Why Europe isn't civilized


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Most of the deadliest wars and highest rates of casualities (WWI and WWII) occurred in Europe, rather than the USA, in spite of popular stereotypes on the mass media, with tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin being European.

In comparison, America's recent wars (e.x. Iraq War and Afghanistan War) have been much smaller in comparison.

In regards to mass consumer culture, which exploded after the 1960s economic boom, I'm not honestly sure how America's actually ranks in comparison to that of Britain or other European nations, again in spite of popular stereotypes.

Some people have commented on trivialities such as English or French McDonald's restaurants offering smaller Coca Cola sizes, but even then, it's still fast food, which is why most of these simplistic stereotypes are in actuality, and in the grand scheme of things pretty silly, and themselves more of just a byproduct of childish and anti-intellectual consumerist media rather than anything else.
No one who uses excuses to kill humans is civilized, regardless of what they read or eat.
The further you step back to look at European history, the more horrifically barbaric the picture.
The further you step back to look at European history, the more horrifically barbaric the picture.

In other places you don't even have to look back into history, they still are horrifically barbaric.

Most of the deadliest wars and highest rates of casualities (WWI and WWII) occurred in Europe, rather than the USA, in spite of popular stereotypes on the mass media, with tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin being European.

In comparison, America's recent wars (e.x. Iraq War and Afghanistan War) have been much smaller in comparison.

In regards to mass consumer culture, which exploded after the 1960s economic boom, I'm not honestly sure how America's actually ranks in comparison to that of Britain or other European nations, again in spite of popular stereotypes.

Some people have commented on trivialities such as English or French McDonald's restaurants offering smaller Coca Cola sizes, but even then, it's still fast food, which is why most of these simplistic stereotypes are in actuality, and in the grand scheme of things pretty silly, and themselves more of just a byproduct of childish and anti-intellectual consumerist media rather than anything else.
number casualties do not equate to civilization....
two groups with equal population and
in group A --1 mass murderer kills 50 people = 50 dead
in group B --10 people kill one person each = 10 dead
which group is more civilized? -- group A of course--even though A has more deaths

.....AND--more Tutsis per capita had to be directly involved in the Rwandan massacres [ some using medieval weapons!! not efficient at killing ] than Germans in the Holocaust--as more people were murdered faster in the Rwandan massacres --so even though hitler/some Germans murdered more, per capita the Tutsis [Africa] were the ''''worst'''/less civilized group
Rwanda 100 days - 800,000 deaths
Holocaust 1939 -1945 6 million deaths
do the math
When did the Holocaust begin? A Genesis of genocide
Rwanda's 100 days of slaughter

in fact-the Ostfront was HUGE--the WestFront small---GODAMN-again you people provide NO links/facts/stats to back up your OP!!! = bullshit

you forgot about the Vietnam War where MILLIONS died --for NOTHING

--o--you want to talk about rates?? how about only ELEVEN Americans killing over 100,000 mostly civilians with ONE bomb?? in SECONDS!!!!???---this is much faster and more than any German or Russian ever did

etc etc etc

...jesus christ --Europe not civilized--you are trolling AND your hypothesis is not backed up
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Most of the deadliest wars and highest rates of casualities (WWI and WWII) occurred in Europe, rather than the USA, in spite of popular stereotypes on the mass media, with tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin being European.

In comparison, America's recent wars (e.x. Iraq War and Afghanistan War) have been much smaller in comparison.

In regards to mass consumer culture, which exploded after the 1960s economic boom, I'm not honestly sure how America's actually ranks in comparison to that of Britain or other European nations, again in spite of popular stereotypes.

Some people have commented on trivialities such as English or French McDonald's restaurants offering smaller Coca Cola sizes, but even then, it's still fast food, which is why most of these simplistic stereotypes are in actuality, and in the grand scheme of things pretty silly, and themselves more of just a byproduct of childish and anti-intellectual consumerist media rather than anything else.
..you are comparing WORLD WARS--TOTAL WARS with Afghanistan and Iraq???!!!!!!???? hahhahahahahhahahahahhah
..FYI--in the World Wars there were MANY LARGE countries involved
...you are ignorant of wars/military/history/etc --that's not hateful--just the truth
Most of the deadliest wars and highest rates of casualities (WWI and WWII) occurred in Europe, rather than the USA, in spite of popular stereotypes on the mass media, with tyrants such as Hitler and Stalin being European.

In comparison, America's recent wars (e.x. Iraq War and Afghanistan War) have been much smaller in comparison.

In regards to mass consumer culture, which exploded after the 1960s economic boom, I'm not honestly sure how America's actually ranks in comparison to that of Britain or other European nations, again in spite of popular stereotypes.

Some people have commented on trivialities such as English or French McDonald's restaurants offering smaller Coca Cola sizes, but even then, it's still fast food, which is why most of these simplistic stereotypes are in actuality, and in the grand scheme of things pretty silly, and themselves more of just a byproduct of childish and anti-intellectual consumerist media rather than anything else.
..here's a perfect example:
whites kill more people -but blacks murder at 4 times the rate..which group is ''more civilized''???

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