A glimmer of hope


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
President Trump, Betsy DeVos Want To Reduce the Education Department's Size and Power

President Donald Trump's 2021 budget proposal doesn't do nearly enough to address the country's trillion-dollar budget deficit: As Reason's Eric Boehm explains, federal spending would increase next year, and even under the most favorable circumstances the government would continue to run a deficit until at least 2035.

But it's not all bad news, particularly on the education front. The proposal would halt the federal government's management of a large pile of education dollars, block grant the funds and distribute them to the states, and ultimately trim about $5 billion from the Department of Education, according to The Washington Examiner:

But I'll not hold my breath
Less 'federal' in anything sounds good to me, seems like the more $$$ they throw at anything doesn't help....

question, do they teach kids about the deficit in school?

Clearly, the Education Department is one whose very existence is unconstitutional. Bless Ms. DeVos for doing the best possible job under near-impossible circumstances.
Less 'federal' in anything sounds good to me, seems like the more $$$ they throw at anything doesn't help....

question, do they teach kids about the deficit in school?


School? The last time you were in school was when your father graduated from middle school!

If you had been, you would know that the deficit is taught in economics classes. You would also know that federalism is the idea that the power is returned to the states, which you apparently disagee with! Why are you libtards so concerned about the deficit suddenly? Oh, that's right! You are out of power in the White House and will be for about the next 13 years at a minimum..

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