There Is No England Now...

Not for nothing do residents refer to the city as "Londonistan". I was on that bridge last week and pondered why there were no barriers separating pedestrians from traffic. I guess we can expect some soon.

"Europe is dead and in its stead Eurabia has arisen" -



Parliament terror attack – Four dead and others ‘catastrophically’ injured after 4×4 mows down a dozen people on Westminster Bridge

Suspect was shot by cops after police officer was stabbed outside Parliament...


Knifeman 'shot by cops outside Parliament after attacking officers'
Fitting it is over the river. Enoch Powell talked about the looming failure of multiculture, and the violence coming in his "Rivers of blood" speech.
You really are an ignorant fuck. Powell was referring to the River Tiber.
Terrible day.
But the UK is still safer than the US.
I will leave further comment until more is known.
Leaving speculation to knobs who seek to make political capital out of tragedy.
It really is so shocking that Leftist Globalists are still defending their Open Borders Policy. I guess they figure they have nothing to lose by doubling down on their failed bloody policies. So tragic.
Terrible day.
But the UK is still safer than the US.
I will leave further comment until more is known.
Leaving speculation to knobs who seek to make political capital out of tragedy.

Police State domination. Nothing for Great Britain to be proud of. The Left Globalists have completely dismantled its Immigration System. Their problems have only just begun.

Parliament terror attack – Four dead and others ‘catastrophically’ injured after 4×4 mows down a dozen people on Westminster Bridge

Suspect was shot by cops after police officer was stabbed outside Parliament...


Knifeman 'shot by cops outside Parliament after attacking officers'
Fitting it is over the river. Enoch Powell talked about the looming failure of multiculture, and the violence coming in his "Rivers of blood" speech.
You really are an ignorant fuck. Powell was referring to the River Tiber.
I never aid he was referring to the Thames. You are the ignorant fuck for saying so. The speech is "Rivers of Blood" that is the reference to the river not which one it is. Anything else chubby?
Very sad. The Cuckold Left Wingers have destroyed another once glorious Nation.

Well, in context, it's not that bad. England spread some pretty horrific evils throughout the world over the last several centuries. Now that they're leaving the EU, they're pretty much completely irrelevant.

"It's not that bad?" Ok. :cuckoo:

No. It's not as bad as your hysterical terror makes you think it is.

Yeah tell that to normal everyday Brits who live in a world of cameras and metal detectors just to shop in their own cities.

Trump will be asking for that soon, and you'll quiver in excitement about it.

Thanks to the fact that asshole libs like you don't care if our country is overran with third-world fundamentalist Muslims, we'll soon be living under surveilance night and day.
Immersed in a seething pit of hatred, hidden in pockets of communities plagued by old animosities and ancient strife.

These people may have left their lands. But they have brought every tension, every conflict, every bit of fight here with them.

The Afghans hate the Somalias who loathe the Eritreans. As it was before, it is now. London is a city of ghettos behind a thin veneer of civility kept polished by a Muslim mayor whose greatest validation is his father's old job.

Son-of-a-bus-driver Sadiq.

I see him now, penning a missive about how London is a beautiful and tolerant city, how we are united by shared values and understanding, and how we will not be cowed by terror.

Sure enough, there he was, saying exactly that, just now. Fool.

Read more: Katie Hopkins on the London terror attack | Daily Mail Online
Well, in context, it's not that bad. England spread some pretty horrific evils throughout the world over the last several centuries. Now that they're leaving the EU, they're pretty much completely irrelevant.

"It's not that bad?" Ok. :cuckoo:
No. It's not as bad as your hysterical terror makes you think it is.

Yeah tell that to normal everyday Brits who live in a world of cameras and metal detectors just to shop in their own cities.

Trump will be asking for that soon, and you'll quiver in excitement about it.

Thanks to the fact that asshole libs like you don't care if our country is overran with third-world fundamentalist Muslims, we'll soon be living under surveilance night and day.

Yeah, Great Britain has become a Surveillance State. It ranks right up there with Totalitarian nations like North Korea, China, Myanmar, and so on. And it's gonna get worse. Western Europe as a whole, is in for some very dark days ahead. Unfettered Open Borders doesn't work. Western Europe's beginning to find that out the very hard way.

I only pray we don't allow our Left Globalists in the US to do the same to our nation. I mean, could you imagine if Hillary Clinton had won? She openly boasted about following Merkel's lead on Open Borders. Man, thank God Trump won. We know he isn't an Open Borders Globalist. So there is some hope he can get a handle on our own Immigration mess.
Very sad. The Cuckold Left Wingers have destroyed another once glorious Nation.

support suidi arabia kingdom=support wahabism=support jihadism

Wise observation. The West in general, has sold its soul to the Saudi Devil. The rapid spread of Wahhabism is all on the West and its support for Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has spent untold $Millions spreading Wahhabism around the world. It's the foundation of all Islamic Terrorist Organizations. So we got the oil, but we're paying a deadly price for it.
Keep calm and propagandize on — that’s the attitude in Sadiq Khan’s London, where terrorism, as he put it last year, some months after his election as mayor, is “part and parcel of living in a big city".

The Spectator.
Keep calm and propagandize on — that’s the attitude in Sadiq Khan’s London, where terrorism, as he put it last year, some months after his election as mayor, is “part and parcel of living in a big city".

The Spectator.

Pretty shocking. Kinda like when Merkel told Germans they're just gonna have to 'get used to Refugee crime.' These people are insane. How have they been allowed to seize power?

I don't get it. I mean for such a small nation, Great Britain is producing so many Islamic Terrorists. I think they allowed their Cuckold Left Wingers to seize too much power. What a mess.
^^^ buncha idiots

UK is proud and unafraid of radical jihadists or alt right jerks.
As the terrorist attacks escalate, fear will definitely set in and when the Brits become so weary of the carnage that they seek any solution, the Islamic clerics step forward and offer them peace, if the Brits agree to allow Sharia Law the Hadith to be the sole laws of the nation and non-Muslims agree to convert to Islam, or pay the Jizya Tax. The current generation of Brits, being the pussies they are, will agree to the terms and the clerics will rule and the monarchy dissolved.
^^^ buncha idiots

UK is proud and unafraid of radical jihadists or alt right jerks.
As the terrorist attacks escalate, fear will definitely set in and when the Brits become so weary of the carnage that they seek any solution, the Islamic clerics step forward and offer them peace, if the Brits agree to allow Sharia Law the Hadith to be the sole laws of the nation and non-Muslims agree to convert to Islam, or pay the Jizya Tax. The current generation of Brits, being the pussies they are, will agree to the terms and the clerics will rule and the monarchy dissolved.
You are an idiot
^^^ buncha idiots

UK is proud and unafraid of radical jihadists or alt right jerks.
As the terrorist attacks escalate, fear will definitely set in and when the Brits become so weary of the carnage that they seek any solution, the Islamic clerics step forward and offer them peace, if the Brits agree to allow Sharia Law the Hadith to be the sole laws of the nation and non-Muslims agree to convert to Islam, or pay the Jizya Tax. The current generation of Brits, being the pussies they are, will agree to the terms and the clerics will rule and the monarchy dissolved.
You are an idiot
You really need to stop saying that when you are looking in the mirror and develop some measure of self respect.
As a white Englishman, I can safely say that the rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated. As a people we're getting along fine, thanks. Our Muslim population is in fact, despite all the alt-Right hysteria, still a tiny minority, less than 5% of our population and many of them are completely intergrated into our lifestyle and values; so much so they even vote Tory! As I look out my window I see we're still a green and pleasant land, and when I was last in my nearest city there were no "no-go" areas to worry about.

Thank you for your concern but I reiterate rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated.

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