You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad
Here you go my dear. This is directly from Mexico's own Ambassador from the U.S.
“We have evidence that this caravan is also very much politically motivated,” Gutierrez added.
So you can spare us the left-wing bleeding-heart crocodile tears about "but...but...but...the CHILDREN" and poverty. These assholes are political operatives paid for by George Soros. They want to invade the U.S.? Fine - we will respond as we should when someone attempts to invade the U.S.

Mexican ambassador makes a stunning accusation about migrant caravan from Honduras
You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad
Incidentally, if you cared half as much about the children who you celebrate being brutally aborted, or the democratically elected representatives you celebrate being assaulted, our nation would be an exponentially better place. #sad. #hyporcite
I guess all you have is tough talk. Okay.
I don't! I have an actual plan and I actually provided it in my initial post. One reaper drone. One hellfire missile. Problem solved. Permanently.
Okay. I'm sure you thought this through, so I'd be curious to know what you considered to be potential downsides to this action, and how they would be effectively addressed.
Okay. I'm sure you thought this through, so I'd be curious to know what you considered to be potential downsides to this action, and how they would be effectively addressed.
Short of liberals (both domestic and foreign) doing a WHOLE lot of whining? None. Absolutely none. It defends the U.S. borders (as we are justified in doing) and it sends a very clear message "it is a BAD fuck'n idea to attempt to invade the U.S.".
Thankfully I do not see the refugees as a problem. Those who do see them coming here may want to revisit the statue of liberty and read what she has to say.
The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.

Okay. I'm sure you thought this through, so I'd be curious to know what you considered to be potential downsides to this action, and how they would be effectively addressed.
Short of liberals (both domestic and foreign) doing a WHOLE lot of whining? None. Absolutely none. It defends the U.S. borders (as we are justified in doing) and it sends a very clear message "it is a BAD fuck'n idea to attempt to invade the U.S.".
If these people are attacking the USA and invading then you need to learn what "Invasion" is.
But I think Trump has enough sense not to do anything like this.
It’s a shame you don’t have enough sense to respect U.S. sovereignty and uphold U.S. law.
Well, get out there and start firing away, then. I'm sure this is the one and only way to deal with this issue.
A. I’m not current U.S. military - therefor I am not authorized to act in defense of the U.S. on foreign land.

B. Even if I were active U.S. military, it would require an order to strike from the U.S. President per rules of engagement.

Can we have an Intelligent discussion now or are you going to continue to resort to these left-wing 3rd grade arguments? :eusa_doh:

Just what I thought, some asshat who has never served in the military, nor has a desire to ever do so, is telling us what needs to be done with the military at the southern border.

But, if Patriot actually HAD served in the military, he would know how stupid and idiotic his post is. Not only does it violate a few treaties, but it also is very much against the Geneva Conventions.

But, every armchair Rambo out there is all for lobbing missiles and bombs, but they don't understand the impact they actually have, as well as there are limited reasons for doing so. And, damn near every one of those Rambo wanna be's like Patriot, would never dream of actually serving, it requires too much work and commitment.
I can't understand why political pressure isn't being used to 'convince' these S.American countries to get it in one sock?

By the way..................has anyone stopped to consider that these people aren't illegal immigrants until AFTER they cross the border illegally?
no, are they then refugees Biker?


I'd call them refugees currently, because no other country has called them illegal immigrants yet.

They will only become illegal when they cross the border illegally. If they are granted entrance or are given refugee status by the US, then they are legal immigrants and refugees.
You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad
Incidentally, if you cared half as much about the children who you celebrate being brutally aborted, or the democratically elected representatives you celebrate being assaulted, our nation would be an exponentially better place. #sad. #hyporcite

Awwww, look who can’t defend his indefensible position so he shifts to a different one. #sad
You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad
Incidentally, if you cared half as much about the children who you celebrate being brutally aborted, or the democratically elected representatives you celebrate being assaulted, our nation would be an exponentially better place. #sad. #hyporcite

Awwww, look who can’t defend his indefensible position so he shifts to a different one. #sad
Awwww....look who just realized how bad she looks. Cares soooooooooooo much about “children” that she celebrates them being vacuumed out of the womb, body part by body part.
By the way..................has anyone stopped to consider that these people aren't illegal immigrants until AFTER they cross the border illegally?
By the way...have you stopped to educate yourself on the situation? Have you stopped to understand that they are open about their intent to cross the border illegally?

If they wanted “refugee” status, they would have reported to the U.S. consulate in Honduras and requested it. You don’t trek half way across a continent for a “refugee” request, because if it is denied, you’re forced to trek half way back across that same continent.
You, like the illegitimate orange toddler that is your cult leader, have a twisted and immature view of the world. #sad
Incidentally, if you cared half as much about the children who you celebrate being brutally aborted, or the democratically elected representatives you celebrate being assaulted, our nation would be an exponentially better place. #sad. #hyporcite

Awwww, look who can’t defend his indefensible position so he shifts to a different one. #sad
Awwww....look who just realized how bad she looks. Cares soooooooooooo much about “children” that she celebrates them being vacuumed out of the womb, body part by body part.

Derailing your own pathetic thread with non sequiturs? How Trumpian of you. #sad

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