This is just wrong on so many levels


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Two boys with the same disability tried to get help. The rich student got it quickly. The poor student did not.

This story was produced by the Teacher Project, an education reporting fellowship at Columbia Journalism School.

NEW YORK — For both boys, the struggles at school started in the first grade.

Isaac Rosenthal was a fast talker with a big vocabulary. But when it came time to read, he couldn’t keep up with his classmates. He didn’t pick up on the rhyme scheme in Dr. Seuss books, and often mispronounced words whose meaning he knew (like “Pacific,” for which he’d substitute “the other ocean”).

Landon Rodriguez, four years younger than Isaac, was energetic and talkative at home but quiet and withdrawn at school. When he brought home reading assignments, Landon often confused Bs and Ds, and he labored through even short passages.

Besides the obvious, what do y'all find wrong here? Look at the statement in italics- while I love to ridicule the so called higher educated, that isn't the point. Not really. There are some things wrong in he story.
Two boys with the same disability tried to get help. The rich student got it quickly. The poor student did not.

This story was produced by the Teacher Project, an education reporting fellowship at Columbia Journalism School.

NEW YORK — For both boys, the struggles at school started in the first grade.

Isaac Rosenthal was a fast talker with a big vocabulary. But when it came time to read, he couldn’t keep up with his classmates. He didn’t pick up on the rhyme scheme in Dr. Seuss books, and often mispronounced words whose meaning he knew (like “Pacific,” for which he’d substitute “the other ocean”).

Landon Rodriguez, four years younger than Isaac, was energetic and talkative at home but quiet and withdrawn at school. When he brought home reading assignments, Landon often confused Bs and Ds, and he labored through even short passages.

Besides the obvious, what do y'all find wrong here? Look at the statement in italics- while I love to ridicule the so called higher educated, that isn't the point. Not really. There are some things wrong in he story.
Your link didn't load properly so I don't think I can comment. Are you making a point that one is Jewish and the other Hispanic or something? Please explain.
Two boys with the same disability tried to get help. The rich student got it quickly. The poor student did not.

This story was produced by the Teacher Project, an education reporting fellowship at Columbia Journalism School.

NEW YORK — For both boys, the struggles at school started in the first grade.

Isaac Rosenthal was a fast talker with a big vocabulary. But when it came time to read, he couldn’t keep up with his classmates. He didn’t pick up on the rhyme scheme in Dr. Seuss books, and often mispronounced words whose meaning he knew (like “Pacific,” for which he’d substitute “the other ocean”).

Landon Rodriguez, four years younger than Isaac, was energetic and talkative at home but quiet and withdrawn at school. When he brought home reading assignments, Landon often confused Bs and Ds, and he labored through even short passages.

Besides the obvious, what do y'all find wrong here? Look at the statement in italics- while I love to ridicule the so called higher educated, that isn't the point. Not really. There are some things wrong in he story.
Your link didn't load properly so I don't think I can comment. Are you making a point that one is Jewish and the other Hispanic or something? Please explain.
What it looks like is he is trying to say that it is bad to be wealthy and be able to fiqure out how to do the paperwork to have the system work for you instead of just getting by and not understanding how to do the paperwork.
Nothing says being able to do paperwork like rich. Just getting by makes it harder. Because if you are a single parent you don't actually have the time to put in on paperwork.

Of course one family being Jewish and rich, and the other being From South America and single does not really hurt the narrative. It helps when you can use race, and wealth to make a point.
Wait! Are you saying that sometimes life isn't fair?!

Besides the obvious, what do y'all find wrong here? Look at the statement in italics- while I love to ridicule the so called higher educated, that isn't the point. Not really. There are some things wrong in he story.

But which students are getting these coveted funded private school spots? Critics have long argued the process is skewed toward wealthier families, but no federal data exist to show the number or demographics of students who participate in private placement — much less how they fare. In fact, it’s so confusing that several media outlets have used the wrong numbers to describe the phenomenon, publishing the number of kids in private schools who get some special education services from their districts, rather than the number whose tuitions are funded by the public schools.

Our educational system is not unlike our HC system, or anything else here

$$$$ talks, poverty walks.....

Besides the obvious, what do y'all find wrong here? Look at the statement in italics- while I love to ridicule the so called higher educated, that isn't the point. Not really. There are some things wrong in he story.

But which students are getting these coveted funded private school spots? Critics have long argued the process is skewed toward wealthier families, but no federal data exist to show the number or demographics of students who participate in private placement — much less how they fare. In fact, it’s so confusing that several media outlets have used the wrong numbers to describe the phenomenon, publishing the number of kids in private schools who get some special education services from their districts, rather than the number whose tuitions are funded by the public schools.

Our educational system is not unlike our HC system, or anything else here

$$$$ talks, poverty walks.....


A great incentive to not be poor.
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What I saw was: 1),100k in NY is rich. I seriously doubt that. (2), They (as in no one) aren't "entitled" to anything not earned.
They (the parents of both kids) were granted a privilege. Period. (3) having to hire a lawyer to gain access to the privilege speaks volumes about bureaucracy- a privilege should not require a degree in law for access. That pin headed empty suits make the simple difficult speaks to their stupidity.

I don't know what the "journalist" had in mind but I doubt his credibility when he (or anyone else for that matter) uses improper words to describe something-

The "obvious" is; one size does not fit all, especially in formal education- the author pointed that out since this was about kids with a learning disability- being sensitive to learning disability doesn't "entitle" one to paint an inaccurate picture- the author, being a journalist student should know that.
Yolanda immigrated from the Dominican Republic as a child and is raising her three children alone, shares a bedroom with his siblings in a public housing complex.

Why are we allowing these people to immigrate here? Second students grow with their peers who they have things in common with, if they caNt assimilate then we need to kick them out

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