This Is How the Civil War Might Start...

Well you guys will have to worry about it. Although I can still do most things men half my age can i can say this stuff doesn't affect me. So I sit back and watch you guys argue, and laugh.
No i think Civil War is coming no matter who wins on November 3rd. The Democrats will never except the Reelection of President Trump and The Republicans wont accept the Election of Senile Joe because there will most likely be massive voter fraud involved making Senile Joe's Election Illegitimate.

I really don't think (hope not anyway) we will see wide spread armed conflict between citizens through out the country.

It's a pretty safe bet that the D's won't accept Trump's re-election as they haven't even accepted his election in 2016. Of the two - it's the D's who like to riot and destroy things - the R's will tend to take it to the courts.

Everything will depend on how much money is invested in stirring up the conflict. But when real blood is shed, then the laws of war come into play - the desire for revenge, the hatred of the enemy, and the desire for victory.
You operate with the concepts at the level of intuitive and spontaneous thinking, and I asked you to give scientific definitions. At the moment, it looks like you are using concepts without understanding their REAL meanings ...

"Totalitarian end" is clearly borrowed from the articles of failed students, journalists from the New York Times, who received their disgusting education at the University of Chicago. For the ability to lie alone, university degrees in a normal country are not granted

Who are you talking to? and if me - there was no such question asked of me by you...if I am mistaken then re-post it.
Do you disagree that fascism, communism and socialism are totalitarian economic and government systems? There's no settled science involved - the empirical data is plentiful and observable by all.
Fascism and Nazism on the Right side of the political spectrum and Communism on the left side of the political spectrum.
You operate with the concepts at the level of intuitive and spontaneous thinking, and I asked you to give scientific definitions. At the moment, it looks like you are using concepts without understanding their REAL meanings ...

"Totalitarian end" is clearly borrowed from the articles of failed students, journalists from the New York Times, who received their disgusting education at the University of Chicago. For the ability to lie alone, university degrees in a normal country are not granted

Who are you talking to? and if me - there was no such question asked of me by you...if I am mistaken then re-post it.
Do you disagree that fascism, communism and socialism are totalitarian economic and government systems? There's no settled science involved - the empirical data is plentiful and observable by all.
Fascism and Nazism on the Right side of the political spectrum and Communism on the left side of the political spectrum.

Give the DE FI NI TI ONS!!!
You operate with the concepts at the level of intuitive and spontaneous thinking, and I asked you to give scientific definitions. At the moment, it looks like you are using concepts without understanding their REAL meanings ...

"Totalitarian end" is clearly borrowed from the articles of failed students, journalists from the New York Times, who received their disgusting education at the University of Chicago. For the ability to lie alone, university degrees in a normal country are not granted

Who are you talking to? and if me - there was no such question asked of me by you...if I am mistaken then re-post it.
Do you disagree that fascism, communism and socialism are totalitarian economic and government systems? There's no settled science involved - the empirical data is plentiful and observable by all.

No, I just don’t believe a person who, with such irresponsible ease, puts these concepts on the same level without knowing their meaning
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.
Nah, lets just keep going this way. Im fine with BLM rioters getting shot dead in the streets or run over by cars. Those videos are endlessly amusing! :laugh:

You don't like people!
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.
Nah, lets just keep going this way. Im fine with BLM rioters getting shot dead in the streets or run over by cars. Those videos are endlessly amusing! :laugh:

You don't like people!
Youre the one who is threatening us with more violence unless we vote democrat. You hold no moral high ground in this discussion.

Your riot threats do not scare us. Im fine with you guys burning down your cities and making everyone in the nation hate you and fear your democrat political beliefs. My side is winning, so lets keep this democrat riot ball rolling all the way to the election.


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THE Black Lives Matter protester shot dead last night at a demonstration in Austin, Texas.

Witnesses said that, during the event, a car sounded its horned before turning onto a road where protesters were gathered and heading in their direction.

Foster walked towards the vehicle holding a rifle and was shot by the driver before the car turned and sped away, the Austin American-Statesman reported.

Last night also brought unrest and violence in cities including Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Louisville, Denver, and Chicago.

In Seattle, protesters torched a youth detention center and the East Police Precinct, prompting law enforcement to declare the incident a "riot" just before 4:30pm local time.

In Denver, one person was taken to hospital in a stable condition after being hit by a bullet fired by a protester when a car drove through a crowd.

A couple of months ago, while giving an interview to a European channel, I predicted that ahead was the shedding of blood, and armed civil conflict.

This conflict would be to the benefits of the pro-Chinese, pro-fascist "Democratic" elite, which allows them to apply the method of controlled chaos, provoke bloodshed and blame the administration of President Trump for everything.

This was done in the case of a coronavirus psychopandemic, when the coronavirus was spreading in the country, and the pro-Chinese elite in Congress personally hounded Trump. Its chutzpah, as shown by its actions in the House of Representatives, has no boundaries.

It seems that this scenario would also suit the Trump administration to some extent since an armed conflict would make it impossible to hold a presidential election. The suppression of the armed civil confrontation would make Trump the "Savior of the Fatherland" and would allow him to escort handcuffed Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Sylvia Garcia, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Val Demings, Zoe Lofgren and Jason Crow out of Congress in accordance with the criminal investigation under Section 115 of the US Criminal Code. As well as to prosecute the leaders of the "blue" states and cities, including de Blasio.

The situation is heating up every day and it's just a matter of chance when single shots escalate into armed street battles.

Armed conflict and whatever you're fantasizing about didn't stop an election.

Your link is not correct since we are talking about the election of the President of the United States. In the conditions of "Democrats"' "controlled chaos"s, the expression of the will of US citizens cannot be carried out.

Whatever happens, Pelosi and her accomplices still would not be able to avoid jail, unless they manage to "sneak off" to Israel.

The entire house is up for election, 1/3 of the Senate. As well as the President. For a "doctor" you sure are ignorant.

When will this impudent cryptoneozionist with a disgusting education and even more disgusting manners get rid of me ?! I said that I would not respond to her comments, but she continues her chutzpah...
You gotta admit, Russia is a really sucky country. It has always been that way. Russian products are pure garbage. No one outside of Russia wants a russian made car, or Russian made anything. Everything is second rate over there, including the nuclear plants, submarines, etc. Its a damn good thing they had some oil, otherwise they would have nothing.
Fascism and Nazism on the Right side of the political spectrum and Communism on the left side of the political spectrum.

Right and Left on the political spectrum is useful for visualization only. If you need to draw a line - on one end is Anarchy (no rules, every man for himself), and on the other end are the totalitarian (lots of rules), oppressive systems which include fascism, socialism and communism.

Right and Left are artificial constructs - conservatism and liberalism are more realistic description of political philosophies and even those are misunderstood, misrepresented. Liberalism in its purest form does not advocate totalitarian systems any more than conservatism does. Most of us are 'hybrids' - a few have bastardized both terms.
If there was a "civil war" the Press and Hollywood would portray the Conservatives as the bad guys, villains, oppressors, racist.....
It would be counter productive.
I am not sure if it is the civil war yet, or just the normalization of the 3rd world shithole that the leftists have brought on us.

But it looks like the 3rd world shithole to me, so far. It will get a lot worse, the leftists are devoted to evil.
Who are you talking to? and if me - there was no such question asked of me by you...if I am mistaken then re-post it.
Do you disagree that fascism, communism and socialism are totalitarian economic and government systems? There's no settled science involved - the empirical data is plentiful and observable by all.

No, I just don’t believe a person who, with such irresponsible ease, puts these concepts on the same level without knowing their meaning

You mean like ' all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.'? ;)

They are on the same 'level' in that they all require (or devolve into) totalitarian regimes. You disagree?

ps - Your 'belief' in me is not required.
THE Black Lives Matter protester shot dead last night at a demonstration in Austin, Texas.

Witnesses said that, during the event, a car sounded its horned before turning onto a road where protesters were gathered and heading in their direction.

Foster walked towards the vehicle holding a rifle and was shot by the driver before the car turned and sped away, the Austin American-Statesman reported.

Last night also brought unrest and violence in cities including Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Louisville, Denver, and Chicago.

In Seattle, protesters torched a youth detention center and the East Police Precinct, prompting law enforcement to declare the incident a "riot" just before 4:30pm local time.

In Denver, one person was taken to hospital in a stable condition after being hit by a bullet fired by a protester when a car drove through a crowd.

A couple of months ago, while giving an interview to a European channel, I predicted that ahead was the shedding of blood, and armed civil conflict.

This conflict would be to the benefits of the pro-Chinese, pro-fascist "Democratic" elite, which allows them to apply the method of controlled chaos, provoke bloodshed and blame the administration of President Trump for everything.

This was done in the case of a coronavirus psychopandemic, when the coronavirus was spreading in the country, and the pro-Chinese elite in Congress personally hounded Trump. Its chutzpah, as shown by its actions in the House of Representatives, has no boundaries.

It seems that this scenario would also suit the Trump administration to some extent since an armed conflict would make it impossible to hold a presidential election. The suppression of the armed civil confrontation would make Trump the "Savior of the Fatherland" and would allow him to escort handcuffed Nancy Pelosi, Hakeem Jeffries, Sylvia Garcia, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Val Demings, Zoe Lofgren and Jason Crow out of Congress in accordance with the criminal investigation under Section 115 of the US Criminal Code. As well as to prosecute the leaders of the "blue" states and cities, including de Blasio.

The situation is heating up every day and it's just a matter of chance when single shots escalate into armed street battles.

Armed conflict and whatever you're fantasizing about didn't stop an election.

Your link is not correct since we are talking about the election of the President of the United States. In the conditions of "Democrats"' "controlled chaos"s, the expression of the will of US citizens cannot be carried out.

Whatever happens, Pelosi and her accomplices still would not be able to avoid jail, unless they manage to "sneak off" to Israel.

The entire house is up for election, 1/3 of the Senate. As well as the President. For a "doctor" you sure are ignorant.

When will this impudent cryptoneozionist with a disgusting education and even more disgusting manners get rid of me ?! I said that I would not respond to her comments, but she continues her chutzpah...

You are kept around for comic value. You're worth your weight in gold, "doctor".
If there was a "civil war" the Press and Hollywood would portray the Conservatives as the bad guys, villains, oppressors, racist.....
It would be counter productive.

It would help if you were actually not the bad guys.

Look at some of the posts conservatives make about blacks, women, Hispanics, the poor....anyone who disagrees with the blob.

Nobody forces you guys to act like garbage; you do it willingly.
If there was a "civil war" the Press and Hollywood would portray the Conservatives as the bad guys, villains, oppressors, racist.....
It would be counter productive.
In the event of Civil War it would be interesting to see how the ABC,CBS,NBC,CNN and MSNBC would report that their side(The Forces of the Communists and Communist Supporters ) was losing.

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