There is no liberal media


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It is a shame that America has reduced itself to a level of stupid so severe that we watch a president break laws in our faces and people actually believe he is doing the right things just because people beloved to be of an ideology stereotyped incorrectly say he's breaking the law.

There is no liberal media. It's time to understand that. I have good friends who are experts in the field and they laugh at this ignorance. It is a shame that the Washington Post produces documented evidence that is fact checked and people call it fake, but the gateway pundit, known for failed fact checks and fake news, or Breitbart, a source that has been sued several times for fraudulent reporring, and when I say fraudulent, I'm not talking about a misquote, I am talking entire stories have been made up and cast as news, but there are people here that will take what they put out like is the sermon on the mount.


There is No Liberal Media in America
Author: Ben Cohen
As the war rages on between Bill O'Reilly and reality (or 'guttersnipes' and 'far left zealots' as O'Reilly likes to call them), the American news media is coming under greater scrutiny for its role in informing the public. Can we trust the media? Do they have an agenda, and is there, as O'Reilly implies, a liberal media bias?

As a foreign transplant, I am often bemused by Americans' understanding of their media system. Conservatives frequently complain about 'liberal media' outlets like MSNBC, NPR, and the New York Times, and most people seem to think there is a right and left wing press in America.

While this may be accurate within the American political paradigm, to anyone raised outside the states, this looks a little absurd. When I watch 'liberal' hosts on MSNBC, I don't see anything I would consider to be particularly liberal or left leaning about them. I see presenters who seem to be aware that reality is important when dissecting the news. Rachel Maddow for instance, is a very bright person with a knack for presenting objective opinion and solid reporting. In Britain, she might be considered to be slightly left leaning, but mostly a reasonable, rational news presenter who attempts to deconstruct current affairs. Britain is fairly conservative when compared to the rest of Europe and the rest of the industrialized world, so Maddow probably wouldn't be considered to be particularly political at all if she were a presenter in say, Sweden. As Maddow herself once stated, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

Paul Krugman, the NYT's columnist, is regarded by the right as an extreme left wing economist. Outside of America, Krugman is viewed as a smart analyst who admittedly has a Keynesian approach to economics, but largely believes in looking at actual data to inform his opinion. Is that liberal? If liberal means 'reality', then Krugman is most certainly a liberal (and as Stephen Colbert said, "Reality has a well known liberal bias").

As a general rule of thumb, if you want to understand the politics of a media outlet, you should always follow the money. Who funds your favorite network invariably dictates the broad agenda behind the reporting you see. Given 90 % of the country's most prominent media outlets are owned by 6 mega corporations, it might be more accurate to say that the American media has a corporate bias.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America


These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America
Yep. It was required reading in journalism only since the 80s with Ben Bagdikian coming out with the New Media Monopoly in 1983. I guess every generation has to pretend they have made a great discovery.
I stopped reading at the title. That is so patently stupid and false that nothing that follows it is worth reading.

What I said was true. You have been radicalized and believe right wing extremist ideology.
You're right, there is no "media" anymore. 90% of it is the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.
Yep. It was required reading in journalism only since the 80s with Ben Bagdikian coming out with the New Media Monopoly in 1983. I guess every generation has to pretend they have made a great discovery.
Wrong. Many of these mergers happened in the 90's.
It is a shame that America has reduced itself to a level of stupid so severe that we watch a president break laws in our faces and people actually believe he is doing the right things just because people beloved to be of an ideology stereotyped incorrectly say he's breaking the law.

There is no liberal media. It's time to understand that. I have good friends who are experts in the field and they laugh at this ignorance. It is a shame that the Washington Post produces documented evidence that is fact checked and people call it fake, but the gateway pundit, known for failed fact checks and fake news, or Breitbart, a source that has been sued several times for fraudulent reporring, and when I say fraudulent, I'm not talking about a misquote, I am talking entire stories have been made up and cast as news, but there are people here that will take what they put out like is the sermon on the mount.


There is No Liberal Media in America
Author: Ben Cohen
As the war rages on between Bill O'Reilly and reality (or 'guttersnipes' and 'far left zealots' as O'Reilly likes to call them), the American news media is coming under greater scrutiny for its role in informing the public. Can we trust the media? Do they have an agenda, and is there, as O'Reilly implies, a liberal media bias?

As a foreign transplant, I am often bemused by Americans' understanding of their media system. Conservatives frequently complain about 'liberal media' outlets like MSNBC, NPR, and the New York Times, and most people seem to think there is a right and left wing press in America.

While this may be accurate within the American political paradigm, to anyone raised outside the states, this looks a little absurd. When I watch 'liberal' hosts on MSNBC, I don't see anything I would consider to be particularly liberal or left leaning about them. I see presenters who seem to be aware that reality is important when dissecting the news. Rachel Maddow for instance, is a very bright person with a knack for presenting objective opinion and solid reporting. In Britain, she might be considered to be slightly left leaning, but mostly a reasonable, rational news presenter who attempts to deconstruct current affairs. Britain is fairly conservative when compared to the rest of Europe and the rest of the industrialized world, so Maddow probably wouldn't be considered to be particularly political at all if she were a presenter in say, Sweden. As Maddow herself once stated, "I'm undoubtedly a liberal, which means that I'm in almost total agreement with the Eisenhower-era Republican party platform."

Paul Krugman, the NYT's columnist, is regarded by the right as an extreme left wing economist. Outside of America, Krugman is viewed as a smart analyst who admittedly has a Keynesian approach to economics, but largely believes in looking at actual data to inform his opinion. Is that liberal? If liberal means 'reality', then Krugman is most certainly a liberal (and as Stephen Colbert said, "Reality has a well known liberal bias").

As a general rule of thumb, if you want to understand the politics of a media outlet, you should always follow the money. Who funds your favorite network invariably dictates the broad agenda behind the reporting you see. Given 90 % of the country's most prominent media outlets are owned by 6 mega corporations, it might be more accurate to say that the American media has a corporate bias.

These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America


These 6 Corporations Control 90% Of The Media In America

Yep. It was required reading in journalism only since the 80s with Ben Bagdikian coming out with the New Media Monopoly in 1983. I guess every generation has to pretend they have made a great discovery.
Wrong. Many of these mergers happened in the 90's.

They started earlier. Bagdikian was one of the first to report on it. He updated that book at least 10 times.

Try again.
I stopped reading at the point when the author admitted that he views the American political landscape through a European lens. Europe, where certain opinions are punishable with prison sentences and anyone to the right of Mao is considered a far right extremist.

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