This Is How the Civil War Might Start...

If there was a "civil war" the Press and Hollywood would portray the Conservatives as the bad guys, villains, oppressors, racist.....
It would be counter productive.

It would help if you were actually not the bad guys.

Look at some of the posts conservatives make about blacks, women, Hispanics, the poor....anyone who disagrees with the blob.

Nobody forces you guys to act like garbage; you do it willingly.

You are the Luciferians.

Given the amount of insults leftists have not given just to the people who built the country, but civilization in general, it is not very hard to identify.
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.

You know, it will be better if you refrain from using the word "communists". Because I can ask you to give a definition and you will show all your theoretical ignorance.

Regarding ANTIFA ... BLM ... You should still RESPECT your opponents in the discussion a little more and not think that they are dropouts from the University of Chicago and cannot distinguish "CAUSE" from "CONSEQUENCE".

These terrorist organizations, like the Islamic State and the Taliban, are the babies of those who are currently preparing the third phase of the coup d'etat in our country.

Until the political leadership of the pro-Chinese, pro-fascist "Democratic Party" is arrested and tried, there will be no peace neither in America, nor in the world.

You must not respect YOURSELF, you must not respect the AMERICAN PEOPLE, in order to call to cast your votes for a state criminal, conspirator, mexual maniac and senile
What do you suggest we do to divert what is going on here? Who should we vote into the Presidential office?
Presidents are not going to help "what is going on here". What makes you think that we should 'divert' anything.
The Constitutional Republic, as it was intended is long dead. These things are the result of that.
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.
You really are funny.
Well, you're a faggot. See how that goes? Now, you wanna provide some substance or continue with your faggotry?
Labels and name-calling. That's all you have. I don't feel inspired to engage you any further, thanks.
You started it...faggot.
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.
Again you beat the shit out of misbehaving children you don't reward them
It may. Me thinks that the people will continue to allow themselves to be led further down the road of tyranny...don't forget to put on your mask...lives depend on it.
You gotta admit, Russia is a really sucky country. It has always been that way. Russian products are pure garbage. No one outside of Russia wants a russian made car, or Russian made anything. Everything is second rate over there, including the nuclear plants, submarines, etc. Its a damn good thing they had some oil, otherwise they would have nothing.

I thought that the anti-Semitism of American Jews, who gave up European Jews to the Nazis by not letting them into the United States as refugees, was a thing of the past.

It turns out - no. In Russia in 1993, Russian Jews came to power. Despite the fact that you are blood brothers, you continue to hate them.

And generally speaking, what has Russia to do with when it comes to American cryptoneozionists who have occupied the House of Representatives and are dragging the country into a civil war?!


As for Russian culture ... The Nazis were shocked that most of the Slavic girls taken to work in Germany were virgins. Show me a virgin in America at the age of 13 today!


If everything is so bad in Russia, why are American men "chasing" Slavs to marry them ???


By the way, the culture of the Slavs has about four millennia. And they have never had slavery or usury.

You cannot judge the culture of another people, because, most likely, you have never traveled outside your state and, like a parrot, repeat what you heard from the rabbi on Saturday or from the pastor on Sunday.



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You gotta admit, Russia is a really sucky country. It has always been that way. Russian products are pure garbage. No one outside of Russia wants a russian made car, or Russian made anything. Everything is second rate over there, including the nuclear plants, submarines, etc. Its a damn good thing they had some oil, otherwise they would have nothing.

I thought that the anti-Semitism of American Jews, who gave up European Jews to the Nazis by not letting them into the United States as refugees, was a thing of the past.

It turns out - no. In Russia in 1993, Russian Jews came to power. Despite the fact that you are blood brothers, you continue to hate them.

And generally speaking, what has Russia to do with when it comes to American cryptoneozionists who have occupied the House of Representatives and are dragging the country into a civil war?!

As for Russian culture ... The Nazis were shocked that most of the Slavic girls taken to work in Germany were virgins. Show me a virgin in America at the age of 13 today!

If everything is so bad in Russia, why are American men "chasing" Slavs to marry them ???

By the way, the culture of the Slavs has about four millennia. You cannot judge the culture of another people, because, most likely, you have never traveled outside your state and, like a parrot, repeat what you heard from the rabbi on Saturday or from the pastor on Sunday.

View attachment 368068
Russia is a fucking dump. Thats why youre women will do anything to come to the US.
This is how civil wars generally start. Civil unrest, sporadic violent episodes, formation of sides, capturing of territory, purges, battle lines, game on.

Vote Democrat for peace. That's all you have to D and it stops.

B...but Ting von Ingelsieben-- -- -- all of the rioters are already democrats and they are rioting against black democrat cops in democratic-controlled cities!
You only have ONE side currently. Give it time...things are coalescing.
In order to get a 'Hitler' you need to have the 'fascists' to engage in running street battles with the anti-fascists.
As it sits...we only have the anti-fascists (Communists). The nationalists as it were have not been stimulated enough. It generally takes much more for a right wing to take violent action as it's not about pure social destruction and disturbance. It is generally about the destruction of an entity or group...ANTIFA...BLM.
As the thread so adroitly titles itself...there will be a 'trigger moment'. there will be some THING that catalyzes the 'other side' to form.

This goes on long enough, it will happen. all vote Democrat. If Biden all goes away like a mist.
Again you beat the shit out of misbehaving children you don't reward them
It may. Me thinks that the people will continue to allow themselves to be led further down the road of tyranny...don't forget to put on your mask...lives depend on it.

If there was a "civil war" the Press and Hollywood would portray the Conservatives as the bad guys, villains, oppressors, racist.....
It would be counter productive.

It would help if you were actually not the bad guys.

Look at some of the posts conservatives make about blacks, women, Hispanics, the poor....anyone who disagrees with the blob.

Nobody forces you guys to act like garbage; you do it willingly.

You are the Luciferians.

Given the amount of insults leftists have not given just to the people who built the country, but civilization in general, it is not very hard to identify.

You act like garbage and your proud of it; right?
Ironically - you're right. If Biden will all go away - unless the D's have lit fires they cannot control.

However, fascism, communism and socialism are each at the totalitarian end of the political and economic spectrum - the opposite of so-called right wing, moderates and free-market advocates. Anarchy (as some are advocating now) is actually the suspension of all rules (or governments) not the institution of new ones.

There was not a hint of irony in anything i typed. I mean it straight up. Sadly, most people do not understand MY POINT...because most people are fucking stupid.
But meh.

Intentional or not the irony is there. That 'all will be well if' reeks of extortion - kinda like the Mob offering 'protection' for a price. In this case the price is a vote.
I say this without enmity - if most people are unable to understand your point it could be attributed to something other than their lack of intelligence.

As for is the absence of OFFICIAL rules. It is however the purest form of the thing most lacking today...truly FREE association.
Everyone is conditioned to hate anarchy because governments educate people today. When in fact anarchy promotes coalescence of like mind individuals into groups...structures...societies.

As I indicated by '(or governments)'.

Once like minded individuals form groups, structures and societies, conflict with non like-minded groups and societies is inevitable - it is human nature. When those conflicting groups are occupying the same space, or country, rules are preferable to chaos. But where's the sweet spot between too many and too few? I think the authors of the constitution tried to find it.

We all came from anarchy at some point...Now we are so controlled that saying the wrong word ends your entire existence.

Yet this is a phenomena we have allowed ourselves to use as a means of privately infringing on the 'freedom of expression' of another. Though it is creeping into government law as well.

Anarchy is what we need a little more of.

In terms of a 'least (or less) restrictive environment', I agree.
Intentional or not the irony is there. That 'all will be well if' reeks of extortion - kinda like the Mob offering 'protection' for a price. In this case the price is a vote.
I say this without enmity - if most people are unable to understand your point it could be attributed to something other than their lack of intelligence.
Well it better wreak of it, because that is their intent. If you do not vote D, the shit will get worse...and it most assuredly will. I am not supporting any of it. I am simply pointing out that votes are being extorted via pain.
Every single thing that has happened since Trump has taken office has been an incremental twist on the arm of the American voter.
You better bet your ass it is gonna work too. I have been saying that on this site for a very long time...Trump will NOT win. Not because of Trump...because of the third world tactics being implemented by the D party, big money PACs, and a VERY apt, co-conspiratorial fourth estate.
American voters by November are going to be up to their tits with this bullshit. We ALL know it subliminally. They will pull for D. They want this shit to stop.
Will there be a contravening backlash from the Republican to match? FUCK NO!
Once like minded individuals form groups, structures and societies, conflict with non like-minded groups and societies is inevitable - it is human nature. When those conflicting groups are occupying the same space, or country, rules are preferable to chaos. But where's the sweet spot between too many and too few? I think the authors of the constitution tried to find it.
So...I am not contra the human condition. I am simply stating the natural navigation of people toward one another.

Yet this is a phenomena we have allowed ourselves to use as a means of privately infringing on the 'freedom of expression' of another. Though it is creeping into government law as well.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Well it better wreak of it, because that is their intent. If you do not vote D, the shit will get worse...and it most assuredly will. I am not supporting any of it. I am simply pointing out that votes are being extorted via pain.
Every single thing that has happened since Trump has taken office has been an incremental twist on the arm of the American voter.
You better bet your ass it is gonna work too. I have been saying that on this site for a very long time...Trump will NOT win. Not because of Trump...because of the third world tactics being implemented by the D party, big money PACs, and a VERY apt, co-conspiratorial fourth estate.
American voters by November are going to be up to their tits with this bullshit. We ALL know it subliminally. They will pull for D. They want this shit to stop.
Will there be a contravening backlash from the Republican to match? FUCK NO!

I agree with your assessment of the situation (though as a bit of a prude not some of the language choices ;))...still, your passion and conviction ring loud and clear...and unfortunately there's a lot of truth in what you say.

I hope your predictions are wrong - I remember well the 60's - early 70's...civil rights and anti-war demonstrations. Riots, fires, assassinations, mass protests, freedom marches, Kent State - it was thought we would never recover, and some say we haven't, though many things have improved as a result.
You gotta admit, Russia is a really sucky country. It has always been that way. Russian products are pure garbage. No one outside of Russia wants a russian made car, or Russian made anything. Everything is second rate over there, including the nuclear plants, submarines, etc. Its a damn good thing they had some oil, otherwise they would have nothing.

I thought that the anti-Semitism of American Jews, who gave up European Jews to the Nazis by not letting them into the United States as refugees, was a thing of the past.

It turns out - no. In Russia in 1993, Russian Jews came to power. Despite the fact that you are blood brothers, you continue to hate them.

And generally speaking, what has Russia to do with when it comes to American cryptoneozionists who have occupied the House of Representatives and are dragging the country into a civil war?!

As for Russian culture ... The Nazis were shocked that most of the Slavic girls taken to work in Germany were virgins. Show me a virgin in America at the age of 13 today!

If everything is so bad in Russia, why are American men "chasing" Slavs to marry them ???

By the way, the culture of the Slavs has about four millennia. You cannot judge the culture of another people, because, most likely, you have never traveled outside your state and, like a parrot, repeat what you heard from the rabbi on Saturday or from the pastor on Sunday.

View attachment 368068
Russia is a fucking dump. Thats why youre women will do anything to come to the US.

Alas, only a few are happy. A woman is driven away from worse to less bad ...The number of divorces is off the scale. Two main problems: Americans do not understand what it means to "love", and many have sexual problems, a very low level of sexual culture. But here we are talking about America.
Let's stay on topic.

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