
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
If Russia attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. If North Korea attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. Why is Honduras any different?

If I were President Trump, I would simply send a reaper drone to unleash a hellfire missile or two on the caravan of invaders. Problem solved (and at no risk and very little cost to the American taxpayer). It also serves as a permanent deterrent for the future. I guarantee you would never see these assholes try this nonsense again.

Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans
If Russia attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. If North Korea attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. Why is Honduras any different?

If I were President Trump, I would simply send a reaper drone to unleash a hellfire missile or two on the caravan of invaders. Problem solved (and at no risk and very little cost to the American taxpayer). It also serves as a permanent deterrent for the future. I guarantee you would never see these assholes try this nonsense again.

Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans

Two U.S.-Born Terrorists Killed in CIA-Led Drone Strike
You could do like Obama and claim they are Muslims Terrorists and lob a hellfire missile at them. Problem Solved. Also we could mistake those who drive around with "Obama/Biden" or "I'm with the sick bitch" bumper stickers as ISIS sympathizers and lob a few missiles at them also. Seems lately anyone with a Trump/Pence sticker is getting attacked by said terrorists.
But I think Trump has enough sense not to do anything like this.
It’s a shame you don’t have enough sense to respect U.S. sovereignty and uphold U.S. law.
Well, get out there and start firing away, then. I'm sure this is the one and only way to deal with this issue.
A. I’m not current U.S. military - therefor I am not authorized to act in defense of the U.S. on foreign land.

B. Even if I were active U.S. military, it would require an order to strike from the U.S. President per rules of engagement.

Can we have an Intelligent discussion now or are you going to continue to resort to these left-wing 3rd grade arguments? :eusa_doh:
Jezuz Baby Krist. Talk about fucking overkill. Just close the god damned border already. Your republican pukes control the fucking federal government so just do it already.
If I were President Trump, I would simply send a reaper drone to unleash a hellfire missile or two on the caravan of invaders. Problem solved

Good thing he doesn't think like you.
There are other ways to deal with the problem as he is doing. Diplomatically.
He is doing everything possible and his suggested (threat of?) use of the US military at our borders may be a good idea....not to shoot on sight....but to prevent entry.

I don't want innocent people killed. Americans or otherwise.

There is a humanitarian crisis, but invading the USA illegally is not the answer.
That just guarantees that the USA eventually also has a humanitarian crisis.

If everyone fleeing corrupt, torn countries comes to the USA,
won't the USA eventually just end up like the country they fled?
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Can we have an Intelligent discussion now or are you going to continue to resort to these left-wing 3rd grade arguments? :eusa_doh:
In your OP, you compared these caravans to nuclear-equipped Russia and North Korea.

In my humble opinion, an "intelligent discussion" with such a basis was never a possibility.
You do know, dumbass, that those who cross the border carry biological weapons that have killed US citizens? Can we send a few your way, so you too, can have an Obama Infection?

Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases
Can we have an Intelligent discussion now or are you going to continue to resort to these left-wing 3rd grade arguments? :eusa_doh:
In your OP, you compared these caravans to nuclear-equipped Russia and North Korea.

In my humble opinion, an "intelligent discussion" with such a basis was never a possibility.
You do know, dumbass, that those who cross the border carry biological weapons that have killed US citizens? Can we send a few your way, so you too, can have an Obama Infection?

Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases
Okay, so map this out for us.

Limited nuclear strikes? Dropping a few MOABs on the families? Commando raids on the pickup trucks?

Lay it on us.
Can we have an Intelligent discussion now or are you going to continue to resort to these left-wing 3rd grade arguments? :eusa_doh:
In your OP, you compared these caravans to nuclear-equipped Russia and North Korea.

In my humble opinion, an "intelligent discussion" with such a basis was never a possibility.
You do know, dumbass, that those who cross the border carry biological weapons that have killed US citizens? Can we send a few your way, so you too, can have an Obama Infection?

Obama’s Illegal Aliens: Importing Deadly Third World Diseases
Okay, so map this out for us.

Limited nuclear strikes? Dropping a few MOABs on the families? Commando raids on the pickup trucks?

Lay it on us.

Pretty sure it would only take one MOAB
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Jezuz Baby Krist. Talk about fucking overkill. Just close the god damned border already. Your republican pukes control the fucking federal government so just do it already.

How come you never use Allah or Mohammed in your emotion outburts?
I can spell it out for ya......

Makes zero difference. Spell for yourself. The Orange One beckons for you.
If Russia attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. If North Korea attempted to invade America, we would respond with force. Why is Honduras any different?

If I were President Trump, I would simply send a reaper drone to unleash a hellfire missile or two on the caravan of invaders. Problem solved (and at no risk and very little cost to the American taxpayer). It also serves as a permanent deterrent for the future. I guarantee you would never see these assholes try this nonsense again.

Caravan Activists Are Weaponizing Poor Central Americans
Kina early to be hittin the bong isn't it?
Don't allow them in if any get to the border.

The Mexicans sent 2000 police to the border. Only those with a Visa will be allowed into Mexico.

The Mexican's don't want them in their country any more than we want them in ours.

Hope they kick em back to Honduras.

Oh and I saw a bumper sticker on my way home from work yesterday.

If you want to take America back. Vote Democratic and right next to it was a sticker for Gillum.

Guess we all know the Dems love socialists.

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