There is nothing more regressive than progressives


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’
Why do you want to outlaw energy?

Look, if you want to hug trees and live in a cave, go right ahead. Just don't ask us to join we. We liberals like electricity and modern technology. That's why we're working so hard to keep the lights on after the fossil fuel runs out.
Liberals continue to block the progress of mankind. Their first attempt was with economics. They took us back to the 1800's - implementing Karl Marx's "from each according this abilities, to each according to his needs". And though it has collapsed economies around the globe, that wasn't quite enough for liberals. So then they decided to take us back to the 1700's with their politics. Shred the U.S. Constitution, consolidate all power into one branch (the executive branch) and then consolidate all power there to one man (the president) - much like King George III. But that still wasn't enough for them. They then insisted on taking us back to the 1600's by outlawing energy. Everything (coal, fracking, nuclear, etc.) is "bad" for the environment (even though all science points to no impact at all on the environment) so now we're only allowed to burn candles for light and heat.

But shockingly enough, that still wasn't enough for regressive "progressives". Their latest assault to stop the progress of mankind is their assault on speech. It has literally gotten to the point that we can't even use words which are not only common - but also accurate. Calling a man a "man" is now illegal in New York if that man prefers to be called a woman (so the government is basically forcing us to tell a lie - just like oppressive regimes throughout history have). And basic words like "mailman" and "anchorman" have now been forbidden by Princeton University.

Liberals have actually achieved their goal of taking us back to the caveman era were all we have is fire for light and heat and no words are spoken - we can only grunt and point. I can only imagine what the next step is for the regressives.

Princeton University Wants Staff to Avoid Using the Word ‘Man’

What about the regressive taxation? They inflate away the living standards of the poor by printing so much money.

In the mind of a Prog, the issue is unsustainable population levels. So how do you combat that? You kill the economy. People will not be able to fly on carbon producing jets as much or own large houses to heat and cool nor will they be able to afford the large carbon producing SUV etc. They will not live as long being poor so their carbon footprint cannot be as bad.

All they can do is push abortion and gay sex to help curb population levels
Why do you want to outlaw energy?

Look, if you want to hug trees and live in a cave, go right ahead. Just don't ask us to join we. We liberals like electricity and modern technology. That's why we're working so hard to keep the lights on after the fossil fuel runs out.
What a bizarre response. I don't advocate outlawing any energy source (even the failed green energy pipe dream). It's you libtards promising to shut down coal, fracking, etc. :eusa_doh:
Another prime example of regressive "progressivism". Science once again proves that liberal are lying. Considering that liberals have completely rejected climate science, political science, economics, and history - there is no reason to believe they will accept this science either. We desperately need science to find a cure for liberalism. We have medications for schizophrenia and liberalism is very near to that as a mental disorder. I have to think they could alter those medications to help with liberalism.

What Media Get Wrong About Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...
The irony of you attempting to lecture on proper grammar while using some of the most atrocious grammar imaginable is comical. Literally everything you post is inaccurate.

Nobody has ever complained about the phrase "everyone must show their bade at the door". The complaint, stupid, is in regards to words that have nothing to do with gender and yet have the letters M, A, and N in them. For instance - freshman. It has nothing to do with gender. It is simply a term to identify the level of a student. And yet irrational liberals are trying to ban that word. There are dozens more just like it.

I don't expect you to understand though Moon. You've illustrated that both your intellect and your maturity are extremely limited. You really should find a site more at your level. Maybe something like Cartoon Network. Maybe a Simpsons fan site.
Liberals were not communist...The communist hated liberals...
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.

Oh my, Patriot is all upset over this, no surprise...
The irony of you attempting to lecture on proper grammar while using some of the most atrocious grammar imaginable is comical. Literally everything you post is inaccurate.

Nobody has ever complained about the phrase "everyone must show their bade at the door". The complaint, stupid, is in regards to words that have nothing to do with gender and yet have the letters M, A, and N in them. For instance - freshman. It has nothing to do with gender. It is simply a term to identify the level of a student. And yet irrational liberals are trying to ban that word. There are dozens more just like it.

I don't expect you to understand though Moon. You've illustrated that both your intellect and your maturity are extremely limited. You really should find a site more at your level. Maybe something like Cartoon Network. Maybe a Simpsons fan site.
I read what the University published, did you?
An African-American liberal Democrat just undresses the hypocrisy of the liberal ideology and what it has morphed into...

My problem with Liberalism is that it’s more concerned with policing people’s language and thoughts without requiring them to do anything to fix the problem. White liberal college students speak of “safe spaces”, “trigger words”, “micro aggressions” and “white privilege” while not having to do anything or, more importantly, give up anything. They can’t even have a conversation with someone who sees the world differently without resorting to calling someone a racist, homophobic, misogynistic, bigot and trying to have them banned from campus, or ruin them and their reputation. They say they feel black peoples’ pain because they took a trip to Africa to help the disadvantaged, but are unwilling to go to a black neighborhood in the City in which they live. These same college students will espouse the joys of diversity, but will in the same breath assume you are only on campus because of affirmative action or that all black people grew up in poverty. My personal favorite is declaring with surprise how articulate a black classmate is despite the fact that we are attending the same institution of higher learning as they are.

The Culture Of The Smug White Liberal
If we ran only by conservative intolerance, view that a college education is not necessary and that pollution is an acceptable part of making a profit then yes we all go to heck.
If we ran only by conservative intolerance, view that a college education is not necessary and that pollution is an acceptable part of making a profit then yes we all go to heck.
That's ironic since the only one getting wealthy off of "pollution" is Al Gore and his cronies.

Also - there is no one more intolerant than liberals. They won't even allow people to speak anymore. They need to run to their "safe space". :lol:
So the gender specific language is being phased out for non-gender, examples are
Example used: Everyone must show his badge at the door
Example replacement: Everyone must show their badge at the door..

Which is a more precise use of a language to include all instead of one.
This is the problem when you make up a false narrative in a weak attempt to defend the indefensible - you end up looking stupid. This vice principal instructed teachers to eliminate the terms "boys" and "girls". It has nothing to do with your absurd defense that in the workplace it will make sense to say "everyone must show their badge" when there are male and female employees required to do the exact same thing. In your example - nobody is attempting to eliminate gender. They are simply trying to include both genders when appropriate. This school is attempting to indoctrinate children and eliminate gender when gender actually exists. There are boys and there are girls and they are biologically different.

WATCH: Teachers at School Directed to Stop Addressing Students as ‘Boys and Girls’
Here are "progressives" once again pushing regressive policies...
  • Hampshire College will offer some of its students what the school euphemistically calls “identity-based housing.” That’s segregated housing for students who—because of their race, culture, gender, or sexual orientation—have “historically experienced oppression.”
  • University of Connecticut administrators think more black men will graduate if they spend more time together. According to Campus Reform, they are building a new residence hall to facilitate just that.
  • Then there’s an effort for racial segregation in classes. Moraine Valley Community College attempted it in a class titled “College: Changes, Challenges, Choices.” It mandated that some class sections be “limited to African-American students.” The college defended racially segregated classes by saying they make students “feel comfortable.” can one not love liberalism? Regressing us back to the days of segregation!

Examples of Lunacy on College Campuses
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Progressive continue to take us back to the King George III era pre-dating the U.S. Constitution...

Progressives have a deep contempt for the U.S. Constitution (the highest law in the land) and advocate that we violate the highest law in the land...

"As the nation teeters at the edge of fiscal chaos, observers are reaching the conclusion that the American system of government is broken. But almost no one blames the culprit: our insistence on obedience to the Constitution, with all its archaic, idiosyncratic and downright evil provisions." - Progressive professor LOUIS MICHAEL SIDEMAN

Lets Give Up On The Constitution

To which Steven Hayward had the greatest response ever:

As I sometimes like to say, “Our Constitution may not be perfect, but it’s better than the government we’ve got.”

A Liberal Comes Clean: We Hate the Constitution
Progressives continue to regress society. Never thought I'd see the day were a media outlet would not only blatantly support an ideology - but would actually pen an article with a title "if you don't do what we want - then f*ck you". Stay "classy" progressives...

DONALD FUCKING TRUMP. This isn’t a fucking joke. This is REAL. And y’all have the audacity to sit back and say “I won’t vote” or “I’ll vote for Trump” or “I’ll vote for ___________ so & so who isn’t going to become president but it’s cute you voted for them one time because of your principles.” It’s bullshit. And to be frank, how fucking dare you.

If You Don't Vote Democrat This November, Then Fuck You | Huffington Post

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