The worst popular bands...


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Write your opinion of the WORST popular bands.

I couldn't stand these guys... in my eyes... everything that was wrong with the 80's "video" rock bands...
ABSOLUTELY hated their glam outfits and "parody" make up equally as much as their no talent gimmick songs like "We're not gonna take it" and "I wanna rock"... Snider wrote both of these songs specifically to get noticed and make videos for MTV.
It worked. Really well. Two platinum records well. Even though there was nothing good or original.
The gimmick wore off and the band faded into oblivion fast. Never making another record remotely popular they quit.
Snider tried hard to make it in another band and solo - with marginal notice.

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I don't really like bands in general.

Every band on earth will have one or two songs that I like though but I've never been one to look out for certain bands, go to concerts etc.

Do me what makes a good band is a band that has less shit songs than some of the other bands.

I don't think I've ever heard an album from any band in my life that if there's 15 tracks on it, 10 of them aren't just boring, shite, filler-type tracks.
Sammy Hagar... 1980s... well... ever.


Never understood the attraction. Shrilly one-noted singing voice, the songs either sounded the same, or were truly awful.
And like Twisted Sister, Hagar wrote gimmick songs to sell albums... he had to... no other songs on the albums were worth a nickel.
Songs like "I can't drive 55" and "There's only one way to rock" - bubble gum hard rock garbage.
OMG - my oldest brother loved them. For whatever reason.
Funny story... we constantly made fun of him for it, one day he goes out and buys their newest album - Love Gun.
Opens it up.... what is this... a cardboard gun?... wait... it's a pop gun, you pop it and out comes a "flag" that says "Love"... Love gun.
He throws it on the ground and says "that's it!".... never bought another album.
Rolling Stones
Bruce Springstein

If Zappa got 10% of their combined airtime, Global IQ's would raise 20 points and there would be no more wars - or Communism

Frank Zappa — 'Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.'
The Doors
nope cant agree there....
Agree... although they were a "could a should a band"
If not for Morrison's raging alcohol problem... they could have been amazing.
Not showing up for recording sessions, forgetting the words and cursing at audiences... getting so drunk on stage they would have to end the concert, dragging his vomiting carcass off stage.
Which was tragic, he was a solid song writer.
Rolling Stones
I disagree with that.
I have always said they are the most overrated band in all of Rock n Roll... however... they did some terrific stuff. But was consequently surrounded by absolute garbage songs.
Some Girls is one of my favorite records.
Why they are so overated is, despite having 30 studio albums.... 30!.... virtually all of the songs you hear on the radio are all from only 3-4 albums 50 years ago.
Rolling Stones
I disagree with that.
I have always said they are the most overrated band in all of Rock n Roll... however... they did some terrific stuff. But was consequently surrounded by absolute garbage songs.
Some Girls is one of my favorite records.
Why they are so overated is, despite having 30 studio albums.... 30!.... virtually all of the songs you hear on the radio are all from only 3-4 albums 50 years ago.
the Stones were a great band in the sixties and a few years into the 70's.....thats it....

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