This is my personal story this is my son Beau's a shame how many of you will pass this up


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
This is my personal story......
This is my son Beau.. .
Vaccine induced brain damage
He was born perfect just like his 4 brothers before him
He met all his milestones
As a mother of 5 i had absolutely no concerns with his health or development
And then over night i did
The highpitched scream
The headbanging
The eye turning in
He lost his few words he had began to babble
He no longer recognised us
He no longer looked when we called his name
The light behind his eyes just went out
He's now 7 and non verbal in nappies and selfharms crys and screams and smashes his head in daily !!!!
He wears a padded hat & sleeps in a padded room

Posted to my personal FB this evening.......

Are any of you vocal and share your stories and beliefs on your personal pages ?......

Another chance to unfriend me .........................


But the dunce nnever listen until they feel this and for the bigger dunce just because you " think" your kid is up running around annd makes it to sixty years old VACCINES can adn do trigger older age health issues dumbasses . you just get told it's genetic!!!!! WAKE THE HELL UP D.A.!!
I am so sorry hear about your son. We had a child who died from birth defect complications in the 1970s. There seemed to be a cluster of birth defects in our area at the time, but they weren't tracking them like they do today. There was a toxic ground water pollution problem nearby, but we will never know if this was a factor.

P.S. Were your other sons vaccinated, and did they have any reactions?
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I am so sorry hear about your son. We had a child who died from birth defect complications in the 1970s. There seemed to be a cluster of birth defects in our area at the time, but they weren't tracking them like they do today. There was a toxic ground water pollution problem nearby, but we will never know if this was a factor.

P.S. Were your other sons vaccinated, and did they have any reactions?

I'm very sorry to hear about your child.

If you were asking me if " your other sons" these are not my children nor is it me.

What you said about the 70's made me think of " The Erin Brockovich story" .
Are any of you vocal and share your stories and beliefs on your personal pages ?......


i watched my parents angst and pain for 58 yrs , until my brother died of the very medical communities imperialist doctrine that failed him in the first place....

the greatest pain there is incarnate , is watching your own child languish

one both begs & curses God , medicine , life itself....etc etc......~S~
I am so sorry hear about your son. We had a child who died from birth defect complications in the 1970s. There seemed to be a cluster of birth defects in our area at the time, but they weren't tracking them like they do today. There was a toxic ground water pollution problem nearby, but we will never know if this was a factor.

P.S. Were your other sons vaccinated, and did they have any reactions?

I'm very sorry to hear about your child.

If you were asking me if " your other sons" these are not my children nor is it me.

What you said about the 70's made me think of " The Erin Brockovich story" .
If this is not your child, perhaps you should put part of your title in quotes.
With incisive reasoning and over 6000 hours of meticulous research, Dr. Tenpenny substantiates her work with citations directly from CDC documents and respected peer-reviewed journals, offers documented proof that vaccines do compromise the immune system, and shares compelling information regarding the "real" risks in choosing not to vaccinate.
HNV -- Vaccines
All of this happened because of a vaccine?

Yes most moms don't LIE............Karma tends to find those who do.

Yes, I agree that they don't lie.

Is there more of a connection than just timing?

DIG DEEPER the truth is right in fronnt of you --------- your drs. are wrongly informed the lies go on--------

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