This is an orange...

Nov 15, 2009
This is an orange...

[ame=""]YouTube- WTC 7 - This is an Orange - Simple Two Min Vid - THINK ABOUT IT!![/ame]

Do you believe what you can see and common sense tells you or do you always believe what you're told?

This is an apple...
There are actually extensive advancements in controlled demolitions from what the "debunking" propaganda's bought and paid for articles and publications lead people to believe.

The debunking propaganda uses the oldest forms of explosives ever made.

The new advancement in controlled demolitions incorporates many smaller explosives and can actually control horizontal direction of debris also using computer coordinated detonations of any sequences both vertically and horizontally.

These developments were made to both keep sound decibels down and ground vibrations down to protect windows and underground pipes of nearby buildings.

This is accompished by using many more smaller explosives with a sequence that produces a harmonic rumble.

Not to mention all the core columns were in the interior of the buildings (especially the Twin Towers) and the outer shell of the buildings acts like a muffler too.

Notice how the "debunking" propaganda clears out the outer shell of the buildings to have bare explosives, plus the antique dynamite type, on supports in open air to give the impression that explosives would be quite loud and noticable?
This fits in and is a very good documentary...

War for oil or death of the U.S. dollar:

[ame=]YouTube - War for oil or Death of the US Dollar[/ame]

Anthrax Attack one week after 9/11

Anthrax Attacks one week after 9/11
The Post-9/11/01 Anthrax Attacks

The anthrax-containing letter envelope mailed to Senator Tom Daschile
On October 9, 2001, letters containing anthrax were sent to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle. - FBI tests Leahy anthrax letter - November 18, 2001

Both senators had been attempting to slow the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. Just seven days before the incident, Leahy accused the Bush administration of reneging on an agreement on the bill.
Senate Democrats, White House Reach a Deal on Anti-Terror Bill (

Also targeted by the anthrax mailings were recipients of an earlier batch of anthrax letters postmarked September 18: ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, the New York Post, and American Media Inc. (AMI), publisher of the National Enquirer. Although some of the letters were addressed to prominent news anchors, the victims of the attack were confined to AMI workers, postal workers, and capital building workers, and a hospital worker. A total of five people were killed by becoming infected with anthrax, and seventeen were sickened.

As early as October there were indications that the anthrax attacks would be used as a pretext for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. On an October 18 appearance on the David Letterman Show, Senator John McCain stated: "There is some indication, and I don't have the conclusions, but some of this anthrax may -- and I emphasize may -- have come from Iraq." Then-ABC News chief investigative correspondent Brian Ross began circulating a story linking the anthrax to Iraq through the alleged additive bentonite, stating on October 26:

Sources tell ABCNEWS the anthrax in the tainted letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle was laced with bentonite. The potent additive is known to have been used by only one country in producing biochemical weapons — Iraq.... it is a trademark of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's biological weapons program... The discovery of bentonite came in an urgent series of tests conducted at Fort Detrick, Maryland, and elsewhere,"
Troubling Anthrax Additive Found; Atta Met Iraqi - ABC News

This Anthrax would have been the link from the so called "terrorist sleeper cells" here in the U.S. to the "mobile weapons labs" in Iraq.

Then the Anthrax was proven by a whistleblower scientist to be a weaponized strain that came from a Military Base right here in the U.S.

The FBI threatened to charge Dr. Bruce E. Ivins, a US government microbiologist and vaccinologist for 36 years and senior biodefense researcher at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) in Fort Detrick, with involvement in the anthrax attacks. According to his lawyer he had been cooperating. Ivans reportedly committed suicide by taking an overdose of acetominophen and codeine. On August 6, 2008, the FBI and the Justice Department declared that the case had been solved.

Ivins's attorney issued a statement saying the scientist was innocent and had fully cooperated with the FBI's investigation for six years.
Scientist in Anthrax Case Said to Have Killed Himself -

will be interesting to see how the official conspiracy theory apologists respond.ha ha.
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will be interesting to see how the official conspiracy theory apologists respond.ha ha.

Sure they'll spam the thread with B.S....

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there they do controlled demolitions on "sensitive" projects for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on both domestic projects and international.

Controlled Demolition Inc has worked hand and hand with Turner Construcion on projects.

Turner Construction has done MANY months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11.

The CEO for Turner Construction was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows after 9/11.

BOTH Turner Construction and Controlled Demolition Inc participated in the cleanup of ground zero (crime scene) where most of the steel (evidence) was shipped over seas...mostly to China.

The trucks hauling the steel had been equiped with GPS tracking to carefully track the shipment of the steel (evidence).

Only a few select pieces were picked out and given to FEMA for inspection and the written up NIST report that still re-writes physics.....oh and a little bit for a bow of a ship

Oh....if memory serves me is an employee from Controlled Demolition Inc that is a "debunking" expert on the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda articles and publications...
Part of the many months of construction renovations done by the company who's CEO was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows were actually on the steel support up rust, repainting, and also new fireproofing replacements.

Plus the World Trade Center buildings elevators underwent the biggest elevator modernization project in history.

The elevators are located in the core of the buildings along with the main support columns...
Here is some "food for thought"

I noticed and interesting metaphor....

When you look at how the link for the "Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows" types in it reads "Fellows About Commission"

Commission from corrupt profits?
will be interesting to see how the official conspiracy theory apologists respond.ha ha.

Sure they'll spam the thread with B.S....

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there they do controlled demolitions on "sensitive" projects for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on both domestic projects and international.

Controlled Demolition Inc has worked hand and hand with Turner Construcion on projects.

Turner Construction has done MANY months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11.

The CEO for Turner Construction was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows after 9/11.

BOTH Turner Construction and Controlled Demolition Inc participated in the cleanup of ground zero (crime scene) where most of the steel (evidence) was shipped over seas...mostly to China.

The trucks hauling the steel had been equiped with GPS tracking to carefully track the shipment of the steel (evidence).

Only a few select pieces were picked out and given to FEMA for inspection and the written up NIST report that still re-writes physics.....oh and a little bit for a bow of a ship

Oh....if memory serves me is an employee from Controlled Demolition Inc that is a "debunking" expert on the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda articles and publications...

Boy you called that one right,Great way to refute that post of yours there by that first Bush dupe to this post huh?:lol:
Still waiting for those Ships to come home with Iraqi Oil..

It's been what? almost 8 years? You'd think they'd be home right now..

And boy, Gas Prices are still this high.
Still waiting for those Ships to come home with Iraqi Oil..

It's been what? almost 8 years? You'd think they'd be home right now..

And boy, Gas Prices are still this high.

It was about securing the oil market for the U.S. dollar

America would literally be liquidating assets if Saddam was still in control of the oil and demanded only Euro's for it...
Still waiting for those Ships to come home with Iraqi Oil..

It's been what? almost 8 years? You'd think they'd be home right now..

And boy, Gas Prices are still this high.

It was about securing the oil market for the U.S. dollar

America would literally be liquidating assets if Saddam was still in control of the oil and demanded only Euro's for it...


So by your theory, why didn't we invade Saudi Arabia? :eusa_eh:

Hell.. They're one of our top Sellers.
will be interesting to see how the official conspiracy theory apologists respond.ha ha.

Sure they'll spam the thread with B.S....

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there they do controlled demolitions on "sensitive" projects for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on both domestic projects and international.

Controlled Demolition Inc has worked hand and hand with Turner Construcion on projects.

Turner Construction has done MANY months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11.

The CEO for Turner Construction was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows after 9/11.

BOTH Turner Construction and Controlled Demolition Inc participated in the cleanup of ground zero (crime scene) where most of the steel (evidence) was shipped over seas...mostly to China.

The trucks hauling the steel had been equiped with GPS tracking to carefully track the shipment of the steel (evidence).

Only a few select pieces were picked out and given to FEMA for inspection and the written up NIST report that still re-writes physics.....oh and a little bit for a bow of a ship

Oh....if memory serves me is an employee from Controlled Demolition Inc that is a "debunking" expert on the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda articles and publications...

Boy you called that one right,Great way to refute that post of yours there by that first Bush dupe to this post huh?:lol:

The video in your signature is the reason I am going to hook up my internet to a bigscreen also with a reclyner. I haven't watched the whole thing yet but plan to in the comfort of a reclyning chair and some chips'n dip.

Perhaps I'll just drag the reclyner over by my computer desk for this long one that looks really good...
[ame=]YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version[/ame]
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Sure they'll spam the thread with B.S....

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there they do controlled demolitions on "sensitive" projects for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on both domestic projects and international.

Controlled Demolition Inc has worked hand and hand with Turner Construcion on projects.

Turner Construction has done MANY months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11.

The CEO for Turner Construction was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows after 9/11.

BOTH Turner Construction and Controlled Demolition Inc participated in the cleanup of ground zero (crime scene) where most of the steel (evidence) was shipped over seas...mostly to China.

The trucks hauling the steel had been equiped with GPS tracking to carefully track the shipment of the steel (evidence).

Only a few select pieces were picked out and given to FEMA for inspection and the written up NIST report that still re-writes physics.....oh and a little bit for a bow of a ship

Oh....if memory serves me is an employee from Controlled Demolition Inc that is a "debunking" expert on the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda articles and publications...

Boy you called that one right,Great way to refute that post of yours there by that first Bush dupe to this post huh?:lol:

The video in your signature is the reason I am going to hook up my internet to a bigscreen also with a reclyner. I haven't watched the whole thing yet but plan to in the comfort of a reclyning chair and some chips'n dip.

Perhaps I'll just drag the reclyner over by my computer desk for this long one that looks really good...
[ame=]YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version[/ame]
more Alex Jones BULLSHIT
when are you gonna grow a brain and realize he is a LIAR
Sure they'll spam the thread with B.S....

Look at the website for Controlled Demolition Inc and it states right in there they do controlled demolitions on "sensitive" projects for the U.S. Dept. of Defense on both domestic projects and international.

Controlled Demolition Inc has worked hand and hand with Turner Construcion on projects.

Turner Construction has done MANY months of construction renovations in the World Trade Center buildings up to the very day of 9/11.

The CEO for Turner Construction was appointed by Bush to the Presidents Commission on Whitehouse Fellows after 9/11.

BOTH Turner Construction and Controlled Demolition Inc participated in the cleanup of ground zero (crime scene) where most of the steel (evidence) was shipped over seas...mostly to China.

The trucks hauling the steel had been equiped with GPS tracking to carefully track the shipment of the steel (evidence).

Only a few select pieces were picked out and given to FEMA for inspection and the written up NIST report that still re-writes physics.....oh and a little bit for a bow of a ship

Oh....if memory serves me is an employee from Controlled Demolition Inc that is a "debunking" expert on the bought and paid for "debunking" propaganda articles and publications...

Boy you called that one right,Great way to refute that post of yours there by that first Bush dupe to this post huh?:lol:

The video in your signature is the reason I am going to hook up my internet to a bigscreen also with a reclyner. I haven't watched the whole thing yet but plan to in the comfort of a reclyning chair and some chips'n dip.

Perhaps I'll just drag the reclyner over by my computer desk for this long one that looks really good...
[ame=]YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version[/ame]

Invite your dad over to watch with you.

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