word makes you blind to that is your problem, not mine.

It's a pretty damning indictment based on the claims of a dubious source. So, where's the beef?

Here is a hint though, call it what you want, calling it treason is utterly irrelevant. You would defend it if you thought it was the right thing to do instead of ignoring everything to quibble over definitions. That is always a thoughtless conversation.

Calling something treasonous implies the threat of murder to the President and Vice President of the United States. That's not nothing and it's based on a source that has no merit. Words matter....dickhead.
And right back to insults. And no, calling something treasonous does not imply any threat to the head of state, now it seems to be you that has no idea what treason means. Another hint, the President and Vice President are members of the government, not the government itself. There are a lot of acts of treason that have nothing to do with the President and Vice President.

The VP and president are stated to have committed treason in the OP and the price for treason is death therefore the OP is actually a threat. No wonder I'm calling you names.

But ya, it is clear you have no intention of doing anything but pissing and moaning about a word you don't even understand yourself so not much point in continuing with you.

Treason is the only crime mentioned in the Constitution, not to point out the seriousness of the crime but to be very specific about it's definition so that others did not so loosely accuse others of it as was often done during that time. The definition of treason in our Constitution is not whatever someone doesn't like, that's called politics. Treason is specifically levying war against the country or abetting those that do. Neither is the case in the OP.

As for any other argument made a better source than Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson should be found.
For all the lazy fucks who can't do a simple web search and say stupid shit like treason implies a murder threat to the president, or just begs to have it defined for them..

Treason is defined in the Constitution as:

Treason is the only crime defined in the U.S. Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3:

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Here is a good treatment of the language:

What Is Treason?

Here is the relevant section:

Two Types of Treason​

There are two ways to commit treason: levying war against the government or providing aid or comfort to the enemy.

Levying War​

Levying war isn't limited to formally declaring war. It includes any forcible opposition to the execution of a public law. Such "forcible opposition" ordinarily requires actual use of force by multiple people (like the US military - if you don't think that is by force, go ahead and try to stop them) with the common purpose of preventing some law from being enforced (transporting illegals and dumping them across the country). Weapons aren't always required; sheer numbers can be enough.

Yes, duh. There is no mention of a treasonous crime happening in the OP.
That's actually not the definition of treason in our very own Constitution. I also don't buy the premise of the argument, find a better source.
Find a better source for the guy who said "Calling something treasonous implies the threat of murder to the President and Vice President of the United States. " I don't think I'll spend any time trying to educate you.
That's actually not the definition of treason in our very own Constitution. I also don't buy the premise of the argument, find a better source.
Find a better source for the guy who said "Calling something treasonous implies the threat of murder to the President and Vice President of the United States. " I don't think I'll spend any time trying to educate you.
The penalty for treason is death. If you accuse someone of treason based on little merit you are in fact implying they should be put to death or murdered. Maybe they didn't teach you that in homeschool.

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