There’s more racism from Blacks against whites compared to whites against blacks recently


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Back in the 50s and 60s it was the other way around. But even back then most white folks and black folks got along. And that’s the case today most Black people and white people get along with each other.

In the past eight years, though perhaps egged on by opportunistic Democrats, we’ve seen tons of examples of mobs of Black people, viciously beating white people, including white women.

these videos of gangs of Black people beating up whites, do not exist the other way around. There are no examples of six white people beating the hell out of blacks.

There are no Black people getting hung from trees. There are no Klansman burning crosses in the lawns of Black people. Today’s Democrat party is extremely racist almost all of them senators and congressmen “ Take a knee “ and subscribe to the insane idea that white homeless people are privileged.

I’ll challenge anyone here on the Democrat side my fellow Democrats show a single video of seven or 10 or 20 white people beating the hell out of blacks. Show it. Show us a video of KKK people in their hoods burning a Cross in a black person’s lawn.

Put up

I really feel bad. My heart goes out to my fellow Democrats, who are so brainwashed that they are going against their own country. The founding fathers, the men and women, black, and white, who built this country. I have love for all my fellow Americans. I pray that my fellow Democrats change their ways and wake up.

From 2016

Nonwhites viciously attacked white Trump supporters

And there are tons of videos of old white Trump supporters aged 70 plus from 2020 getting viciously beat by BLM mobs.

OK I’ll challenge any of my fellow Democrats put up . Put up some videos showing six or 10 white people from the last eight years beating the living hell out of blacks.

In b4 the far left loons use the racist word against Trump supporters . Because they don’t understand English maybe or they never actually read posts. Or they’re so addicted to drugs that they don’t even know what you’re saying. I pray for these people nothing but love for my fellow Americans.


And everybody knows and has country Black people and white people all know that if these videos were showing say 10 white people beating up, one black person it will be national headlines on CNN for weeks in a row. So that goes to show us corruption not only from the media, but from our politicians, including Republicans.

White kid and teacher beaten by a black mob in a school hallway​

Where is AOC in the squad on this. You know the great majority of Black people and white people are good Christians whatever the religion is. The good people. I say this. And yet why do democrats lie about their own fellow Democrats viewpoints whom are saying wait a second “BLM is wrong clearly. We have a problem in this country when it comes to Democrats brainwashing young Black people into believing that America has an evil racist history.”

Why doesn’t AOC teach the truth that Black people and white people owned slaves throughout history. very simple question. How about some honesty from the leading Democrats of today

There is no accountability. There is zero honesty from BLM. Supporter is on the US message board. All they ever do is lie every day and make up the view that they’re opponents and debate a racist. When they themselves literally support the racist idea that white homeless people are privileged. You can’t make this stuff up the writings oThere is no accountability. There is zero honesty from BLM. Supporter is on the US message board. All they ever do is lie every day and make up the view that their opponents and debate a racist. When they themselves literally support the racist idea that white homeless people are privileged. You can’t make this stuff up the writings on the wall.

We can only hope that RFK Junior is elected and we bring back a return to normalcy to this country. We bring back the middle class and we stop seeing these types of videos that we see in this thread. We don’t have any room for more BLM riots in this country.
Back in the 50s and 60s it was the other way around. But even back then most white folks and black folks got along. And that’s the case today most Black people and white people get along with each other.

In the past eight years, though perhaps egged on by opportunistic Democrats, we’ve seen tons of examples of mobs of Black people, viciously beating white people, including white women.

these videos of gangs of Black people beating up whites, do not exist the other way around. There are no examples of six white people beating the hell out of blacks.

There are no Black people getting hung from trees. There are no Klansman burning crosses in the lawns of Black people. Today’s Democrat party is extremely racist almost all of them senators and congressmen “ Take a knee “ and subscribe to the insane idea that white homeless people are privileged.

I’ll challenge anyone here on the Democrat side my fellow Democrats show a single video of seven or 10 or 20 white people beating the hell out of blacks. Show it. Show us a video of KKK people in their hoods burning a Cross in a black person’s lawn.

Put up

I really feel bad. My heart goes out to my fellow Democrats, who are so brainwashed that they are going against their own country. The founding fathers, the men and women, black, and white, who built this country. I have love for all my fellow Americans. I pray that my fellow Democrats change their ways and wake up.

From 2016

Nonwhites viciously attacked white Trump supporters

And there are tons of videos of old white Trump supporters aged 70 plus from 2020 getting viciously beat by BLM mobs.

OK I’ll challenge any of my fellow Democrats put up . Put up some videos showing six or 10 white people from the last eight years beating the living hell out of blacks.

In b4 the far left loons use the racist word against Trump supporters . Because they don’t understand English maybe or they never actually read posts. Or they’re so addicted to drugs that they don’t even know what you’re saying. I pray for these people nothing but love for my fellow Americans.

The subject is scary taboo for the wokeologists.
More to the point…..Anybody sane knows it is cops who should be protesting blacks and black criminality….It is whites who deserve reparations as blacks have wreaked havoc on the white public for decades now. We’ve spent $22T in welfare trying to improve them with no luck.
The subject is scary taboo for the wokeologists.
More to the point…..Anybody sane knows it is cops who should be protesting blacks and black criminality….It is whites who deserve reparations as blacks have wreaked havoc on the white public for decades now. We’ve spent $22T in welfare trying to improve them with no luck.
Brother the hope is that we get better Democrats because right now the greatest challenge we face is helping the middle class.

And so part of the reason why we see these racist attacks against white people is because some portion of young Black people in this country are told by Democrats how “evil and racist America is “ today. It’s total propaganda from many democrats because they’ll never mention the fact that the slave trade was conducted by both Black people and white people.
Back in the 50s and 60s it was the other way around. But even back then most white folks and black folks got along. And that’s the case today most Black people and white people get along with each other.

In the past eight years, though perhaps egged on by opportunistic Democrats, we’ve seen tons of examples of mobs of Black people, viciously beating white people, including white women.

these videos of gangs of Black people beating up whites, do not exist the other way around. There are no examples of six white people beating the hell out of blacks.

There are no Black people getting hung from trees. There are no Klansman burning crosses in the lawns of Black people. Today’s Democrat party is extremely racist almost all of them senators and congressmen “ Take a knee “ and subscribe to the insane idea that white homeless people are privileged.

I’ll challenge anyone here on the Democrat side my fellow Democrats show a single video of seven or 10 or 20 white people beating the hell out of blacks. Show it. Show us a video of KKK people in their hoods burning a Cross in a black person’s lawn.

Put up

I really feel bad. My heart goes out to my fellow Democrats, who are so brainwashed that they are going against their own country. The founding fathers, the men and women, black, and white, who built this country. I have love for all my fellow Americans. I pray that my fellow Democrats change their ways and wake up.

From 2016

Nonwhites viciously attacked white Trump supporters

And there are tons of videos of old white Trump supporters aged 70 plus from 2020 getting viciously beat by BLM mobs.

OK I’ll challenge any of my fellow Democrats put up . Put up some videos showing six or 10 white people from the last eight years beating the living hell out of blacks.

In b4 the far left loons use the racist word against Trump supporters . Because they don’t understand English maybe or they never actually read posts. Or they’re so addicted to drugs that they don’t even know what you’re saying. I pray for these people nothing but love for my fellow Americans.

The Biden Admin has pretty much given them the green light. So what do you expect?
These videos are disturbing. They are hate crimes. Why doesn’t the media report it? Where are the special reports? Where are the social activists who are supposed to be driving away Hate?
Because the media is corrupt as our practically all Democrat politicians. You know the writings on the wall our economy is bad and you still have people like Elon Omar, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, doing race division in this country. They say nothing about the videos in this thread, because it doesn’t serve their money purposes.

Meanwhile, the working class black man white man suffers in this country
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Yeah you just have cops blowing away black folks who actually called them for help, sicking dogs onto them while they have their hands up etc...

But no lynchings lately.
You are better than this. Here’s the real stats white people suffer more at the hands of police then do Black people.

Most cops are good people. There’s black ops as well. Occasionally a police officer does something bad to a civilian that happens in every country of the world, sir.

So you said nothing about these hate crime shown in this thread, mobs of blacks, attacking whites. What’s the deal with this man? Do you just not even watch the videos?

How about the video of five black cops beating to death a black man. Why don’t you see what’s happening in front of your eyes if that was five white cops and one black man it will be in the news for a year in a row. Now nobody even talks about it.

I bet you furiously googled “mobs of whites attack blacks”. I bet you and other Democrats did that and you found nothing.

We need to help the working class, black men and white men in this country that are struggling. Democrats used to do that now they don’t care anymore. They’re all about making money on race division.
There was a BLM leader who back in 2020. Said that looting is a form of reparations. And BLM is backed by practically all Democrats.
This was one of the most irresponsible statements I’ve ever heard from a “leader”…. encouraging and justifying looting as a form of reparations. That statement alone made businesses rethink where they should set up shop. HINT: urban areas with lax theft laws aren’t high on the list.

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