This explains our current parties pretty well

No, I'm saying you are too illitertate to understand that "I agree that cutting taxes results in more tax revenue for the govt" means that "I agree that cutting taxes results in more tax revenue for the govt"

It does NOT mean "It does work". Even Laffer acknowledges that it FAILED

Let's cut out the word play games
Does lowering taxes create more tax revenue for the government? Yes or no?

Lowering tax rates, increases govt revenue, increases budget deficits, increases govt spending, and increases the national debt

In wingnut world, that means "It works!!!" :cuckoo:

Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News
Let's cut out the word play games
Does lowering taxes create more tax revenue for the government? Yes or no?

Lowering tax rates, increases govt revenue, increases budget deficits, increases govt spending, and increases the national debt

In wingnut world, that means "It works!!!" :cuckoo:

Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News

I see you can't refute my claim that tax cuts result in increased spending, deficits, and national debt so you posted something irrelevant
Lowering tax rates, increases govt revenue, increases budget deficits, increases govt spending, and increases the national debt

In wingnut world, that means "It works!!!" :cuckoo:

Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News

I see you can't refute my claim that tax cuts result in increased spending, deficits, and national debt so you posted something irrelevant

Maybe "it" doesn't know.
Charlie Gibson and facts disagree with you.

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

You might consider the words of one of the leading architects of "Reaganomics".

Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

You might consider the words of one of the leading architects of "Reaganomics".

Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.
Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News

I see you can't refute my claim that tax cuts result in increased spending, deficits, and national debt so you posted something irrelevant

Maybe "it" doesn't know.

The thang speaks. what a piece of shit it is.
Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Once again, the wingnut is trying to use a person he disagrees with to support his argument.
Lowering tax rates, increases govt revenue, increases budget deficits, increases govt spending, and increases the national debt

In wingnut world, that means "It works!!!" :cuckoo:

Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News

I see you can't refute my claim that tax cuts result in increased spending, deficits, and national debt so you posted something irrelevant

I'm not refuting anything I'm posting this video showing Charlie asking a question about taxes and obama not deny the comment as untrue..
Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Once again, the wingnut is trying to use a person he disagrees with to support his argument.

You bet your ass wingnut I will use the bitch like a cowboy will ride a horse. Hell I even use alinsky's rules for radicals against you your very own little playbook.
Last edited:
Charlie Gibson said
"in each instance, when the rate dropped, revenues from the tax increased. The government took in more money. And in the 1980s, when the tax was increased to 28 percent, the revenues went down."

OBAMA: Well, Charlie, what I've said is that I would look at raising the capital-gains tax for purposes of fairness. We saw an article today which showed that the top 50 hedge fund managers made $29 billion last year -- $29 billion for 50 individuals. And part of what has happened is that those who are able to work the stock market and amass huge fortunes on capital gains are paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries. That's not fair.

And what I want is not oppressive taxation. I want businesses to thrive, and I want people to be rewarded for their success. But what I also want to make sure is that our tax system is fair and that we are able to finance health care for Americans who currently don't have it and that we're able to invest in our infrastructure and invest in our schools.

And you can't do that for free, and you can't take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children and our grandchildren and then say that you're cutting taxes, which is essentially what John McCain has been talking about. And that is irresponsible.

You know, I believe in the principle that you pay as you go. And, you know, you don't propose tax cuts unless you are closing other tax breaks for individuals. And you don't increase spending unless you're eliminating some spending or you're finding some new revenue. That's how we got an additional $4 trillion worth of debt under George Bush. That is helping to undermine our economy, and it's going to change when I'm president of the United States.

Transcript: Obama and Clinton Debate - ABC News

I see you can't refute my claim that tax cuts result in increased spending, deficits, and national debt so you posted something irrelevant

I'm not refuting anything I'm posting this video showing Charlie asking a question about taxes and obama not deny the comment as untrue..

So what?
again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Once again, the wingnut is trying to use a person he disagrees with to support his argument.

You bet your ass wingnut I will use the bitch like a cowboy will ride a horse. Hell I even use alinsky's rules for radicals against you your very own little playbook.

Like I said, wingnuts will say anything, even if they don't believe it
Once again, the wingnut is trying to use a person he disagrees with to support his argument.

You bet your ass wingnut I will use the bitch like a cowboy will ride a horse. Hell I even use alinsky's rules for radicals against you your very own little playbook.

Like I said, wingnuts will say anything, even if they don't believe it

Thats what you are dooing wingnut during this whole thread trying to side track the fact that Gibson told obama the facts about raising taxes and obamna did not deny it as an untruth.. So wingnut you have nothing but a long line of tracks to cover up.
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

You might consider the words of one of the leading architects of "Reaganomics".

Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

So by your reckoning? It makes them less culpable for what they say?

Tell you what deany? History does NOT begin on the day your were hatched.

Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Why on earth does Obama have to refute something that is bullshit. If you cut taxes, increase the deficit and borrow money, you can make the economy seem to do well for a very short time. But it's a mirage. Bush cut trillions, borrowed incessantly and spent recklessly and still the economy tanked. Maybe it was all those millions of jobs Republicans helped send to China. I'm sure that had something to do with it.

You guys, instead of whining about whether or not Obama agrees with someone, why not whine about Republicans fucking the middle class, starting unnecessary wars, and ruining the economy. It's not like those things are "secrets".
Republi CONS have played that "CON" job since Reagan. The whole "trickle down" theory is about as real as their theory of "Magical Creation".

Reagan increased the national debt by 180% with his Reaganomics. From that time to this, Republicans have fielded one tax cut after another. Then look at the trillions in tax cuts under Bush and he left office with an actual zero in jobs growth. From Reagan until today, the economy has about tripled but the national debt has grown by more than 10 times and most of it under Republicans.

We haven't had taxes this low in nearly 80 years. According to Republicans, our economy should "sparkle". And their only solution is "cut taxes". Think about it, the only Republican solution since Reagan is "cut taxes".

Hey, America votes them into office, it must be what they want.

Thread after thread asking what Republicans have done "good" for this country in thirty years and no one can come up with a single thing. I think their only one was "no child left behind" and then they didn't fund it. So does that count?

Merry Christmas.
Charlie Gibson and facts disagree with you.

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

You might consider the words of one of the leading architects of "Reaganomics".[/

Here you have a Republican insider right out of the administration of their Messiah and still they don't comment on what he's saying. Is he wrong? Is it bullshit?
Charlie Gibson and facts disagree with you.

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

We've arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this leading Reagan Republican.

Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

Reagan insider: GOP destroyed economy Paul B. Farrell - MarketWatch

You might consider the words of one of the leading architects of "Reaganomics".[/

Here you have a Republican insider right out of the administration of their Messiah and still they don't comment on what he's saying. Is he wrong? Is it bullshit?

Did you forget about this reply that I made to you?
Take it up with Chaelie Gibson and obama
Gibson made the statement, and obama never disagreed with him

Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.
Neither Gibson nor Obama were in politics 30 years ago.

Isn't it funny how today's Republicans refuse to believe the words of other Republicans if it goes against their partisan beliefs? Today's Republicans would rather believe Obama took a trip costing 200 million dollars a day rather than something that is obviously true.

You see it in everything they do. Politics, science, their values. All strange and corrupt.

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Why on earth does Obama have to refute something that is bullshit. If you cut taxes, increase the deficit and borrow money, you can make the economy seem to do well for a very short time. But it's a mirage. Bush cut trillions, borrowed incessantly and spent recklessly and still the economy tanked. Maybe it was all those millions of jobs Republicans helped send to China. I'm sure that had something to do with it.

You guys, instead of whining about whether or not Obama agrees with someone, why not whine about Republicans fucking the middle class, starting unnecessary wars, and ruining the economy. It's not like those things are "secrets".

Why on earth does Obama have to refute something that is bullshit.

It was a debate dumbass and if obama thought it was incorrect he would have said so. Thats the way it's has alwayes been done. Hillary didn't disagree with the statement either.

If you cut taxes, increase the deficit and borrow money, you can make the economy seem to do well for a very short time.

Do well? I guess the economy did pretty good for 30 plus years.

You guys, instead of whining about whether or not Obama agrees with someone, why not whine about Republicans fucking the middle class, starting unnecessary wars, and ruining the economy. It's not like those things are "secrets

again obama was asked the question and failed to deny that what Charlie Gibson said was untrue.
Oh and it doesn't matter how long obama has been in politics hes the president remember he should know something about the economy. But I see according to you he doesn't know what hes doing.


Now before you go ape shit either obama doesn't know what hes doing or what Charlie asked him was true.

Why on earth does Obama have to refute something that is bullshit. If you cut taxes, increase the deficit and borrow money, you can make the economy seem to do well for a very short time. But it's a mirage. Bush cut trillions, borrowed incessantly and spent recklessly and still the economy tanked. Maybe it was all those millions of jobs Republicans helped send to China. I'm sure that had something to do with it.

You guys, instead of whining about whether or not Obama agrees with someone, why not whine about Republicans fucking the middle class, starting unnecessary wars, and ruining the economy. It's not like those things are "secrets".

It was a debate dumbass and if obama thought it was incorrect he would have said so. Thats the way it's has alwayes been done. Hillary didn't disagree with the statement either.

If you cut taxes, increase the deficit and borrow money, you can make the economy seem to do well for a very short time.

Do well? I guess the economy did pretty good for 30 plus years.

You guys, instead of whining about whether or not Obama agrees with someone, why not whine about Republicans fucking the middle class, starting unnecessary wars, and ruining the economy. It's not like those things are "secrets


The economy has been going slowly into the crapper since Reagan. Even people from his administration say it. Only now, we're there. These tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires Republicans care so much about, will put us over the top.

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