CDZ Think outside the MSM hysteria syndrome and "official gov't" box scripts


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Local governments and politicians are inflicting massive harm and disruption with little evidence to support their draconian edicts. Every local government is in a mimetic race to one-up each other in authoritarian city ordinances to show us who has more “abundance of caution”. Politicians are competing, not on more evidence or more COVID-19 cures but more caution. As unemployment rises and families feel unbearably burdened already, they feel pressure to “fix” the situation they created with even more radical and “creative” policy solutions. This only creates more problems and an even larger snowball effect. The first place to start is to stop killing the patient and focus on what works.[48]

General Quarantine has only made a bad situation worse:

Seriously folks. Do you not recognize how easy it's been for empty suits to gain more control over your lives?
This gov't was established to help Individuals secure their Liberty from the tyrannical force of edict by man (which is happening nationally and locally and doing a much better job of bringing the US to its fiancial knees than the mass murders that happened on 9/11) by subscribing to and establishing the rule of law- which is alleged to be blind but rather is blinded by, it would appear, empty suit ego's and control freaks.

Let's look at essential businesses. Small business, no matter what it is, is essential to at least the operator and if he/she employs others it is "essential" they work to feed their families ( a one time check ain't gonna last long). Then we'll be begging for more, then more, then more. Where will it end?

Yet here we are, in some cases, demanding quarantines, when the article shows that those in quarantine are more likely to contract from a family member, or someone they're in close contact with. Close contact being key in that scenario. However, which empty suit, or citizen, is going to force people to not interact with their "close" associates, or family they live with? And how will it be policed, because to enFORCE restrictions there have to be consequences. Jail time? A fine? Where will you draw the line?

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