CDZ To Mask or Not to Mask?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If you are in a high risk group, wear an N-95 mask (and/or stay at home) to protect YOU. If you are not in a high risk group, wear a regular mask to protect OTHERS (and go about your business). Why is this so hard to understand?
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If you are in a high risk group, wear an N-95 mask (and stay at home) to protect YOU. If you are not in a high risk group, wear a regular mask to protect OTHERS (and go about your business). Why is this so hard to understand?

Because once again, consistent messaging is an issue with this administration and the health organizations in general. One of the most frustrating things about this outbreak.
This thing the CDC is seriously considering about suggesting a mask for EVERYONE going out in public is nuts. Hospitals are begging for the ones that actually protect you; what would that do to them if 300,000,000 people suddenly start buying them? Other kinds of masks? Aren't a lot of healthcare workers and first responders wearing those because they can't get the good ones? Anyway, can you still open a door into a drug store and then rub your eye or push the hair out of your eyes and carry the little buggers home? Yes.
This thing the CDC is seriously considering about suggesting a mask for EVERYONE going out in public is nuts. Hospitals are begging for the ones that actually protect you; what would that do to them if 300,000,000 people suddenly start buying them? Other kinds of masks? Aren't a lot of healthcare workers and first responders wearing those because they can't get the good ones? Anyway, can you still open a door into a drug store and then rub your eye or push the hair out of your eyes and carry the little buggers home? Yes.

It looks like they are differentiating between the regular masks you see most people wearing in Asian countries and the N95 masks that are supposed to be for front line health care workers and people with high risk.
But if this virus is spread by droplets hanging in the air, one sneeze or cough near you and wearing one of those regular masks (with their air pockets all around your face) ain't gonna save you.
This thing the CDC is seriously considering about suggesting a mask for EVERYONE going out in public is nuts. Hospitals are begging for the ones that actually protect you; what would that do to them if 300,000,000 people suddenly start buying them? Other kinds of masks? Aren't a lot of healthcare workers and first responders wearing those because they can't get the good ones? Anyway, can you still open a door into a drug store and then rub your eye or push the hair out of your eyes and carry the little buggers home? Yes.

It looks like they are differentiating between the regular masks you see most people wearing in Asian countries and the N95 masks that are supposed to be for front line health care workers and people with high risk.
But if this virus is spread by droplets hanging in the air, one sneeze or cough near you and wearing one of those regular masks (with their air pockets all around your face) ain't gonna save you.

N95 masks protect you. Regular masks protect others much better than not wearing a mask (or gloves).
People are so easily manipulated. :rofl:

People would be better off getting exercise, sunshine, and fresh air every day. Go out and take a brisk walk. Do some push ups.

Save the masks for the nurses and doctors.
If you are in a high risk group, wear an N-95 mask (and/or stay at home) to protect YOU. If you are not in a high risk group, wear a regular mask to protect OTHERS (and go about your business). Why is this so hard to understand?

Unless you are sick and sneezing and coughing there is no point at all in wearing a regular particle or surgical mask. We may as all sew yellow stars of David on our clothes.
When I see a person wearing a Mask in Public I think,

Wearing that mask, is that a Fashion statement or are you just declaring your stupidity to the rest of us?

That's a real problem. The west has an aversion to masks. They evoke concerns that a person is trying to hide their identity for some (usually nefarious) reason. I think we also tend to be offended by it - like the person wearing it is saying they are too good to breathe the same air as the rest of us.
This thing the CDC is seriously considering about suggesting a mask for EVERYONE going out in public is nuts. Hospitals are begging for the ones that actually protect you; what would that do to them if 300,000,000 people suddenly start buying them? Other kinds of masks? Aren't a lot of healthcare workers and first responders wearing those because they can't get the good ones? Anyway, can you still open a door into a drug store and then rub your eye or push the hair out of your eyes and carry the little buggers home? Yes.

Wear gloves and face shield and goggles and a mask...


Burka will work...
I like to cough really hard when someone wearing a mask is near me. It really gets them out of your way at the grocery store fast.

And in some places you can get arrested for it, so just remember that and also remember someone could kill someone over that and society is not going to feel sorry for the person that coughed on the other person.
Asia........Japan.........all of them there wear masks and glove all the time...........They do it in Flu season too...............or if they have a cold...............

It comes to a supply issue................if people wore masks and gloves in public and cleaned well might could stop some of the invisible threat.
So let me get this straight: Because "regular" masks are not 100% effective in preventing viral transmission through coughing or sneezing, some of you think they are worthless. Do you apply that same "logic" to any other methods, such as using your sleeve or a handkerchief?
So let me get this straight: Because a "regular" masks are not 100% effective in preventing viral transmission through coughing or sneezing, they should be considered worthless. Do you apply that same "logic" to any other methods, such as using your sleeve or a handkerchief?
That is serious crazy there.........even N95 doesn't stop it all.........a surgical mask stops a lot but has only 3 layers..........

Anything that can stop moisture from a sneeze is helpful...........even though not perfect.
Unless you are sick and sneezing and coughing there is no point at all in wearing a regular particle or surgical mask.

So you are able to predict when you are going to sneeze or cough?
Well yes I'd know if I were sick and down with a virus. Unlike you I don't make it a habit to run around with my head stuffed up my ass totally clueless as to what's going on with myself and my surroundings.
I like to cough really hard when someone wearing a mask is near me. It really gets them out of your way at the grocery store fast.

And in some places you can get arrested for it, so just remember that and also remember someone could kill someone over that and society is not going to feel sorry for the person that coughed on the other person.

I didn't say I coughed on them. I said I coughed near them

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