There is simply no denying it is time for "common sense" gun laws

Conservative hero Bill O'Reilly:

“There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get,” O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly and others seem to consider the AR-15 as a heavy weapon. “That’s the fact. So let’s deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don’t have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades,” O’Reilly said.

Implying Congress does indeed have the power to act, O’Reilly said, “That’s because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals. They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale.”

Wow, once again O'Reilly shows what a dumb ass he can be. Seriously, they put the right to own guns in the Constitution, then O'Reilly said government gets to decide what that right means. So why put it in the Constitution in the first place? And at number two? He's saying it's not a right, it's a suggestion. The idiot

bill has become a libtard by proxy these past few years
Liberals are pushing the 'common sense gun laws', so there is no 'common sense' to begin with.

Just last night they tried to push new gun laws that ignored due process for innocent people mistakenly placed on Watch Lists, which can and does happen.

If you are placed on a Watch List or a 'Do Not Fly' list you should not be able to buy any NEW weapons. I do not think being placed on a list should be a 'license' for the government to go in to someone's home and confiscate the guns they already have...else every American would suddenly find themselves on a Watch List before too long. :p

I also believe that there should be a time limit for the government to reasonably keep someone on a watch list without that individual coming forth and challenging it. By that I mean if I am placed on a watch list and denied the right to purchase a weapon I should not be buried in bureaucratic B$ - slow-walking my appeal, keeping me on the list for year due to stalling, etc. All cases should be taken care of in a timely manner.
We have seen it far too often. Way too many tragic and unnecessary deaths. We have reached the point that no honest person could deny that it is time for "common sense" gun laws. Barack Obama has preached this for 8 straight years now and he has been right all along.

Wherever guns are banned (public schools, universities, movie theaters, etc.) - horrific tragedy ensues. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, police departments, NRA meetings, etc.) peace and security ensues. Anybody with "common sense" would look at the indisputable reality and immediately implement "common sense" gun laws which would permit firearms everywhere, all the time. Fully automatic weapons in every building (just the Secret Service has while the president is in public). Teachers with guns on them. College students conceal carrying.

Anybody who doesn't support these basic "common sense" gun laws clearly isn't interested in public safety, preserving human life, or security. Instead they are simply interested in control. This one is so obvious - both sides can agree on it. Again - unless someone is more interested in a control/oppression agenda.
You people are so far up your own asses. Don't you see how ridiculous your logic is? Ok you want more "good guys" with guns but you fail to realize that by arming everyone you are only increasing the risk of more nut jobs getting guns. It's such a brainless idea.

And let's examine the "good guy" scenario. Many concealed carried people may have good intentions, but many of them probably know next to nothing about gun safety. How do you think that would turn out?
You are so full of bullshit!
100% of people with 'CC' permits are vetted before they can get the license.
100% of them attend extensive gun safety classes.
100% of them are sane, peaceful law abiding citizens.
The next time a fucking muslim terrorist commits mass murder, who possesses a 'CC' license, by all means let us know.
In the meantime fucking wise up dummy!
Conservative hero Bill O'Reilly:

“There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get,” O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly and others seem to consider the AR-15 as a heavy weapon. “That’s the fact. So let’s deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don’t have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades,” O’Reilly said.

Implying Congress does indeed have the power to act, O’Reilly said, “That’s because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals. They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale.”

Wow, once again O'Reilly shows what a dumb ass he can be. Seriously, they put the right to own guns in the Constitution, then O'Reilly said government gets to decide what that right means. So why put it in the Constitution in the first place? And at number two? He's saying it's not a right, it's a suggestion. The idiot

If government doesn't decide what a right means, who should?
It doesn't have to be a "mass shooter". Every single day in America, an armed citizen stops a murder, armed robbery, or rape. Every day. Why should I be murdered or my wife raped just because you're a pussy? The U.S. Constitution guaranteed you liberty. It did not guarantee you safety or security. If liberty is too scary for you, there are a slew of nanny state socialist nations that would love to have more labor to exploit. Go live your liberal utopia.
Yeah and everyday people get shot for stupid fucking reasons. Doesn't that bother you?
It does! A lot! That "stupid fucking reason" is people like you insisting that we have gun-free victim zones. Armed people don't get shot.
Yeah and blindly arming more people gives more guns to nutjobs. You see how that works? I know you cons love that childish fantasy of you dropping a bad guy with your holster weapon, but it doesn't make any sense to think it works even most of the time.
If it doesn't make any sense - then why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned? You take a position so absurd - you can't even attempt to support it with facts. You just make a bizarre one line sentence and you run. Answer the question: why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned???

How many mass shootings in the White House? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with fully automatic weapons on the grounds.

How many mass shootings at police stations? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with weapons.

How many mass shootings at NRA meetings? By your "logic", it should happen every time there there are many hundreds of men and women armed with firearms.
What do you even know about the correlation between gun free zones and gun crime? You're just making shit up as you go along.

There is no correlation. There are very few establishments that aren't gun free zones.
There is simply no denying it is time for "common sense" gun laws

I completely agree.

Common sense gun laws are, of course, those which have worked in the past.

So that eliminates gun bans, assault weapon bans, one-gun-a-month restrictions, waiting periods, background checks, and most obviously, "gun free" zones. All of them have been tried, and not one has ever reduced the number of "gun crimes".

"Gun free zones", in fact, have had the effect of concentrating mass murders within the "gun free" zone. Far more mass murders have taken place in such "gun free" zones, than outside of them, as murderers use the free-fire zones given to them as areas where they can rack up huge body counts, with no one on the scene able to stop them, and get lurid headlines after the cops finally show up and kill them.

So, what "common sense" gun laws should we have? Which ones have actually reduced murders and other gun crimes?

One is, of course, letting all law-abiding adults carry concealed weapons wherever they go. Even with everyone allowed to carry this way, most still won't bother. But a few will. And the bad guys know that there are probably a few armed individuals somewhere in the crowd in the disco or office party or school grounds they are planning to shoot up. And so the bad guys know they won't be able to kill 49 people before someone stops them, they won't get weeks of blazing headlines they want... and so, many of the potential murderers will decide not to commit their crimes there, or maybe not at all.

So often their crimes never take place. How many lives are saved, without a single shot ever being fired?

This is a "common sense" laws that clearly will save innocent lives.

I fully agree with the OP. When can we expect him to start pushing for concealed carry by responsible adults?

A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.
Conservative hero Bill O'Reilly:

“There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get,” O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly and others seem to consider the AR-15 as a heavy weapon. “That’s the fact. So let’s deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don’t have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades,” O’Reilly said.

Implying Congress does indeed have the power to act, O’Reilly said, “That’s because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals. They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale.”

Wow, once again O'Reilly shows what a dumb ass he can be. Seriously, they put the right to own guns in the Constitution, then O'Reilly said government gets to decide what that right means. So why put it in the Constitution in the first place? And at number two? He's saying it's not a right, it's a suggestion. The idiot

If government doesn't decide what a right means, who should?
Um.....the U.S. Constitution. Did you really need that explained to you? :eusa_doh:
You people are so far up your own asses. Don't you see how ridiculous your logic is? Ok you want more "good guys" with guns but you fail to realize that by arming everyone you are only increasing the risk of more nut jobs getting guns. It's such a brainless idea.

So you admit you do not want "common sense" gun laws? You want oppression and control. Brainless is ignoring the reality that everywhere guns are banned - horrific tragedies occur. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensue.

And let's examine the "good guy" scenario. Many concealed carried people may have good intentions, but many of them probably know next to nothing about gun safety. How do you think that would turn out?

How does that work out? Well...if you knew what you were talking would know that it works out amazingly every time. Millions and millions of crimes prevented by gun owners. That's just the reality. Just admit that you do not want "common sense" gun laws. You want control and oppression.
It's actually statistically rare for a gun owner to actually foil a mass shooter in a public area.
It doesn't have to be a "mass shooter". Every single day in America, an armed citizen stops a murder, armed robbery, or rape. Every day. Why should I be murdered or my wife raped just because you're a pussy? The U.S. Constitution guaranteed you liberty. It did not guarantee you safety or security. If liberty is too scary for you, there are a slew of nanny state socialist nations that would love to have more labor to exploit. Go live your liberal utopia.
Yeah and everyday people get shot for stupid fucking reasons. Doesn't that bother you?
Yeah and every day some one chokes to death while eating a hot dog.
When you have hundreds of millions of people living together 'shit happens'.
You're not suggesting eating hot dogs should be banned just because a couple of people die each day from doing it are you?
Conservative hero Bill O'Reilly:

“There is too much gun crime in the USA, and high-powered weaponry is too easy to get,” O’Reilly said.

O’Reilly and others seem to consider the AR-15 as a heavy weapon. “That’s the fact. So let’s deal with it. We all have the right to bear arms, but we don’t have the right to buy and maintain mortars. Even if you feel threatened by gangsters or a New World Order. No bazookas, no Sherman tanks, no hand grenades,” O’Reilly said.

Implying Congress does indeed have the power to act, O’Reilly said, “That’s because the Second Amendment clearly states the government has a right to regulate militias, made up of individuals. They have that right in the name of public safety. Therefore, Congress should debate what kind of weapons should be available for public sale.”

Wow, once again O'Reilly shows what a dumb ass he can be. Seriously, they put the right to own guns in the Constitution, then O'Reilly said government gets to decide what that right means. So why put it in the Constitution in the first place? And at number two? He's saying it's not a right, it's a suggestion. The idiot

If government doesn't decide what a right means, who should?
Um.....the U.S. Constitution. Did you really need that explained to you? :eusa_doh:

The Constitution IS the government, dumbass.
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

Background checks only ban guns for people ineligible to own them. Why is it so important to you to have loopholes in those laws?
It's actually statistically rare for a gun owner to actually foil a mass shooter in a public area.
It doesn't have to be a "mass shooter". Every single day in America, an armed citizen stops a murder, armed robbery, or rape. Every day. Why should I be murdered or my wife raped just because you're a pussy? The U.S. Constitution guaranteed you liberty. It did not guarantee you safety or security. If liberty is too scary for you, there are a slew of nanny state socialist nations that would love to have more labor to exploit. Go live your liberal utopia.
Yeah and everyday people get shot for stupid fucking reasons. Doesn't that bother you?
It does! A lot! That "stupid fucking reason" is people like you insisting that we have gun-free victim zones. Armed people don't get shot.
Yeah and blindly arming more people gives more guns to nutjobs. You see how that works? I know you cons love that childish fantasy of you dropping a bad guy with your holster weapon, but it doesn't make any sense to think it works even most of the time.
If it doesn't make any sense - then why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned? You take a position so absurd - you can't even attempt to support it with facts. You just make a bizarre one line sentence and you run. Answer the question: why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned???

How many mass shootings in the White House? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with fully automatic weapons on the grounds.

How many mass shootings at police stations? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with weapons.

How many mass shootings at NRA meetings? By your "logic", it should happen every time there there are many hundreds of men and women armed with firearms.
Just to put a cherry on top: How many 'mass shootings' occur at gun ranges????????
Ya fucking RIGHT!
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

Background checks only ban guns for people ineligible to own them. Why is it so important to you to have loopholes in those laws?
Anyone with a fucking brain knows if they have any sort of police record involving any sort of physical violence one of the first things they are told is: "This means who may not own any firearms".
How many of these people would then go into a store/gun show and attempt to buy a legal firearm? Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

So you believe the federal government should force schools, for example, to allow anyone to walk in and around a school, brandishing a firearm,

and do so unmolested.

Seriously, people, this is what we're up against.
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

Background checks only ban guns for people ineligible to own them. Why is it so important to you to have loopholes in those laws?
Anyone with a fucking brain knows if they have any sort of police record involving any sort of physical violence one of the first things they are told is: "This means who may not own any firearms".
How many of these people would then go into a store/gun show and attempt to buy a legal firearm? Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!

They buy one off a private individual who has no obligation to check their background.
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

Background checks only ban guns for people ineligible to own them. Why is it so important to you to have loopholes in those laws?
Anyone with a fucking brain knows if they have any sort of police record involving any sort of physical violence one of the first things they are told is: "This means who may not own any firearms".
How many of these people would then go into a store/gun show and attempt to buy a legal firearm? Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!! NO ONE!!!!!!!

Stores aren't where the loopholes are fuckwit.
A common sense gun law is to have comprehensive background check laws, instead of partial ones with loopholes.

Common sense gun laws is recognizing that wherever guns are banned, tragedy ensues. And wherever guns are prevalent, peace and lawfulness ensues.

So you believe the federal government should force schools, for example, to allow anyone to walk in and around a school, brandishing a firearm,

and do so unmolested.

Seriously, people, this is what we're up against.

I think teachers/admin should be able to carry (provided they pass training and prove they're competent mentally and physically with a gun).

Let me ask you this:

I'm teaching a class of 25 students and one of my students stands up with a gun and starts am I supposed to defend my 24 other students in the room?
We have seen it far too often. Way too many tragic and unnecessary deaths. We have reached the point that no honest person could deny that it is time for "common sense" gun laws. Barack Obama has preached this for 8 straight years now and he has been right all along.

Wherever guns are banned (public schools, universities, movie theaters, etc.) - horrific tragedy ensues. Wherever guns are prevalent (White House, police departments, NRA meetings, etc.) peace and security ensues. Anybody with "common sense" would look at the indisputable reality and immediately implement "common sense" gun laws which would permit firearms everywhere, all the time. Fully automatic weapons in every building (just the Secret Service has while the president is in public). Teachers with guns on them. College students conceal carrying.

Anybody who doesn't support these basic "common sense" gun laws clearly isn't interested in public safety, preserving human life, or security. Instead they are simply interested in control. This one is so obvious - both sides can agree on it. Again - unless someone is more interested in a control/oppression agenda.

You are aware more people are accidently killed by firearms than are killed in mass shootings? The number of accidental deaths just jumped up dramatically. Your answer to the problem kills more than the problem.
It doesn't have to be a "mass shooter". Every single day in America, an armed citizen stops a murder, armed robbery, or rape. Every day. Why should I be murdered or my wife raped just because you're a pussy? The U.S. Constitution guaranteed you liberty. It did not guarantee you safety or security. If liberty is too scary for you, there are a slew of nanny state socialist nations that would love to have more labor to exploit. Go live your liberal utopia.
Yeah and everyday people get shot for stupid fucking reasons. Doesn't that bother you?
It does! A lot! That "stupid fucking reason" is people like you insisting that we have gun-free victim zones. Armed people don't get shot.
Yeah and blindly arming more people gives more guns to nutjobs. You see how that works? I know you cons love that childish fantasy of you dropping a bad guy with your holster weapon, but it doesn't make any sense to think it works even most of the time.
If it doesn't make any sense - then why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned? You take a position so absurd - you can't even attempt to support it with facts. You just make a bizarre one line sentence and you run. Answer the question: why do tragedies only occur where guns are banned???

How many mass shootings in the White House? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with fully automatic weapons on the grounds.

How many mass shootings at police stations? By your "logic", it should happen daily since there are hundreds of men and women armed with weapons.

How many mass shootings at NRA meetings? By your "logic", it should happen every time there there are many hundreds of men and women armed with firearms.
Just to put a cherry on top: How many 'mass shootings' occur at gun ranges????????
Ya fucking RIGHT!

Chris Kyle and his friend were killed at a gun range. People are killed at gun shops all the time.

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