"The World Stands Disgraced by Israel"

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Israel is not an occupation, it is the land of the Jews and Jerusalem is her capital. Get over it or get dead.
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D

Here's one example revealing how some religious Israelis see non-Israelis:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ77ZM0fGmU"]ISRAELI JEWS THREATEN TO KILL CHRISTIAN AMERICANS (SAID FUCK JESUS) - YouTube[/ame]

These Christians did NOTHING to deserve this treatment. But millions and millions of modern Christians will gladly lay down like doormats to the hatred Jews have towards non-Jews (and specifically Christians):

As a Christian, I take this passage very, very seriously while millions of my Christian brothers and sisters cast it aside as if it's not a legitimate part of the Bible:

2 Corinthians 6:14-16, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

As a Christian, I don't "yoke myself" with non-believers of other religions. I can be friendly and even helpful but I don't put their religious beliefs or their nationality above Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.

Oh my God, is that old picture being dragged up once again -- probably by now for way over 1,000 times. While the picture is being dragged up, nothing is being said about all the Christians who have been and are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Yeah, those silly kids are really hurting the Christians; however, the real Christians being murdered in Iraq and elsewhere don't even deserve a mention it appears.

When I was growing up, kids used to come home from parochial school singing, "Monday we go to school. Tuesday we beat up the Jews." They were actually silly kids just about the age of the kids in the video.
Everybody from my yeshiva had to wait at a certain bus stop.
The tough guys who hung out at the pizza shop couldn't resist trying to rough us up.
We beat the shit out of them.
They were so embarrassed they never came back to the pizza shop again.
I'm sure the owner was thrilled with that.
The US, Canada, and Israel are all sovereign states.
Gaza is not; it's an occupied territory, and Israel is its occupying power.
You're right, I believe, about the two state solution because Israel has already stolen too much Arab land and water for a Palestinian state to be viable.

To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.

The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim).
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.

I will repeat in case you missed it. In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

You don't need a huge military to put suicide vests on women and teenagers who then go to a crowded market and blow themselves and a lot of innocent Jews up. They have done this in the past and would do it again if Israel allowed them free access to Israel.

Launching rocket attacks on Israel from UN schools and public market places in Gaza is the best they can do. Of course these rockets are aimed at civilian rather than military targets.
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D


Israel has made peace treaties and the "Palestinians" have broken all of them and they will fight until God comes back and settles it.
This is a war against Israel and it is hatred.

Why is Israel stealing all the land between the River and the sea?

You are putting a price on life and peace. How much is someone's life worth to you?

Would Indians have a right to fight everyone in America for their land back? They already lost that war.

Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
Israel is a racist, apartheid state that will either change its ways or go the way of White South Africa; maybe you should sign up for a cruise(don't forget your snorkel):D

Here's one example revealing how some religious Israelis see non-Israelis:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ77ZM0fGmU"]ISRAELI JEWS THREATEN TO KILL CHRISTIAN AMERICANS (SAID FUCK JESUS) - YouTube[/ame]

These Christians did NOTHING to deserve this treatment. But millions and millions of modern Christians will gladly lay down like doormats to the hatred Jews have towards non-Jews (and specifically Christians):

As a Christian, I take this passage very, very seriously while millions of my Christian brothers and sisters cast it aside as if it's not a legitimate part of the Bible:

2 Corinthians 6:14-16, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

As a Christian, I don't "yoke myself" with non-believers of other religions. I can be friendly and even helpful but I don't put their religious beliefs or their nationality above Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.

Oh my God, is that old picture being dragged up once again -- probably by now for way over 1,000 times. While the picture is being dragged up, nothing is being said about all the Christians who have been and are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Yeah, those silly kids are really hurting the Christians; however, the real Christians being murdered in Iraq and elsewhere don't even deserve a mention it appears.

When I was growing up, kids used to come home from parochial school singing, "Monday we go to school. Tuesday we beat up the Jews." They were actually silly kids just about the age of the kids in the video.

I could bring up a lot more videos revealing the same underlying sentiment. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Islam either. We have Jewish members of this forum who are every much as hateful towards Christians as the hater in the video. The point I'm making is that I don't feel the least bit compelled to "yoke myself" with ANY religion that rejects and hates Jesus Christ.

And the "silly kid" in the video is also a "dangerous kid." That sort of rabid hatred will often manifest itself into violence and bloodshed.
Here's one example revealing how some religious Israelis see non-Israelis:


These Christians did NOTHING to deserve this treatment. But millions and millions of modern Christians will gladly lay down like doormats to the hatred Jews have towards non-Jews (and specifically Christians):

As a Christian, I take this passage very, very seriously while millions of my Christian brothers and sisters cast it aside as if it's not a legitimate part of the Bible:

2 Corinthians 6:14-16, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people."

As a Christian, I don't "yoke myself" with non-believers of other religions. I can be friendly and even helpful but I don't put their religious beliefs or their nationality above Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible.

Oh my God, is that old picture being dragged up once again -- probably by now for way over 1,000 times. While the picture is being dragged up, nothing is being said about all the Christians who have been and are being murdered in other Middle East countries. Yeah, those silly kids are really hurting the Christians; however, the real Christians being murdered in Iraq and elsewhere don't even deserve a mention it appears.

When I was growing up, kids used to come home from parochial school singing, "Monday we go to school. Tuesday we beat up the Jews." They were actually silly kids just about the age of the kids in the video.

We have Jewish members of this forum who are every much as hateful towards Christians as the hater in the video.

You truly believe that?
I can think of one.
To most of us, occupied territory means there are troops in the country being occupied. We agree that there will not be a two state solution, merely the three reason why I believe that to be a fact.

1. As long as Hamas exists and continues firing rockets at the civilian population of Israel it can’t happen.

2. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel as a state, and Israel would have to be one of the two states.

3. As long as this paragraph is in the Hamas Charter, there can be no two state solution.
Hamas is not the government of a sovereign state and it's charter is not a constitution.
Hamas leaders consistently state Palestinians deserve the right of self-determination to decide their relationship with Israel. Neither Hamas nor a majority of Palestinians have any problem with dealing as an equal with a Jewish neighbor, but they will not accept dealing with Jews as occupiers.

You really stretch credibility when you try to claim a Palestinian state with no army, navy or air force represents any security threat to a nuclear-armed Israel.

I will repeat in case you missed it. In 2006, Hamas won the 2006 Palestinian legislative elections and assumed administrative control of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

You don't need a huge military to put suicide vests on women and teenagers who then go to a crowded market and blow themselves and a lot of innocent Jews up. They have done this in the past and would do it again if Israel allowed them free access to Israel.

Launching rocket attacks on Israel from UN schools and public market places in Gaza is the best they can do. Of course these rockets are aimed at civilian rather than military targets.
The rockets and suicide vests are a response to Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine.
Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves.
They have never tried very hard to hide that fact.
End the occupation and you'll end the rockets and the vests.

Israel has made peace treaties and the "Palestinians" have broken all of them and they will fight until God comes back and settles it.
This is a war against Israel and it is hatred.

Why is Israel stealing all the land between the River and the sea?

You are putting a price on life and peace. How much is someone's life worth to you?

Would Indians have a right to fight everyone in America for their land back? They already lost that war.

Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?
Why is Israel stealing all the land between the River and the sea?

You are putting a price on life and peace. How much is someone's life worth to you?

Would Indians have a right to fight everyone in America for their land back? They already lost that war.

Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?

Arabs want all the Jews dead or pushed into the sea. They want Israel to not exist at all.
Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?

you are being very very simplistic,, Georgie The term "Palestine" is very vague
and has been defined in MARKEDLY different ways over the past 2500 years. Why do
you use so vague a term? At one time Syria and Jordan were IN "PALESTINE"----and even
parts of Lebanon-----and probably the Sinai. ----maybe some of the emirates (??) I think that
the best way to describe------that part of the world is "THE LEVANT"-----which includes (??
godonlyknowswhat) -----but a fairly large land mass upon which jews, arabs, muslims,
chrisitans of various kinds-----have lived ----sometimes on and off-----for a very long time.
In my view all the people mentioned ------can have parts of that land -----there is more than
enough for all the various people to be accommodated -----safe and secure
You are putting a price on life and peace. How much is someone's life worth to you?

Would Indians have a right to fight everyone in America for their land back? They already lost that war.

Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?

Arabs want all the Jews dead or pushed into the sea. They want Israel to not exist at all.
Then why are Jews the ones stealing Arabs land, bulldozing Arab homes and businesses, and using Arab children for gunnery practice on a peaceful Gaza beach? Jews are pushing Gazans into the sea as we speak. Do you support that?
Some things are greater than right and wrong and it is love, health, peace, etc.
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?

you are being very very simplistic,, Georgie The term "Palestine" is very vague
and has been defined in MARKEDLY different ways over the past 2500 years. Why do
you use so vague a term? At one time Syria and Jordan were IN "PALESTINE"----and even
parts of Lebanon-----and probably the Sinai. ----maybe some of the emirates (??) I think that
the best way to describe------that part of the world is "THE LEVANT"-----which includes (??
godonlyknowswhat) -----but a fairly large land mass upon which jews, arabs, muslims,
chrisitans of various kinds-----have lived ----sometimes on and off-----for a very long time.
In my view all the people mentioned ------can have parts of that land -----there is more than
enough for all the various people to be accommodated -----safe and secure
When do you expect the transfer to begin in Gaza, Hasbara?
There are currently nearly equal numbers of Jews and Arabs living in Palestine.
Jews want all the land for themselves.
Arabs find that price too high to pay.
Would you agree?

Arabs want all the Jews dead or pushed into the sea. They want Israel to not exist at all.
Then why are Jews the ones stealing Arabs land, bulldozing Arab homes and businesses, and using Arab children for gunnery practice on a peaceful Gaza beach? Jews are pushing Gazans into the sea as we speak. Do you support that?

Probably something to do with the rockets flying into Israel constantly and Hamas's charter that demand that Israel be deleted from the planet.
Arabs want all the Jews dead or pushed into the sea. They want Israel to not exist at all.
Then why are Jews the ones stealing Arabs land, bulldozing Arab homes and businesses, and using Arab children for gunnery practice on a peaceful Gaza beach? Jews are pushing Gazans into the sea as we speak. Do you support that?

Probably something to do with the rockets flying into Israel constantly and Hamas's charter that demand that Israel be deleted from the planet.
The rockets fly into Israel because Jews are stealing all the land between the river and the Sea, remember? Now see if you can find a verse in the Hamas Charter calling for the incarceration of all Jews inside concentration camps in the Sinai.

"An Israeli official has called for concentration camps in Gaza and ‘the conquest of the entire Gaza Strip, and annihilation of all fighting forces and their supporters’.

"Moshe Feiglin, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party, posted the inflammatory message on his Facebook page at the weekend.

"He lays out a detailed plan for the destruction of Gaza - which includes shipping its residents across the world - in a letter he addressed to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"The message, which received more than 2,000 likes on his page, lists four action points which he wants to be enforced as soon as possible.

Moshe Feiglin calls for concentration camps in Gaza and 'conquest of Gaza Strip' | Mail Online
No enough dead Christians and Shiites for you to start sitting up and take notice in other Middle East areas?

Is hating Arabs racism?

Why, Gaza George, you can always ask your new master that since they have no problem murdering each other because of their sect. This would be an excellent question for you to pose to them.
Can't answer the question?
Are Jews in Israel being racist when they proudly state they hate Arabs?
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