This is how Pelosi allows the Capitol Guardsmen to be treated! Despicable FARCE!


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Nancy Pelosi's effort to make the USA look like a Banana Republic and blame it all on Trump and the so-called "White Nationalist Terrorists" includes the Michigan National Guardsmen being fed RAW MEAT AND METAL SHAVINGS! Read the entire article. This is not an isolated happening.

There is no need for the razor wire fence around the capitol building.

There is no need for the National Guard to be present at all...and certainly no excuse for allowing them to be mistreated as if they were captive dogs.

TO HELL with Pelosi! TO HELL with the Democrat Party and its anti-American agenda!

As I told you guys yesterday, food service is contracted (in this case) by National Guard Bureau and they, not any politician is responsible. Pretty sure they are on top of it now and without Nancy or your input, as they don't answer to either or you.
Precautions around the Capital are just protecting the capital from right wing trump supporters as The Capital belongs to all of us. Surely do not not expect the same kind of "lay there and allow it" mindset of Portland or those few other left wing indulgent cities. This is the seat of our government not some local or state dumb-asses. If you can't get in to attack right now, tough sh#t. Give up on attacking. Maybe they will make arrangements more to you liking after March 4 Q date. Of course a lot of piece of crap insurrectionist may not be on the streets or getting their heads above ground by that time. Good luck with your trump inauguration. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Nancy Pelosi's effort to make the USA look like a Banana Republic and blame it all on Trump and the so-called "White Nationalist Terrorists" includes the Michigan National Guardsmen being fed RAW MEAT AND METAL SHAVINGS! Read the entire article. This is not an isolated happening.

There is no need for the razor wire fence around the capitol building.

There is no need for the National Guard to be present at all...and certainly no excuse for allowing them to be mistreated as if they were captive dogs.

TO HELL with Pelosi! TO HELL with the Democrat Party and its anti-American agenda!

Pelosi had nothing to do with it and we can blame those criminals for anything morbid that occurred.
They were not prepared for an insurrection, and no doubt shit happened as the guard was rushed in. I think that they will be better prepared for another incursion.
The Capitol was attacked, and it was a horrific act, to say the least. Should those loonies just be free to wreak havoc? Hell no. This was not just a bunch of guys acting out for fun. They were there to hurt lawmakers. 7 people died and many injured by this preplanned attack that your president was cheering for.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

You dumb fucker, you don't even know what you're babbling about, or how food service is contracted. You need to shut your mouth before you make yourself sound even more stupid. After reading your conspiracy's about the riot, you're the kind of person who attends a Marjorie Taylor-Greene rally.

Oh yea, if it wasn't for you violent Trump insurrectionists who tried to overturn an election, the NG wouldn't even be there.
The Capitol was attacked while Congress was in session to carry out its Constitutional duty. People died, people were injured, people were threatened, offices were looted, there was a lot of property damage. Nobody likes the fences or the fact that the Guard has to stay, but the fence can come down and the Guard can go home only after the conspiracy behind the attack is exposed and a reasonable conclusion is made that there is little chance that another attack might occur. That's just the way it is. Our country was attacked. Deal with it.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

You dumb fucker, you don't even know what you're babbling about, or how food service is contracted. You need to shut your mouth before you make yourself sound even more stupid. After reading your conspiracy's about the riot, you're the kind of person who attends a Marjorie Taylor-Greene rally.

Oh yea, if it wasn't for you violent Trump insurrectionists who tried to overturn an election, the NG wouldn't even be there.
I said Pelosi allowed it, not that she had anything to do with the actual serving. Go fuck yourself, little boy.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?

Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?
Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
Ahh, the dear old Washington Post! They use a REPORTED article by the New York Times and comments made by anonymous sources to the Daily Caller to substantiate their "fact checker" rating.

Then they say:
"We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating."

Sounds to me like the WP is aware of its own weak argument.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?
Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
Ahh, the dear old Washington Post! They use a REPORTED article by the New York Times and comments made by anonymous sources to the Daily Caller to substantiate their "fact checker" rating.

Then they say:
"We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating."

Sounds to me like the WP is aware of its own weak argument.
Sounds like you are looking for excuses to blame Pelosi. No, the Post quoted the Seargent at Arms, who was not appointed by Pelosi. Wouldn't matter anyway, yes?
After all, the insurrectionists were all being peaceful, right? So the Guard wasn't needed.
Pelosi and the Klanocrats are playing up their capital hill protest issue to the max.
We will be hearing about it for decades.
Hollywood will make movies about it.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?
Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
Ahh, the dear old Washington Post! They use a REPORTED article by the New York Times and comments made by anonymous sources to the Daily Caller to substantiate their "fact checker" rating.

Then they say:
"We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating."

Sounds to me like the WP is aware of its own weak argument.
Sounds like you are looking for excuses to blame Pelosi. No, the Post quoted the Seargent at Arms, who was not appointed by Pelosi. Wouldn't matter anyway, yes?
After all, the insurrectionists were all being peaceful, right? So the Guard wasn't needed.
Perhaps you should do a little research before making asinine claims. The Sergeant-at-Arms is elected by the House members, but is controlled by the Speaker of the House.

The Sergeant-at-Arms serves at the pleasure of the House and the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi controls the Sergeant-at-Arms!

This is from the House Rules:



There shall be elected at the commencement of each Congress, to continue in office until their successors are chosen and qualified, a Clerk, a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Chief Administrative Officer, and a Chaplain.

Each of these officers shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and for the true and faithful ex-ercise of the duties of the office to the best of the knowledge and ability of the officer, and to keep the secrets of the House.

Each of these officers shall appoint all of the employees of the department concerned provided for by law.

The Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Chief Administrative Officer may be removed by the House or by the Speaker.


3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms by the Speaker.

Last edited:
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?
Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
Ahh, the dear old Washington Post! They use a REPORTED article by the New York Times and comments made by anonymous sources to the Daily Caller to substantiate their "fact checker" rating.

Then they say:
"We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating."

Sounds to me like the WP is aware of its own weak argument.
Sounds like you are looking for excuses to blame Pelosi. No, the Post quoted the Seargent at Arms, who was not appointed by Pelosi. Wouldn't matter anyway, yes?
After all, the insurrectionists were all being peaceful, right? So the Guard wasn't needed.
Perhaps you should do a little research before making asinine claims. The Sergeant-at-Arms is elected by the House members, but is controlled by the Speaker of the House.

The Sergeant-at-Arms serves at the pleasure of the House and the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi controls the Sergeant-at-Arms!

This is from the House Rules:



There shall be elected at the commencement of each Congress, to continue in office until their successors are chosen and qualified, a Clerk, a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Chief Administrative Officer, and a Chaplain.

Each of these officers shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and for the true and faithful ex-ercise of the duties of the office to the best of the knowledge and ability of the officer, and to keep the secrets of the House.

Each of these officers shall appoint all of the employees of the department concerned provided for by law.

The Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Chief Administrative Officer may be removed by the House or by the Speaker.


3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms by the Speaker.

Ok, smart guy.

Posts falsely cite Pelosi as responsible for security during ... › fact-checking-afs:Content:9909210228

Jan 20, 2021 — CLAIM: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is in charge of overseeing ... Pelosi does not oversee day-to-day operations of the Capitol Police. ... the Architect of the Capitol, the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, as well as ...
Nancy Pelosi's effort to make the USA look like a Banana Republic and blame it all on Trump and the so-called "White Nationalist Terrorists" includes the Michigan National Guardsmen being fed RAW MEAT AND METAL SHAVINGS! Read the entire article. This is not an isolated happening.

There is no need for the razor wire fence around the capitol building.

There is no need for the National Guard to be present at all...and certainly no excuse for allowing them to be mistreated as if they were captive dogs.

TO HELL with Pelosi! TO HELL with the Democrat Party and its anti-American agenda!

I was unaware that the speaker is in charge of national guard units. Normally she would not be but righties are not familiar with military chain of command.
Another fruitless thread trying to make Pelosi responsible for what the Trumpets did for their God Trump. How stupid.
Pelosi and the Klanocrats are playing up their capital hill protest issue to the max.
We will be hearing about it for decades.
Hollywood will make movies about it.
No doubt, because the insurrection, violence, destruction, and death perpetrated by these criminals turned it into a horror show in our nation's Capitol which is unheard of and which was encouraged by your president. The history books will have a field day, and rightfully so.
White 6 and Bobob are both full of shit. The fence and the National Guard presence are part of the political theater promoted by the Democrat Party. Bitch Pelosi didn't want the NG to be there on Jan 6th. She and her minions wanted the breach of the Capitol building (something that was planned weeks ahead of Jan 6th) to look like an invasion by Trump's peaceful protestors. She wants the fence and the guard to remain as symbols, not for protection.

If those criminals were peaceful protesters, then I am the fairy godmother.
The fence with barbed wire should sure as hell stay there to help preclude loonies from another insurrection. "Peaceful protesters," my ass.
Are you really that stupid? You believe those Trump lap dogs?
Rep. Jim Jordan's false claim that Pelosi denied a request for ... › politics › 2021/03/01 › jor...

Claim: “Capitol Police requested National Guard help prior to January 6th. That request was denied by Speaker Pelosi and her Sergeant at Arms.”
Claimed by: Jim Jordan
Fact check by The Washington Post: Four Pinocchios
Ahh, the dear old Washington Post! They use a REPORTED article by the New York Times and comments made by anonymous sources to the Daily Caller to substantiate their "fact checker" rating.

Then they say:
"We will keep an eye on this issue in case new information emerges that would result in a new rating."

Sounds to me like the WP is aware of its own weak argument.
Sounds like you are looking for excuses to blame Pelosi. No, the Post quoted the Seargent at Arms, who was not appointed by Pelosi. Wouldn't matter anyway, yes?
After all, the insurrectionists were all being peaceful, right? So the Guard wasn't needed.
Perhaps you should do a little research before making asinine claims. The Sergeant-at-Arms is elected by the House members, but is controlled by the Speaker of the House.

The Sergeant-at-Arms serves at the pleasure of the House and the Speaker of the House. Nancy Pelosi controls the Sergeant-at-Arms!

This is from the House Rules:



There shall be elected at the commencement of each Congress, to continue in office until their successors are chosen and qualified, a Clerk, a Sergeant-at-Arms, a Chief Administrative Officer, and a Chaplain.

Each of these officers shall take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and for the true and faithful ex-ercise of the duties of the office to the best of the knowledge and ability of the officer, and to keep the secrets of the House.

Each of these officers shall appoint all of the employees of the department concerned provided for by law.

The Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Chief Administrative Officer may be removed by the House or by the Speaker.


3. (a) The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the House during its sittings and maintain order under the direction of the Speaker or other presiding officer. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall execute the commands of the House, and all processes issued by authority thereof, directed to the Sergeant-at-Arms by the Speaker.

Ok, smart guy.

Posts falsely cite Pelosi as responsible for security during ... › fact-checking-afs:Content:9909210228

Jan 20, 2021 — CLAIM: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who is in charge of overseeing ... Pelosi does not oversee day-to-day operations of the Capitol Police. ... the Architect of the Capitol, the House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, as well as ...
You're exercising your double-standard, I see. When any failure happens under Trump's watch, he is responsible; When any failure happens under Pelosi's watch, she had nothing to do with it.

Can you deny that the Speaker of the House DIRECTS the actions of the Sergeant-at-Arms?

Don't reply without a credible link, bobbyjoejimbob.
Nancy Pelosi's effort to make the USA look like a Banana Republic and blame it all on Trump and the so-called "White Nationalist Terrorists" includes the Michigan National Guardsmen being fed RAW MEAT AND METAL SHAVINGS! Read the entire article. This is not an isolated happening.

There is no need for the razor wire fence around the capitol building.

There is no need for the National Guard to be present at all...and certainly no excuse for allowing them to be mistreated as if they were captive dogs.

TO HELL with Pelosi! TO HELL with the Democrat Party and its anti-American agenda!

I was unaware that the speaker is in charge of national guard units. Normally she would not be but righties are not familiar with military chain of command.
I never claimed she was. I claimed that she is responsible for the decisions to NOT HAVE the NG at the Capitol on Jan 6th, to call them in after the fact, to cause them to have to be fed by contractors...and sleep in parking garages.

Had she taken the recommendations of the Sergeant-at-Arms prior to Jan 6th, the invasion of the Capitol building would not have occur and the razor wire fence would not be there.

Pelosi fucked up and wants to blame her opponents for the consequences.

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