They Called Him Radical: A Tribute to King

King would disassociate himself from the race hustlers of today. He had his flaws but at base, he was a man of integrity. The scum who are shilling for the Left today should be ashamed of even mentioning his name.
What was his message? What did he get killed for?
His comment about judging a person on the content of their character and not the color of their skin was very sound.

It's just too bad none of the more prolific black posters here believe in that.

Dr King also supported Affirmative Action and society taking action to rectify past racial policies
He also supported redistribution of wealth
His comment about judging a person on the content of their character and not the color of their skin was very sound.

It's just too bad none of the more prolific black posters here believe in that.
Interesting how so many racist white Americans have whittled MLK down to one eenie, teensie statement from one speech taken out of context.

Moreover, how you totally and completely ignore everything else he stood for.

It's no secret why. It's the racism stupid, always the racism.
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One of the things he said that I think is so true and wise is what he said about laws. This is an excerpt from 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail.' (I added the bold.)

How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.
I knew the hateful anti-christian atheists wouldn't like that one, haha. Augustine_ sure is predicable.
I'm just picturing MLK, stewing in a jail cell angrily writing "LAWS SHOULD BE INTERPRETED EXACTLY THE WAY I INTERPRET THEM!!! :crybaby:"

A funny little episode in the life of a great man
Interesting how so many racist white Americans have whittled MLK down to one eenie, teensie statement from one speech taken out of context.

Moreover, how you totally and completely ignore everything else he stood for.

It's no secret why. It's the racism stupid, always the racism.
So, if you judge a person by the content of their character, you are a RACIST.

Got it.
To me, Martin Luther King was a champion of rights for all, not just blacks but those who were economically disadvantage. He was for equality for all. He was about human rights and drew attention to the plight of the poor by using peaceful means. I wished we had more leaders like him, he was a great humanitarian and was taken away from us far too soon. I often wonder home much more aware the world would have been had he lived a full life.
To me, Martin Luther King was a champion of rights for all, not just blacks but those who were economically disadvantage. He was for equality for all. He was about human rights and drew attention to the plight of the poor by using peaceful means. I wished we had more leaders like him, he was a great humanitarian and was taken away from us far too soon. I often wonder home much more aware the world would have been had he lived a full life.
When he was alive, were all people being savaged, or only a certain group of American citizens?
I find it absolutely absurd, that the establishment left is lecturing the right about MLK day, while the congressional black caucus voted for billions to go to Ukraine FOR WAR.
They have tended to be captured by the establishment.

The Liberal Contempt for Martin Luther King’s Final Year​

Lucid Summations When Tomorrow Is Today and MLK Day​

This is showing live on YouTube now...

Get a real education on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. aka MLK

TYT are just as much bought off by the establishment, as the congressional black caucus, IMO.

This video is probably more worth your time, if you want real, and honest talk about MLK.


6th Annual Radical MLK Symposium​

This is showing live on YouTube now...

Get a real education on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. aka MLK

From TyT? Fuck those commies. I guarantee MLK Jr. would lambaste them up and down. He was an American black man.
It's a damn shame they killed him. He'd set you right for sure, too!
Hey man, do you think the Civil Rights movement didn't have any white people in it?
You think it was all only blacks?
From TyT? Fuck those commies. I guarantee MLK Jr. would lambaste them up and down. He was an American black man.
It's a damn shame they killed him. He'd set you right for sure, too!
You guarantee huh? Why do you think that is?
You guarantee huh? Why do you think that is?
Because he was a real American black man and not a sellout to the commie establishment like TyT are.

Real deep-rooted American. Old school. Not "Progressive" (aka commie pinko).

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