These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
The Federalist

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

By Yinon Weiss
OCTOBER 29, 2020


Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.

It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.

Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.

Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues.

The mask dogma had many cracks in it from the start. For one, the U.S. surgeon general and the Centers for Disease Control both previously said that “masks are NOT effective in preventing [the] general public from catching coronavirus,” so they were already starting with a credibility deficit. Furthermore, many officials have been frequently caught without masks when they think the cameras are off them. Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example, has been caught doing this multiple times.

Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.
Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?
Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?

Now you are into childish babble, with ZERO counterpoint to the article, why not leave the thread to adults?

Meanwhile this STILL applies to you:

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?

Now you are into childish babble, with ZERO counterpoint to the article, why not leave the thread to adults?

Meanwhile this STILL applies to you:

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.


You could probably also find an article telling you that water is bad for you dumbass. Your link is bullshit.
I've worked in healthcare for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

End of story.
Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?

Now you are into childish babble, with ZERO counterpoint to the article, why not leave the thread to adults?

Meanwhile this STILL applies to you:

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.


You could probably also find an article telling you that water is bad for you dumbass. Your link is bullshit.
I've worked in healthcare for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

End of story.
Does mitigate mean "make it spread faster"??
Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?

Now you are into childish babble, with ZERO counterpoint to the article, why not leave the thread to adults?

Meanwhile this STILL applies to you:

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.


You could probably also find an article telling you that water is bad for you dumbass. Your link is bullshit.
I've worked in healthcare for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

End of story.

Now you are into childish babble, with ZERO counterpoint to the article, why not leave the thread to adults?

You are still batting ZERO here, since you never made any case against the posted article, your replies are dead on arrival.

Here is what this ignorant healthcare employee (Candcorn) failed to read from the link:

The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University summarized six international studies which “showed that masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI or influenza in the general population, nor in healthcare workers.” Oxford went on to say that “that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.” They prophetically warned that this has “left the field wide open for the play of opinions, radical views and political influence.”


A study of health-care workers in more than 1,600 hospitals showed that cloth masks only filtered out 3 percent of particles. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine stated, “[W]earing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection” and that “[T]he desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.”

There are many other credible studies showing lack of mask efficacy, such as studies published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, Cambridge University Press, Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases, and Influenza Journal, just to name a few.


But the plentiful evidence we have indicates masks would not meaningfully help with aerosol transmission, where two people are just in the same area, or even the same room. This is because the two people end up breathing the same air, with or without a mask, as visually demonstrated in this video.


There are many more like this out there, your replies makes you appear like someone with head in the mud.

You offer nothing but bluster, not impressed with YOUR poor replies.
Masks mitigate viral spread.

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.

I know of many doctors, nurses and published medical research papers showing that Face masks do NOT stop Viral spread, even the CDC and Dr. Fauci said the same, which you ignored.

I have posted many such evidence a few months ago here only to see leftists ignore them, because they are programmed to ignore the hard evidence.

This is still true about you,

You didn't read the posted article, just another way for you to be deliberately ignorant, you must be proud of it.

When you have your next lobotomy...insist that the ER staff doesn't wear masks. Deal?
Didn't know emergency rooms were doing neurosurgery. Try OR.
Don't have to. I've worked in healthcare on and off for 20+ years. Masks mitigate viral spread.
And yet you don't know how a vaccine works, or that some people are genetically able to tolerate some virus/bacteria better than others? I find that hard to believe.

Edit: I actually deleted this post, and then remade it... Thinking somehow I was talking to the wrong person. But nope...
Masks mitigate viral spread.
Then why are you guys kvetching that the numbers have risen in mask wearing countries cities and counties across the globe?
In all seriousness, unless you have the proper 95% protective mask, in certain situations that mask is benefitial, however most other masks are creating more harm then good, because like Pelosi, and Biden and others demonstrated they constantly touch their mask in the 'most' innappropriate and warned against manner=contaminating their mask. So while some are helped by masks just as many have created a problem that no mask would have avoided=damned if you do, damned if you don't.
So when Biden says you ought to have a president that follows the science and listens to the experts, that disquallifies Biden who didn't follow either when it explained why masks fail and cause harm.
Trump always followed the CDC even when he disagreed.

Why don't you focus on the hypocrits like Cuomo who blasted the FL Governor for wanting to ban NY visitors fleeing the NY pandemic like how Trump stoped China flights. Now Cuomo is taunting a plan to check all entrance into NY must prove a negative covid test (even though they aren't accurate). Cuomo was like Xi sending the infection throughout the US via open travel purposely for political reasons. That's where your focus attention and time and effort should be, not deflecting nor smokescreening what your party politicians did.
Masks mitigate viral spread.
Then why are you guys kvetching that the numbers have risen in mask wearing countries cities and counties across the globe?
In all seriousness, unless you have the proper 95% protective mask, in certain situations that mask is benefitial, however most other masks are creating more harm then good, because like Pelosi, and Biden and others demonstrated they constantly touch their mask in the 'most' innappropriate and warned against manner=contaminating their mask. So while some are helped by masks just as many have created a problem that no mask would have avoided=damned if you do, damned if you don't.
So when Biden says you ought to have a president that follows the science and listens to the experts, that disquallifies Biden who didn't follow either when it explained why masks fail and cause harm.
Trump always followed the CDC even when he disagreed.

Why don't you focus on the hypocrits like Cuomo who blasted the FL Governor for wanting to ban NY visitors fleeing the NY pandemic like how Trump stoped China flights. Now Cuomo is taunting a plan to check all entrance into NY must prove a negative covid test (even though they aren't accurate). Cuomo was like Xi sending the infection throughout the US via open travel purposely for political reasons. That's where your focus attention and time and effort should be, not deflecting nor smokescreening what your party politicians did.

Perhaps you should think about the difference between "mitigation" and "prevention".
The Federalist

These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

By Yinon Weiss
OCTOBER 29, 2020


Masks have become a political tool and a talisman. When COVID-19 hit, governments panicked and created enormous fear. The Centers for Disease Control currently estimates a COVID-19 survival rate of 99.99 percent for people younger than 50, but the damage created by the panic was too great to undo.

It is likely that some politicians eventually realized their mistake and needed a way to back-pedal without admitting their lockdowns were a policy disaster. Their solution was for people to put any old piece of cloth across their face and magically believe that it’s okay to go out shopping again.

Masks are not merely a small inconvenience. They have inadvertently become a key impediment to returning to a more normal life, a desirable goal for those seeking to twist the pandemic for political and electoral purposes.

Masks dehumanize us, and ironically serve as a constant reminder that we should be afraid. People can now be spotted wearing masks while camping by themselves in the woods or on a solo sailing trip. They have become a cruel device on young children everywhere, kindergarten students covered by masks and isolated by Plexiglas, struggling to understand the social expressions of their peers. Face coverings are causing real harm to the American psyche, provide little to no medical benefit, and distract us from more important health policy issues.

The mask dogma had many cracks in it from the start. For one, the U.S. surgeon general and the Centers for Disease Control both previously said that “masks are NOT effective in preventing [the] general public from catching coronavirus,” so they were already starting with a credibility deficit. Furthermore, many officials have been frequently caught without masks when they think the cameras are off them. Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example, has been caught doing this multiple times.

The hospital nosocomial (hospital acquired) covid Infection rates I've seen vary among HCF's but are documented as high as 40% plus. Covid positive and presumptively positive patients are placed in full Isolation on admission but despite hospital staff best efforts and strict Isolation technique, the virus is spread to patients who were uninfected at the time of admission.

You should have quit while you were behind. You sound like an idiot.
*grins* Until you show otherwise, I'm sorry... You're the idiot. I'll say it AGAIN.

And yet you don't know how a vaccine works, or that some people are genetically able to tolerate some virus/bacteria better than others? I find that hard to believe.

I guess you could be the absolute definition of HACK. You know better, but you take arguments that you know are wrong, but just want to try to make the opposition look bad, hoping they don't know better.

Which is it? You a liar or a hack?

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