This is president Trumps 3 am phone call moment. Can he rise to the occasion?

So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
I am sure hes not sitting back and ignoring it,,,
other than talking his only actions is military involvement or marshal law and I dont see them happening,,
although I do see the antifa action as good but only a long term solution,, but its something,,

A public forum between the right people is just "talking" as you say, but talking is the beginning of all change/movements.
Keep the shit open and transparent. Let the communities see he is actively engaged and truly trying to solve the problems.

This is a golden egg for Trump IF he handles it correctly. If he fumbles this it could be the end of his reelection.
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So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
I'd love to see him do that. Maybe not on tv though. The two sides have to talk. I'm sure there has been a lot of talking, actually, but to have everyone together at the same time to air their side and to brainstorm, try to come to some sort of common ground, would be a super start.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
I'd love to see him do that. Maybe not on tv though. The two sides have to talk. I'm sure there has been a lot of talking, actually, but to have everyone together at the same time to air their side and to brainstorm, try to come to some sort of common ground, would be a super start.
It needs to be aired. The people need to see their government actually working FOR THEM
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
I'd love to see him do that. Maybe not on tv though. The two sides have to talk. I'm sure there has been a lot of talking, actually, but to have everyone together at the same time to air their side and to brainstorm, try to come to some sort of common ground, would be a super start.
It needs to be aired. The people need to see their government actually working FOR THEM
At some point, yes. A report to the people. But this can't be political theater, Gramps, which it would be if the whole thing were televised.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
They won't do it. They hate Trump more than I love anyone or anything.

As far as they're concerned, this whole country can burn… Because of Trump.

So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
what exactly are you expecting??
At the VERY LEAST an address to the nation during prime time.
Bring some community leaders and police representatives together at the whitehouse and hold a public, televised forum with an open discussion on problems/solutions.

Ultimately it is on Trump to address this shitstorm. He is elected specifically to lead not fucking Tweet. We need leadership right now.
I'd love to see him do that. Maybe not on tv though. The two sides have to talk. I'm sure there has been a lot of talking, actually, but to have everyone together at the same time to air their side and to brainstorm, try to come to some sort of common ground, would be a super start.
It needs to be aired. The people need to see their government actually working FOR THEM
At some point, yes. A report to the people. But this can't be political theater, Gramps, which it would be if the whole thing were televised.

ALL government meetings should be televised. In fact it should be mandated that live camera feeds are available online 24/7 of all government offices.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
Suspect you will have to get over it. I don't think he has it in him.

Obviously you were too busy burning and looting stores to hear what President Trump said yesterday after the launch of the first American hook up with the international station in Space.
You mean when he read off a teleprompter what someone else wrote for him?
Yeah, it was written for him, but at least he agreed to read it without riffing off it.
I agree that this is an opportunity for Trump to lead. . . However, this is also (more importantly) what State's elected officials are for.

Trump might be smart to direct from behind the scenes until it is under control.

You KNOW the media will twist anything from Trump that they can to fan the flames even more.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.

Sorry, but you're gonna be disappointed. When the virus crisis hit, he was giving briefings on the WH lawn, but that wasn't so much a briefing on how he was handling the situation and laying out a gameplan to get it fixed as it was him turning it into a campaign rally, telling us how great he is, and how bad the Democrats are. Sorry, but snark and bullshit is all Trump has.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
That is all he has ever had to offer and yet you're still a trump sycophant. Why should this be any different?
Please inform of of how you are not a BidenBot.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.

Trump fast-tracked an investigation and the cop sits in jail. It's not his fault Democatric governors and mayors let the animals riot. That's on Democrats. Trump did everything he needed to do. Now time to rebuild the economy. It's pretty obvious now the stay at home orders are bullshit.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.

Trump fast-tracked an investigation and the cop sits in jail. It's not his fault Democatric governors and mayors let the animals riot. That's on Democrats. Trump did everything he needed to do. Now time to rebuild the economy. It's pretty obvious now the stay at home orders are bullshit.
Not Trump's fault?
He gaslit this with his tweet The racist history of Trump’s "When the looting starts, the shooting starts" tweet

Stay at home orders BS? wait two weeks.
Trump has handled nothing correctly,. The country is worse off in almost every way than 4 years ago. This is the worst state of the country in my lifetime....
I agree that this is an opportunity for Trump to lead. . . However, this is also (more importantly) what State's elected officials are for.

Trump might be smart to direct from behind the scenes until it is under control.

You KNOW the media will twist anything from Trump that they can to fan the flames even more.
Always somebody else to blame. Meanwhile the country burns.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
Suspect you will have to get over it. I don't think he has it in him.

Obviously you were too busy burning and looting stores to hear what President Trump said yesterday after the launch of the first American hook up with the international station in Space.
Heard, but like most Americans, just didn't believe cause he cannot be believed and always has another agenda. Now he is talking about ANTIF and designating the a Terrorist Organization under the statute. Pompeo was on this morning being interviewed and was asked, but refuse to say it was them, only ANTIFA-like tactics. Yesterday Barr was interviewed and he only said ANTIFA-like but would not accuse them. OK. I don't know them as I don't hear much about any activities of them in Tennessee. I have heard a lot of trump supporters mention them during the 7 months I have been on this board, but they weren't known to be causing trouble in Tennessee so I paid no attention and figured I would worry about them when they got closer to home. Looked them up read three different articles as well as the Pompeo and Barr interviews. Article about them with the most information is from FOX NEWS updated 3 hours ago. Says "The first modern antifa group traces its roots back to Portland, Ore., in 2007, " Trouble with that is the statute for designating Terrorist Organization is about foreign organizations (they can be either non-aligned or state sponsored) but the statute is about foreign not domestic. I don't care really as they are not my problem. I do find it strange that not one single ANTIFA person has been captured during the past 4 nights of violence and named in the paper, news, mainstream or even alternative media, not even the nut-ball tin hat media. After Trump named them, it's like he rung a dinnerbell and the faithful started repeating even when AG and Sec State nor the FBI would back it up. If you guys say they are assholes, fine. I am ready able and well armed to defend against violent assholes on my property under the castle doctrine of my state. If you want to talk $hit on the internet fine. Long as that is where it stops.


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So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
Suspect you will have to get over it. I don't think he has it in him.

Obviously you were too busy burning and looting stores to hear what President Trump said yesterday after the launch of the first American hook up with the international station in Space.
Heard, but like most Americans, just didn't believe cause he cannot be believed and always has another agenda. Now he is talking about ANTIF and designating the a Terrorist Organization under the statute. Pompeo was on this morning being interviewed and was asked, but refuse to say it was them, only ANTIFA-like tactics. Yesterday Barr was interviewed and he only said ANTIFA-like but would not accuse them. OK. I don't know them as I don't hear much about any activities of them in Tennessee. I have heard a lot of trump supporters mention them during the 7 months I have been on this board, but they weren't known to be causing trouble in Tennessee so I paid no attention and figured I would worry about them when they got closer to home. Looked them up read three different articles as well as the Pompeo and Barr interviews. Article about them with the most information is from FOX NEWS updated 3 hours ago. Says "The first modern antifa group traces its roots back to Portland, Ore., in 2007, " Trouble with that is the statute for designating Terrorist Organization is about foreign organizations (they can be either non-aligned or state sponsored) but the statute is about foreign not domestic. I don't care really as they are not my problem. I do find it strange that not one single ANTIFA person has been captured during the past 4 nights of violence and named in the paper, news, mainstream or even alternative media, not even the nut-ball tin hat media. After Trump named them, it's like he rung a dinnerbell and the faithful started repeating even when AG and Sec State nor the FBI would back it up. If you guys say they are assholes, fine. I am ready able and well armed to defend against violent assholes on my property under the castle doctrine of my state. If you want to talk $hit on the internet fine. Long as that is where it stops.


The Antifa logo as it appears on a flag held by an Antifa member in Cologne, Germany in 2008.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
You think he's suddenly going to become all enlightened and start saying positive, uplifting statements? What's next, he's gonna inject himself with bleach? Oh wait, he probably wanted to do that but was talked off the ledge.
So far all I've seen from him are asinine tweets that do nothing to calm the masses.
As a Trump supporter I am going to be quite disappointed if the best he has to offer are snarky tweets.
Suspect you will have to get over it. I don't think he has it in him.

Obviously you were too busy burning and looting stores to hear what President Trump said yesterday after the launch of the first American hook up with the international station in Space.
Heard, but like most Americans, just didn't believe cause he cannot be believed and always has another agenda. Now he is talking about ANTIF and designating the a Terrorist Organization under the statute. Pompeo was on this morning being interviewed and was asked, but refuse to say it was them, only ANTIFA-like tactics. Yesterday Barr was interviewed and he only said ANTIFA-like but would not accuse them. OK. I don't know them as I don't hear much about any activities of them in Tennessee. I have heard a lot of trump supporters mention them during the 7 months I have been on this board, but they weren't known to be causing trouble in Tennessee so I paid no attention and figured I would worry about them when they got closer to home. Looked them up read three different articles as well as the Pompeo and Barr interviews. Article about them with the most information is from FOX NEWS updated 3 hours ago. Says "The first modern antifa group traces its roots back to Portland, Ore., in 2007, " Trouble with that is the statute for designating Terrorist Organization is about foreign organizations (they can be either non-aligned or state sponsored) but the statute is about foreign not domestic. I don't care really as they are not my problem. I do find it strange that not one single ANTIFA person has been captured during the past 4 nights of violence and named in the paper, news, mainstream or even alternative media, not even the nut-ball tin hat media. After Trump named them, it's like he rung a dinnerbell and the faithful started repeating even when AG and Sec State nor the FBI would back it up. If you guys say they are assholes, fine. I am ready able and well armed to defend against violent assholes on my property under the castle doctrine of my state. If you want to talk $hit on the internet fine. Long as that is where it stops.


The Antifa logo as it appears on a flag held by an Antifa member in Cologne, Germany in 2008.
I read both. Knew there were outside agitators at riots all the way back to the 1960s. This crap ain't new to me. Have had intel briefings on subversive organizations and discussions of the tactics and methods. Was put on the streets of Memphis during Operation Firebird at the order of the Governor and and the Adjutant General, like I said at least mildly familiar, definitely not new, although we did not have like this crap by a darn sight.
Are you saying the FOX New article i was quoting was incorrect and they did not start in Portland in 2007? A tee shirt in another country in 2008 (a year later) does not make it an international organization from overseas any more than my tee shirts from the Hardrock Cafe in Frankfurt, Germany and Paris, France makes me a hot chick. It just means I liked to pay good looking women to give me the clothes they were wearing in foreign countries back in the military days, and somebody in 2008 that may have visited the US and liked the tee shirt. Who knows, maybe he bought it off a hot chick.
Still somebody is going to have to prove the ANTIFA thing before I will follow the crowd, but if the Government wants to come down on them, they almost undoubtedly deserve it just for being the type organization they appear to be whether they are the ring leaders of this mess or not. I would prefer they use a domestic statute instead of the international terrorist organization statute. It is one of those statutes that allows things that should not be used against Americans, like many parts of the Patriot Act, that were a knee-jerk reaction to international terrorism after 9/11.

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