Zone1 These 5 historical truths suggest Jesus may have never existed

So the OP doesn't know he's talking about. Here you go,

Biden won the election because the voting was witnessed, then passed over to CNN, who is responsible for identifying its credibility, and then for those who trust CNN to get to such a truth.
Trump won the election because the same voting was witnessed, passed over to Fox News, who is responsible for identifying its credibility, for those who trust Fox News to get to such a 'truth'.

CNN doesn't convey republican info and vice versa.

Jesus' truth was witnessed by His dsiciple, then reckoned by Christianity (but not today's Jews as an obsolette authority, or it's a CNN vs Fox News), and then for those who trust (with faith) Christianity to get to such a truth.

That's the way how a truth shall convey, while only God's media will convey God's truth, and CNN doesn't convey republican info.

Next question, do you have evidence that Biden truly won the election? You don't. Period. Humans don't rely on evidence to get to truths. They instead rely on faith in testimony (broadcast by CNN or Fox News or Christianity) to get to truths.

Humans are largely fooled by Satan who plagued our education system with the term 'evidence'.

2 Corinthians 4:4:
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Republicans' truths suggested that Biden didn't win the election. That's what the OP was bragging about.

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