They Dread Admitting They've Been Suckers.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. And it's not just Democrat voters.....they've been suckers for decades. includes every hand-wringer who bought the "we're all gonna die!!!" center of the Wuhan Red Death hoax.

Little by little the truth is coming out.....have you noticed that there are fewer and fewer screaming banshees attacking the "deniers," and fewer parrotting the "800,000 Americans died from the covid" lies?

2. Even those originally advancing the scheme are now admitting that survival rate is about 100% and if you don't have co-morbidities you're just about immune to serious complications.

3. This news from our sister nation drops the whole thing into 'Political' and out of 'Scientific;....except for those who still claim that men can become pregnant.

4. "England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions
Restrictions including COVID-19 passes, mask mandates, and work-from-home guidance will be removed in England, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday."

5. "PM Boris Johnson dumps coronavirus restrictions as he fights for his political life
In easing Covid restrictions a week before they were scheduled to expire, Mr. Johnson said that he was trying to restore England’s “ancient liberties,” a reference to the country’s deep-rooted tradition of individual freedoms."

Of course, in American, we find the Democrat Party which is firmly opposed to individual freedoms.

Smell that? It's called freedom


1. And it's not just Democrat voters.....they've been suckers for decades.
That's fair. I've always maintained that the 'sucker' factor spans US politics and both parties' supporters.
2. Even those originally advancing the scheme are now admitting that survival rate is about 100% and if you don't have co-morbidities you're just about immune to serious complications.
A good point! The issue you raise being 'co-morbidities', which suggests that those so afflicted deserve what they get from Covid. Do you really want to take that position when the co-morbidies extend to obesity and other factors that are as American as apple pie?
Of course, in American, we find the Democrat Party which is firmly opposed to individual freedoms.
Individual freedoms always need to be weighed carefully against the need for freedoms of the whole. This is our philosophy in Canada and that has a lot to do with our high standing on freedoms! includes every hand-wringer who bought the "we're all gonna die!!!" center of the Wuhan Red Death hoax.
What is this??
An attempt to paint Covid as the red death while calling it a hoax in the same breathe?

If it's a hoax then isn't it time to absolve Red China of all the manufactured guilt? You're smarter than that kind political contradiction hon.
What is this??
An attempt to paint Covid as the red death while calling it a hoax in the same breathe?

If it's a hoax then isn't it time to absolve Red China of all the manufactured guilt? You're smarter than that kind political contradiction hon.

The hoax is the way you people reacted to it, not the virus itself. You're con artists.

The hoax.....crumbling????​

"EEU Regulators, WHO Call for End to COVID Boosters, Citing Evidence Strategy Is Failing

EU drug regulators, World Health Organization experts and the former chairman of the UK’s COVID task force all cited mounting evidence mRNA COVID boosters aren’t working and the strategy should be dropped

European Union drug regulators on Tuesday warned frequent COVID boosters could adversely affect the immune system and said there are currently no data to support repeated doses.

This comes a month after EU drug regulators said it made sense to “administer COVID-19 vaccine boosters as early as three months after the initial two-shot regimen,” amid concerns over the Omicron variant.

According to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), continued booster doses every four months could pose a risk of overloading people’s immune systems and lead to fatigue."

A bit more evidence that the Wuhan Red Death is political and not medical???​

"New Czech government dismisses mandate vaccination plan

The Czech Republic’s new government has dismissed the previous government’s plan to require older adults and people in some professions to get vaccinated against the coronavirus
By KAREL JANICEK Associated Press
January 19, 2022, 11:24 AM
PRAGUE -- The Czech Republic's new government on Wednesday dismissed the previous government’s plan to require older adults and people in some professions to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.



"Starbucks ends its plan to require worker vaccination and testing.

Now Starbucks, with 9,000 U.S. coffee shops and 200,000 workers, has become one of the first major retailers to backtrack on vaccine plans since the ruling.

Starbucks told its employees in a memo on Tuesday that they would no longer be required to be fully vaccinated or submit to weekly coronavirus testing. Just two weeks earlier, the company had detailed the requirement and set a deadline of Feb. 9."

Soooo.....either Starbucks wants all of its employees dead of the Wuhan....

......or you Democrats have been SUCKERS!!!

BREAKING One More Country to End Most CCP Virus Restrictions Including COVID Passport

"Ireland to End Most CCP Virus Restrictions, Including COVID Passport" is and was always a political ploy, not medical.

Wise up.
It's some vast left wing conspiracy!

And its's led by (fill in the blank).

1. No one dies of the Wuhan Red's a scam.

2. Folks die of what folks always died from.

3. Most who died had DNRs, and were in the process of dying.

4. Ignoring my statements is pretty much an admission that you have no way of denying any of them.....
1. No one dies of the Wuhan Red's a scam.

2. Folks die of what folks always died from.

3. Most who died had DNRs, and were in the process of dying.

4. Ignoring my statements is pretty much an admission that you have no way of denying any of them.....
Again, who is behind this and what’s the end game?

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