This is no witch hunt and there are no spies

Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.

And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!
Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.

And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
What the public knows is there has not been a single conviction or indictment of any member of the Trump campigan or administration on what Mueller was empowered to investigate namely Russian attempts to interfer in the 2016 election and possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campigan. While collusion would be unseemingly and political suicide it's not illegal we have also had claims of obstruction of justice which has gone nowhere and overhype about a payoff over an alleged one nighter with porn star over a decade ago which has suddenly gone silent when people started looking into her attorney's past. People can continue to scream the election was stolen from Hillary it won't change the fact she lost because she was a sorry candidate with no message.
Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.

And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.

Yeah, right. holder did whatever his master obummer told him to do. That is as plain as day.
Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.

And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.
There is again, zero evidence anyone spied on the campaign, and you have zero proof of that.

You're a fucking idiot.

You can't lie this into the cornfield, Comrade.

Furthermore, when the House Intelligence Committee’s investigators managed to uncover the spy — later revealed to be University of Cambridge professor Stefan Halper — the DOJ initially refused to comply with a congressional subpoena for more information. In fact, Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) — finally fed up with being “stalled” and “stonewalled” by the FBI and DOJ — had to threaten Attorney General Jeff Sessions with charges of contempt of Congress before the DOJ caved and briefed the committee on Halper.

Going back a little further, the FBI and DOJ — while protecting Hillary Clinton from being charged for her illegal use of a private e-mail server to send and receive thousands of classified documents — abused the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) process to illegally obtain a surveillance warrant on Trump campaign associate Carter Page. That warrant’s application was based on the now-discredited Trump “dossier” written by ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele and illegally financed by the DNC and Clinton Campaign (and based on information provided by Russian government sources).

No wonder President Trump tweeted a quote by Fox Business Network anchor David Asman on May 18, saying, “Apparently the DOJ put a Spy in the Trump Campaign. This has never been done before and by any means necessary, they are out to frame Donald Trump for crimes he didn't commit.” And on May 23 — as more information came to light — he tweeted, “Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around!”

Whatever one’s opinion of President Trump, he is right about this. Spygate could be one of the biggest political scandals in history. It is certainly bigger than Watergate. While Watergate will likely continue to be the scandal by which all other scandals are measured (old habits die hard), the reality is that taken all together, Spygate makes Watergate look mild by comparison.}

Spygate Is a Bigger Scandal Than Watergate

You don't care about facts, you are a Communist and live to serve and obey the party. Irrespective of that, I will continue to post facts in the face of your absurd lies.

What is amusing is that you are too stupid to grasp that your filthy and evil party have given up denying that Halper spied on Trump and are instead trying to spin as if Halper were an informant, a criminal in a gang who turned on his fellow criminals, rather than a spy planted by the FBI on the orders of Obama to rig the election.

Turn on your brain Comrade, that is to say MS13NBC - Madcow will be wildly spinning that Halper is "an informant" rather than lying as you are that he didn't exist.

The Communists are in full panic. They tried to lie this into the cornfield. That failed. Now they (with the exception of this WTP drone who was not properly reprogrammed with the new lies) are spinning some absurd lie about "informant."

An informant is party to a criminal conspiracy. EVEN if there were such, which there was not, Halper would be a spy. He was dispatched by the FSB on behalf of Obama to gather dirt against Trump that the Obama and Clinton could use in the campaign.

Halper was an outsider attempting to infiltrate the opposition campaign, not an insider blowing the whistle.

Halper is a spy.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.

And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.

The simple and irrefutable fact is that the lying scum Stalinists under the rule of Barack Obama used the federal government, in particular the FSB, to infiltrate the opposition campaign in order to rig the 2016 presidential election.

That is irrefutable fact.
This whole post is a lie.
well, the good news is that whole mess is behind us now, summer is here, the president has been cleared of any wrong doing, and that guy who ran the investigation and cleared trump is enjoying retirement with his feet up at pool side in Mar-A-Lago:backpedal:
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Yea right, "all behind you". :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate After one of your own hit guys admitted that what the FBI did was appropriate, it's pretty obvious, that what was "behind you", is actually in front of you. You folks are a trip with your peddling of lies and manufactured scandals.

Oh, and your welcome for the accurate thread I posted.
And you ignore the fact that the Benghazi investigation was subverted by the obummer admin. The two are nowhere near equivalent.
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.

The simple and irrefutable fact is that the lying scum Stalinists under the rule of Barack Obama used the federal government, in particular the FSB, to infiltrate the opposition campaign in order to rig the 2016 presidential election.

That is irrefutable fact.
Great job they did at rigging when Comey re-opened Hillary email investigation just before voting.

Stalinists? who is best friends with Putin right now?
Republicans had a majority in congress during all the benghazi and email investigations. Democrats had no power to interfere with them.

Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.

The simple and irrefutable fact is that the lying scum Stalinists under the rule of Barack Obama used the federal government, in particular the FSB, to infiltrate the opposition campaign in order to rig the 2016 presidential election.

That is irrefutable fact.
Great job they did at rigging when Comey re-opened Hillary email investigation just before voting.

Stalinists? who is best friends with Putin right now?
Ha, thanks for the diversion. But the question posed to Comey was a two sided question that can be interpreted two ways. Not sure what any of this has to do with the appropriateness of an informant? But ha, a Sheep can only do what a Sheep can do. Enjoy listening to all those Sheep crickets tonight. I know I will. Say bye bye to "Spygate". Whatever the hell that was? Oh, tht's right, "biggest scandal in history" Lol! ‘Spygate’ may be among ‘biggest political scandals in history,’ President Trump says - The Boston Globe What a dumb ass.

Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate

Live Crickets for fishing bait or feeding your pets at Knutson's Live Bait :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Last edited:
Ummmm, who was running the DOJ? Oh...right, obummers friends. NEXT!

Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.

The simple and irrefutable fact is that the lying scum Stalinists under the rule of Barack Obama used the federal government, in particular the FSB, to infiltrate the opposition campaign in order to rig the 2016 presidential election.

That is irrefutable fact.
Great job they did at rigging when Comey re-opened Hillary email investigation just before voting.

Stalinists? who is best friends with Putin right now?
Ha, thanks for the diversion. But the question posed to Comey was a two sided question that can be interpreted two ways. Not sure what any of this has to do with the appropriateness of an informant? But ha, a Sheep can only do what a Sheep can do. Enjoy listening to all those Sheep crickets tonight. I know I will. Say bye bye to "Spygate". Whatever the hell that was? Oh, tht's right, "biggest scandal in history" Lol! ‘Spygate’ may be among ‘biggest political scandals in history,’ President Trump says - The Boston Globe What a dumb ass.
Giuliani already said that spygate is just public relations bullshit.
Shep Smith pointed out: no evidence to support the spygate claim.
Do presidents oversee investigations of the Justice Department?
Definitely not.

Long-standing protocol dictates that the FBI and Justice Department operate free of political influence or meddling from the White House. That's one reason that the FBI director serves a 10-year term and does not turn over the reins as presidential administrations come and go. It also means that presidents are not supposed to supervise, initiate or stop law enforcement investigations.
Well it looks like now that that was a serious mistake. We need input from every branch, and holding anyone out (including the President) is a direct path to corruption.

The simple and irrefutable fact is that the lying scum Stalinists under the rule of Barack Obama used the federal government, in particular the FSB, to infiltrate the opposition campaign in order to rig the 2016 presidential election.

That is irrefutable fact.
Great job they did at rigging when Comey re-opened Hillary email investigation just before voting.

Stalinists? who is best friends with Putin right now?
Ha, thanks for the diversion. But the question posed to Comey was a two sided question that can be interpreted two ways. Not sure what any of this has to do with the appropriateness of an informant? But ha, a Sheep can only do what a Sheep can do. Enjoy listening to all those Sheep crickets tonight. I know I will. Say bye bye to "Spygate". Whatever the hell that was? Oh, tht's right, "biggest scandal in history" Lol! ‘Spygate’ may be among ‘biggest political scandals in history,’ President Trump says - The Boston Globe What a dumb ass.
Giuliani already said that spygate is just public relations bullshit.
Shep Smith pointed out: no evidence to support the spygate claim.
That's not what Trump said. And whatever Trump says, that's what the Sheep believe.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Yea right, "all behind you". :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate After one of your own hit guys admitted that what the FBI did was appropriate, it's pretty obvious, that what was "behind you", is actually in front of you. You folks are a trip with your peddling of lies and manufactured scandals.

Oh, and your welcome for the accurate thread I posted.
Didn't mean to upset you,:aargh::aargh::aargh: most of us have just taken the end of the investigation in stride without much more than a shrug:gives::gives::gives: I could not possibly have known you were so sensitive over its demise:dunno::dunno::dunno: I do apologize for that:imsorry3::imsorry3::imsorry3:
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Yea right, "all behind you". :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:Trey Gowdy: FBI’s Use of Informant for Trump Campaign Was Appropriate After one of your own hit guys admitted that what the FBI did was appropriate, it's pretty obvious, that what was "behind you", is actually in front of you. You folks are a trip with your peddling of lies and manufactured scandals.

Oh, and your welcome for the accurate thread I posted.
Didn't mean to upset you,:aargh::aargh::aargh: most of us have just taken the end of the investigation in stride without much more than a shrug:gives::gives::gives: I could not possibly have known you were so sensitive over its demise:dunno::dunno::dunno: I do apologize for that:imsorry3::imsorry3::imsorry3:
Yea, "who gives a fuck" tells me who the one's who are really upset. Try not to piss in my ear next time will you.

But ha, it's been fun watching this bozo pretend this was the "biggest scandal in history", while watching this dumb ass in chief lie out of his rectum. That turned out to be pretty funny actually. Sad, but funny!
Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
Your post consists only of delusion; bereft of facts.
Zero indictments because the Obama Justice Dept. was not about to indict one of their own. Democrats have never been known for putting the integrity of the country above the interests of their party.
And how many of the 23 indictments (by Mueller, not DOJ) had anything to do with Donald Trump or Russia collusion? NONE.
Gotta love those Trump haters. First they denied there were spies in the Trump campaign, then Clapper slipped and admitted there were spies, then tried to cover his ass by claiming "but they were only spying on the Russians". LOL What happened to "There were no spies in the Trump campaign"? There's enough video evidence of these crooked bastards to seal their fate when their trials come up so they're pinning all their hopes on slander and smear campaigns, hoping they can win back the Congress and stop the prosecutions that are almost certain to come, beginning in 2019. This coup has failed and soon the commiecrats on the left will be brought to justice and charged with treason. You've got it coming, libs.
This whole post is a lie.
Sure, that's why you effectively rebutted everything I said. No, wait, you didn't rebut anything. You just continued with your mantra..."Liar liar liar. That's all you have, isn't it, bitch?
Anyone on anyside covering for the spy (one could say) is engauged in a cover up or rather this is so strange to them, that they can't wrap their heads around it all yet.

Going after major law enforcement agencies for being rotten to the core near the top (put there by Obama ?), and this during the adminstration that was in motion to fundementally change this whole nation (a threat made) completely, has been a huge task for those on the front lines of this thing.
That's fine. They infiltrated the campaign illegally, started a phony dossier paid for by a opposition political party to a foreign spy to make up stuff about Trump to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump.

No, there is nothing crooked going on here. Everything is totally above board. We should be proud of our nation.

Let's ignore ALL OF THAT for a moment.

Over a year later we still have no proof, despite the illegal means by which the search was done. Why isn't the investigation over?

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