There is nothing more regressive than progressives

And when this is the kind of bullshit you have the luxury of ruminating about, you know Obama's eight years have been very, very good to you. are taking ignorance to unprecedented levels now! More people on food stamps than any point in history. More people out of the labor force than any time in history. 3.7 million women pushed into poverty during the 8 years of the Obama Administration (as reported by Face the Nation on October 16th). Doubled the national debt. Set the middle east on fire by helping to oust rulers and allowing radical muslims like the Muslim Brotherhood to take control.

One hell of a legacy! Only a bat-shit progressive could call that a "very, very good 8 years".
I'm very sorry that people asking you to NOT use the "N" word, is making you feel like a liar.
Well I'm very sad that America has produced ignorant fascists such as yourself who believe that the government has the right to force me to tell a lie. If a person is born with an X and a Y chromosome - they are in fact a man. And I have every right to call them a man even if they want to wear a thong and be referred to as a woman.
I don't even know where to begin unwinding your sense of victimhood.
Yeah...that would be because I speak the truth and you can't defend this outrageous fascism (even though, tragically, you want to).
I bet the O/P still refers to the flight crew of an airplane as "stewardesses".
I bet WaitingFor2020 still reads a chapter from Mein Kampf every night before going to bed. Dreaming of his idea of a utopia where everyone is forced to Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction.

It's funny - progressives always claim to be everything they are not. They claim to "embrace diversity" yet they won't even tolerate an individual using the language of their choice - much less anything else. :eusa_doh:
Yes, yes, we get it, your authoritarian fantasy land is a _Christian_ authoritarian fantasy land. That _still_ makes you a proud authoritarian ratfuk.
5th post
And here are progressives regressing our education in society...
  • Less than 50% (of youngsters between 18 and 24 years of age polled by National Geographic and Roper Public Affairs) could identify New York and Ohio on a U.S. map
  • 60% could not find Iraq or Saudi Arabia on a map of the Middle East
  • 75% could not find Iran or Israel
  • 44% could not locate even one of those four countries.
According to a Philadelphia magazine article:
  • The percentage of college grads who can read and interpret a food label has fallen from 40% to 30%
  • They are 6x's likelier to know who won “American Idol” than they are to know the name of the speaker of the House
  • A high school teacher in California handed out an assignment that required students to use a ruler. Not a single student knew how
According to a study done by the American Institutes for Research:
  • Revealed over 75% of two-year college students and 50% of four-year college students were incapable of completing everyday tasks.
  • About 20% of four-year college students demonstrated only basic mathematical ability
  • While a steeper 30% of two-year college students could not progress past elementary arithmetic
NBC News reported:
  • Fortune 500 companies spend about $3 billion annually to train employees in “basic English.”
Reported by Just Facts:
  • In 2009, the Pentagon estimated that 65% of 17- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. were unqualified for military service because of weak educational skills, poor physical fitness, illegal drug usage, medical conditions, or criminal records.
  • In January 2014, the commander of the U.S. Army Recruiting Command estimated this figure at 77.5%
  • And in June 2014, the Department of Defense estimated this figure at 71%.
The Astonishing Ignorance of Young Adults
There is nothing more regressive than progressivism. It continues to set society back centuries - destroying morals, economies, civility, race relations, and more...

"Once having joined these [ethnic] organizations, the more likely [students] were to feel that they were in this zero-sum relationship with other ethnic groups on campus, and the greater level of hostility they had towards other members on campus, the greater the degree to which they felt ethnically victimized by other ethnic groups on campus," Sidanius claimed in 2004.

Black Harvard Professor: Safe Spaces Harmful
Wherever free market conservative policies are implemented, prosperity reigns. Wherever marxist progressive policies are implemented (like they were in Venezuela), poverty reigns.
  • It had been more than 20 years since a left-leaning government in New Zealand chose to eliminate government subsidies for farmers, and Hausman was surprised at what had transpired since.
  • But those who participated in this nation’s grand farming experiment hold it up as a valuable case study for policymakers worldwide.
  • Today, New Zealand’s farmers are some of the world’s most productive and innovative.
  • Removing government assistance completely, New Zealand officials say, freed farmers to produce what people really want, and to do so in an efficient way that could turn a profit.
  • Since the reforms, New Zealand farmers have cut costs, diversified their land use, and developed new products, Clark says.
  • Additionally, productivity in agriculture has grown faster than the New Zealand economy as a whole.
New Zealand Farmers Thrive Without Government Subsidies
Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’

And they want to take us back to 12,000 to live in caves.

And when this is the kind of bullshit you have the luxury of ruminating about, you know Obama's eight years have been very, very good to you.

I have been good to me. Obama has done nothing for me.

Yeah, no wars, no financial crashes. It's been tough for you, we know.
I have been good to me. Obama has done nothing for me.
Yeah, no wars, no financial crashes. It's been tough for you, we know.
Did you really just say "no wars"? :lmao:

Can you explain to us how more soldiers have died in Afghanistan under Obama than Bush? Can you explain what we did in Egypt, Libya, and Syria?

"No wars" :lmao:
Why do you want to outlaw energy?

That's why we're working so hard to keep the lights on after the fossil fuel runs out.

For supposedly having an advanced "progressive" mind, here you show you're woefully ignorant of the simplest facts. There is no such thing as "fossil fuel"....oil and NG are found far below the depth any plant or animal ever lived. The concept of "peak oil" has been proven wrong more times than Gorebal warming.....oil is an abiotic resource constantly being replenished in the center of the earth. And finally, oil hasn't been used to generate electricity in decades.....strike three.
We call ourselves "Progressive" but if you disagree with us you are against progress. We call ourselves "Liberal" yet we demand 100% compliance with our ideas. Anyone see a problem here?

The opposite of progress is regress, so yes, liberals don't wish to move backwards, unlike you regressives.
You are incorrect about the word "liberal", too.
  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
We call ourselves "Progressive" but if you disagree with us you are against progress. We call ourselves "Liberal" yet we demand 100% compliance with our ideas. Anyone see a problem here?
The opposite of progress is regress, so yes, liberals don't wish to move backwards, unlike you regressives.
I proved that wrong in the initial post, my fragile little snowflake. Everything you irrational people do is designed to move society backwards. Your economic views are from the 1800's, your political views are from the 1700's, your energy views are from the 1600's, and your views on science are from the caveman era.

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