CDZ Think Global Vaccine Passports Are Scary? Wait Until You See What’s Next.


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
Found this on Children's Health Defense just now, published on January 6, 2021. It's actually an article from published the day before, but the good thing about finding it on Children's Health is that the whole thing is visible there without having to create a free account- that's clearly been an issue for some here. Constructive feedback welcome.

CommonPass, developed initially to track COVID testing and vaccinations, is setting the stage for biometric surveillance which will eventually be tied in with all your other medical records, digital ID, digital banking and a social credit system.


  • Vaccine passports are here and expected to become “widely available” during the first half of 2021.
  • The passports will be attached to cell phone apps that track and trace your COVID-19 test results and vaccination status.
  • The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum created the Common Trust Network, which developed the CommonPass app that’s intended to act as a health passport in the near future.
  • The app allows users to upload medical data such as a COVID-19 test result or proof of vaccination, which then generates a Quick Response (QR) code that you will show to authorities as your health passport in order to travel or attend certain events.
  • Getting health passports to become a new normal has been part of the plan all along for the Commons Project, which began developing software that tracks medical data well before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Now partnered with the World Economic Forum, CommonPass represents the beginning stage of mass tracking and tracing, under the guise of keeping everyone safe from infectious disease; it is part and parcel of the Great Reset and the fourth industrial revolution.

Full article here:
Republicans turned US into a mass prison surveillance state because they were afraid of brown people. We must have the RFID chip tracking in our Real ID Drivers License with us to travel by vehicle, bus, train or plane & to Vote. They also strip search US to get on a plane or go into government buildings. We are barely free to walk or ride a bike without showing our papers!!!

I hope they cavity search by force any Republican at any time!!!
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Just an excuse to insert every human on earth with a chip. Everyone knew that was coming. The government of every country will be able to monitor everyone who has had the vaccine or not. But I am sure it will be used for many other things. As they say, "it's the number of the beast".

Even though, many of the news sources will "deny" it, I am sure we will be embraced with it in a year or two.

Ever notice how you couldn't get into school without your vaccine record?

I imagine you think that's a good thing.
Well, it is in a way if you don't want a disease running rampant in a society.

Your assumption being that vaccines prevent diseases running rampant in society. Many believe vaccines aren't what caused many diseases to be reduced. You may be interested in taking a look at a few articles I've seen over the years. For instance, this one:

Its title is misleading, as it gets into much more than just the smallpox vaccine, but vaccines in general.

I also found that Tetyana Obukhanych, who has a PhD in Immunology, and author of The Vaccine Illusion, had a lot of interesting things to say concerning various vaccines as well:
Ever notice how you couldn't get into school without your vaccine record?
You will be first in line the take the 666 New World Order Pass, and damn your soul to Hell. I can tell these things. Every thing is moving towards that last 7 years of Human History called The Tribulation ruled by the last dictator, The AntiChrist.
Ever notice how you couldn't get into school without your vaccine record?
You will be first in line the take the 666 New World Order Pass, and damn your soul to Hell. I can tell these things. Every thing is moving towards that last 7 years of Human History called The Tribulation ruled by the last dictator, The AntiChrist.

I don't know about that, but I definitely think we should all be concerned about these vaccine passports.
Ever notice how you couldn't get into school without your vaccine record?
You will be first in line the take the 666 New World Order Pass, and damn your soul to Hell. I can tell these things. Every thing is moving towards that last 7 years of Human History called The Tribulation ruled by the last dictator, The AntiChrist.

I don't know about that, but I definitely think we should all be concerned about these vaccine passports.
It's a stepping stone to total control, a cashless economy and chip implantation as spoken of in prophecy.
You will be first in line the take the 666 New World Order Pass, and damn your soul to Hell. I can tell these things. Every thing is moving towards that last 7 years of Human History called The Tribulation ruled by the last dictator, The AntiChrist.

I don't know about that, but I definitely think we should all be concerned about these vaccine passports.

:cool: I think we should mainly try to stop them, rather than do lots of Futurism.
You will be first in line the take the 666 New World Order Pass, and damn your soul to Hell. I can tell these things. Every thing is moving towards that last 7 years of Human History called The Tribulation ruled by the last dictator, The AntiChrist.

I don't know about that, but I definitely think we should all be concerned about these vaccine passports.

:cool: I think we should mainly try to stop them, rather than do lots of Futurism.

Agreed. Here's some good news for a change:
Agreed. Here's some good news for a change:
Yes, I read about Idaho! Three states in for sure now, and several have bills pending, I read. Thanx, that is good news, the better people are trying to stop this police state stuff mushrooming all around us.
Found this on Children's Health Defense just now, published on January 6, 2021. It's actually an article from published the day before, but the good thing about finding it on Children's Health is that the whole thing is visible there without having to create a free account- that's clearly been an issue for some here. Constructive feedback welcome.

CommonPass, developed initially to track COVID testing and vaccinations, is setting the stage for biometric surveillance which will eventually be tied in with all your other medical records, digital ID, digital banking and a social credit system.


  • Vaccine passports are here and expected to become “widely available” during the first half of 2021.
  • The passports will be attached to cell phone apps that track and trace your COVID-19 test results and vaccination status.
  • The Commons Project and the World Economic Forum created the Common Trust Network, which developed the CommonPass app that’s intended to act as a health passport in the near future.
  • The app allows users to upload medical data such as a COVID-19 test result or proof of vaccination, which then generates a Quick Response (QR) code that you will show to authorities as your health passport in order to travel or attend certain events.
  • Getting health passports to become a new normal has been part of the plan all along for the Commons Project, which began developing software that tracks medical data well before the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Now partnered with the World Economic Forum, CommonPass represents the beginning stage of mass tracking and tracing, under the guise of keeping everyone safe from infectious disease; it is part and parcel of the Great Reset and the fourth industrial revolution.

Full article here:
I have a Red Cross app that tracks my donations, my blood levels and states I have COVID antibodies. Not terrible? I would be OK with this actually.

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