They Have Cardboard, We Must Flee


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Our intellectually superior millennials that we need to tell to not eat Tide Pods on May Day in Leftard Portland:


For you pansy asses who pretend to be in the political center and always bitch that people are not compromising, how the hell can any sane person compromise with that level?

They attack the two biggest pillars of Capitalism - we must pay our debts and we must have jobs.

Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.
Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.
Why do we not see rightist as flaming torches?
Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.
Why do we not see rightist as flaming torches?
Because we aren't stupid like you sucktards.
Log Cabin Republicans are proud members of the GOP who believe inclusion wins.

Our intellectually superior millennials that we need to tell to not eat Tide Pods on May Day in Leftard Portland:

View attachment 330868
For you pansy asses who pretend to be in the political center and always bitch that people are not compromising, how the hell can any sane person compromise with that level?

They attack the two biggest pillars of Capitalism - we must pay our debts and we must have jobs.

This below ugly bitch looks especially retarded, actually facially it looks like a man, it has masculine features, possibly a Transgender or possibly just a weirdo Lesbo:

Millenials and gen z are the the most stupidest, dumbest, ignorant generations to walk the face of the earth.

I am a Millenial and so is Mr. Lucy but we were immune to the Brainwashing ditto the same for all of our friends. My youngest brother is Generation Z and he is very Right-Wing and Anti-UN, Anti-WHO, Anti-Global Warming Hoax and Anti-Leftism and ALL of his friends are also.

However yes there are many Millenials and Generation Z who are SJWs, the thing is though WE can STILL get to Generation Z to bring them to our side, I have actually brought some over to our side already. Also with all these school lockdowns MORE are being educated at home and this is a GREAT way to prevent them being Brainwashed by SJW teachers, by home schooling parents can eliminate the Propaganda.
Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.
We dont need to see more flaming idiots....
Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.

"If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks."

Yes and if the Leftist SJWs did that they would be killing themselves which would be excellent because we would reduce the world population and be saving precious oxygen and with that we would be Saving The Planet!

Hint to Leftist SJWs:

However yes there are many Millenials and Generation Z who are SJWs, the thing is though WE can STILL get to Generation Z to bring them to our side, I have actually brought some over to our side already.

Unfortunately, the lefties are using "stimulus" money to wean people off of the work ethic. Current unemployment benefits exceed what they were making when working. Many would like to keep it that way.
However yes there are many Millenials and Generation Z who are SJWs, the thing is though WE can STILL get to Generation Z to bring them to our side, I have actually brought some over to our side already.

Unfortunately, the lefties are using "stimulus" money to wean people off of the work ethic. Current unemployment benefits exceed what they were making when working. Many would like to keep it that way.

This is also why they are promoting the insane Universal Basic Income. They literally are having wet dreams about the potential destruction of business and the destruction of jobs, they say oh well all those lost jobs are nothing because all that crowd can be paid to stay at home if we introduce a Universal Basic Income.

This then leads into what they HOPE is Cloward-Piven but NOT just for America but the entire Western World:



Cloward-Piven is essentially Communistic, Universal Basic Income via Redistribution of Wealth IS Communist.

Millenials and gen z are the the most stupidest, dumbest, ignorant generations to walk the face of the earth.

I am a Millenial and so is Mr. Lucy but we were immune to the Brainwashing ditto the same for all of our friends. My youngest brother is Generation Z and he is very Right-Wing and Anti-UN, Anti-WHO, Anti-Global Warming Hoax and Anti-Leftism and ALL of his friends are also.

However yes there are many Millenials and Generation Z who are SJWs, the thing is though WE can STILL get to Generation Z to bring them to our side, I have actually brought some over to our side already. Also with all these school lockdowns MORE are being educated at home and this is a GREAT way to prevent them being Brainwashed by SJW teachers, by home schooling parents can eliminate the Propaganda.

You're correct. My daughter is generation z. We've got her in private school but I still have to undo some of the brainwashing.
Our intellectually superior millennials that we need to tell to not eat Tide Pods on May Day in Leftard Portland:

View attachment 330868
For you pansy asses who pretend to be in the political center and always bitch that people are not compromising, how the hell can any sane person compromise with that level?

They attack the two biggest pillars of Capitalism - we must pay our debts and we must have jobs.

Umm, it's president Tide Pod, er.. I mean tRump, who is encouraging the eating of household cleaning products.
Our intellectually superior millennials that we need to tell to not eat Tide Pods on May Day in Leftard Portland:

View attachment 330868
For you pansy asses who pretend to be in the political center and always bitch that people are not compromising, how the hell can any sane person compromise with that level?

They attack the two biggest pillars of Capitalism - we must pay our debts and we must have jobs.

Umm, it's president Tide Pod, er.. I mean tRump, who is encouraging the eating of household cleaning products.

In your pathetic little mind the voices keep telling you things.
Pathetic wanna-be "woke" idiots with their little cardboard signs. They think they're going to change the world with their precious First Amendment right. But without a Second Amendment to give it some teeth, they're just wasting a perfectly good piece of cardboard.

If the leftist pussies really wanted to get their point across to the public, they'd douse themselves with gasoline and light themselves on fire like those Buddhist monks.

Now that's how you protest.
Why do we not see rightist as flaming torches?
Because we aren't stupid like you sucktards.

Don't be modest. You're pretty stupid.
Our intellectually superior millennials that we need to tell to not eat Tide Pods on May Day in Leftard Portland:

View attachment 330868
For you pansy asses who pretend to be in the political center and always bitch that people are not compromising, how the hell can any sane person compromise with that level?

They attack the two biggest pillars of Capitalism - we must pay our debts and we must have jobs.

This below ugly bitch looks especially retarded, actually facially it looks like a man, it has masculine features, possibly a Transgender or possibly just a weirdo Lesbo:

View attachment 330888

Yeah, the Adam's apple is strong with this one.

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