This is the reason to like Obama.


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
Apart from the loaded question, Obama explains to the RW war mongers how to be successful President.

He absolutely rips he whole question up.. Well Done.
Did he explain all his drone strikes, arming Syrian rebels, who are selling to our enemies, a plan to defeat ISIS since his idiotic Middle East policy created a power vacuum, what to do about Russian power grabs, etc.? obammy has based his presidency on hatred and intolerance for the right, and we see the same stupid mentality here, nothing to offer of substance, just insults. Like grade school.
Liberal/Progressive voters are an oddity in that they make a point to outwardly hate religion while telling everyone how tolerant they are. Just as these same people pretend they are for peace and not war yet they support one of the biggest war Presidents in US history.

It's as if these liberal/progressives themselves display a religious like cult following of their profits (leaders, Dems, Obama Al gore Hillary).
Anyone at this point who is still deluded by their fantasy vision of the Obidiot has to be mentally insane, willfully blind to facts or a paid shill.

Absolute worst president in U.S. history. A disgrace to the office who has weakened our country abroad and at home. The only American who has any rational appreciation for the Obidiot is Jimmy Carter.


It's as if these liberal/progressives themselves display a religious like cult following of their profits...

The Obidiot worship was creepy back in '08. The cult members that still cling to their fantasy today defy explanation.

The kids who were taught this song are more grown up now. It would be interesting to find all the members of this chorus and ask them what they think now of their participation in this creepy display. How do their parents feel now about using their kids as props in a cult movement? Some may still be deluded and unable to break from their fantasy. It would be an interesting series of interviews to watch.

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So the GOP stance is that Obama is a war monger when they were calling him chicken and weak last month because he wouldn't invade Ukraine, Syria, Iran, etc etc....

Obama has got results and he did it without expensive wars... The idiot RWers just got their ass handed to them again...
Obama got what results? The Middle East is on fire. Putin walks all over his dumb ass, he caved to Iran, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, etc are a mess...what results?
You got to love these RW idiots...

They blow $3.7 trillion and 100,000s of lives on a war for nothing... Wake up morons... Nobody is listening to your crap...
You are so uninformed. If you believe what you spouted , I have a bridge to sell ya...
You got to love these RW idiots...

They blow $3.7 trillion and 100,000s of lives on a war for nothing... Wake up morons... Nobody is listening to your crap...

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