This is exactly how bad the illegal FISA warrants and the FBI are.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The attack on President Trump is the worst internal attack on our Republic since the demcrats started the Civil War to keep their slaves........this article details the illegal activity conducted by the leadership of the FBI to spy on the opposition party during a Presidential Election.......

It is the worst attack on our Republic since the Civil War......people need to go to prison for a long time over this...

The FBI’s FISA Frauds | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

As I wrote then and since, the FBI’s actions — in which the NSA and CIA were active parties — were the worst abuse of power by unelected bureaucrats in the history of our nation.

The Nunes memo, which was declassified by order of President Trump and published on that February 2, 2018, detailed how the FISC was misled by the FBI in obtaining surveillance warrants against Carter Page.

The Nunes memo states that then-deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe told the HPSCI that without the now-infamous “Steele dossier,” no surveillance warrants would have been sought from the FISC.

In seeking those warrants, the FBI never told the FISC that:

  • The dossier had been bought and paid for by the DNC and the Clinton campaign;
  • That none of the allegations against Trump had been verified before the FBI used them as the primary basis for the warrant applications;
  • That both Steele (the former British spy) and FBI agent Peter Strzok (who headed the investigations) were die-hard Trump opponents; and
  • That Steele had been fired by the FBI from his “confidential human source” status for violations of FBI rules, particularly for Steele’s marketing his dossier to the media.
The FBI — including the agents whose sworn affidavits the FISC relied on in issuing the warrants and those in the FBI and Justice Department who approved the applications — never included any of that information in the FISA warrant applications despite the obvious fact that the information was highly relevant to the FISC’s decision whether to issue the warrants.

The FBI and senior DoJ officials who signed off on those applications included James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, and Sally Yates. Each of them is guilty of, at least, making false official statements under Title 18 US Code Section 1001.

Judge Collyer and the other judges on the FISC did nothing in response to the revelations in the Nunes memorandum. The court only began to react when the IG report reached it on December 9.

Attorney General William Barr is on record disagreeing with the IG’s conclusion that there was a sufficient evidentiary predicate for the FBI to open the investigation of Trump’s campaign. He has called the investigation “a travesty” because — remember Judge Collyer’s opinion —it was investigating a political campaign, which Barr said was a core First Amendment activity.

The IG found no bias in the FBI’s actions against Page or the Trump campaign. That is absurd when we consider just how far the FBI’s misconduct went and how long it lasted.

Clinesmith asked the CIA liaison to the FBI to confirm that fact. When the CIA person told Clinesmith by email that Page had been a CIA source at the relevant time, Clinesmith altered that email to say that Page had not been a source, and forwarded the email to the FBI agent who relied on it in his sworn affidavit supporting the warrant application.

Clinesmith is reportedly under criminal investigation for his conduct. The FISC has ordered a review of all the FISA warrants in which Clinesmith was involved in preparing applications.

His conduct, along with Comey’s, McCabe’s, Strzok’s, and that of many others, created a situation in which the FISC can no longer trust the FBI.

Collyer’s opinion and order are not likely to solve that problem because the FISC is entirely dependent on the sworn statements of the FBI, NSA, and CIA in determining whether to issue a warrant. The court has no independent means to verify what the intelligence agencies tell it. The most it can do is to require that the agencies answer questions and defend the facts they state in their warrant applications.

Let’s remember that Obama’s people — his CIA director, John Brennan, his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, and his FBI director, James Comey, as well as then CIA London station chief Gina Haspel (now Trump’s CIA director) — were all cooperating in the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation of Trump and his campaign. Let’s also remember that they would not — could not — have been conducting that falsely-based investigation against Trump without Obama’s knowledge and approval.

The best news we’ve seen so far is that former NSA director Adm. Mike Rogers is reportedly cooperating with Durham’s investigators. His cooperation gives a big boost to the investigations of Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and others at the top of the list of miscreants.

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