"The World Stands Disgraced by Israel"

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I support Israel and would contribute to their war chest if asked.

Gods people

so you would contribute your $, so Israel can increase the number of free abortions the state provide. As a pro choicer I'm with you bro:eusa_clap:
"The World Stands Disgraced by Israel"

Quick... somebody call the Waaaaambulance !
I support Israel and would contribute to their war chest if asked.

Gods people

so you would contribute your $, so Israel can increase the number of free abortions the state provide. As a pro choicer I'm with you bro:eusa_clap:

I support Israel and would relish in the joy of seeing the Gaza turned to glass. :lol:

thats nice Gateaux, any Ideas what to do with the 20,000feotuses that America tax $ help to produce per annum.Historical abortion statistics, Israel
so you would contribute your $, so Israel can increase the number of free abortions the state provide. As a pro choicer I'm with you bro:eusa_clap:

I support Israel and would relish in the joy of seeing the Gaza turned to glass. :lol:

thats nice Gateaux, any Ideas what to do with the 20,000feotuses that America tax $ produce per annum.Historical abortion statistics, Israel

Straw man. We can debate this elsewhere.

The UN and US have condemned Israel for the deliberate shelling of sleeping civilians in Gaza:

"...(O)fficials described the killing of sleeping children as a disgrace to the world and accused Israel of a serious violation of international law after a school in Gaza being used to shelter Palestinian families was shelled on Wednesday.

"At least 15 people, mostly children and women, died when the school in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza. More than 100 people were injured.

"Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said the attack was 'outrageous and unjustifiable' and demanded 'accountability and justice'. The UN said its officials had repeatedly given details of the school and its refugee population to Israel."

'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 | World news | The Guardian

yes... no doubt terrorist supporters feel that way.

The UN and US have condemned Israel for the deliberate shelling of sleeping civilians in Gaza:

"...(O)fficials described the killing of sleeping children as a disgrace to the world and accused Israel of a serious violation of international law after a school in Gaza being used to shelter Palestinian families was shelled on Wednesday.

"At least 15 people, mostly children and women, died when the school in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza. More than 100 people were injured.

"Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said the attack was 'outrageous and unjustifiable' and demanded 'accountability and justice'. The UN said its officials had repeatedly given details of the school and its refugee population to Israel."

'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 | World news | The Guardian

yes... no doubt terrorist supporters feel that way.

Yes... Hamas has had its ass kicked, good-and-proper.

Now, the same shmucks who have been telling us for months, that the Israelis didn't have the guts to go back into Gaza and to smash-up Hamas, are pissing and moaning and crying in their bitters, about how heavy-handed the Isarelis have supposedly been.

What a great outcome... we couldn't ask for much better... and we couldn't ask for more entertainment value from the pro-Hamas crowd, as they wail and moan and gnash their teeth and try to invent excuses for their piss-poor performance... on the battlefield, and here.

Time to light up the cigars and pop the corks on the champagne.
I support Israel and would contribute to their war chest if asked.

Gods people

If you pay federal taxes in the US, you're contributing to the mass murder of children in Palestine.

God's Useful Idiots.

Yes, and the death of civilians is required at times to end war

Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Targeting civilians saved American lives. I'm sure the same is true for Israel

War is a bitch

The UN and US have condemned Israel for the deliberate shelling of sleeping civilians in Gaza:

"...(O)fficials described the killing of sleeping children as a disgrace to the world and accused Israel of a serious violation of international law after a school in Gaza being used to shelter Palestinian families was shelled on Wednesday.

"At least 15 people, mostly children and women, died when the school in Jabaliya refugee camp was hit by five shells during a night of relentless bombardment across Gaza. More than 100 people were injured.

"Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, said the attack was 'outrageous and unjustifiable' and demanded 'accountability and justice'. The UN said its officials had repeatedly given details of the school and its refugee population to Israel."

'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 | World news | The Guardian

yes... no doubt terrorist supporters feel that way.

Jews, of course, know the land beneath Gaza and the West Bank belongs to them.
How many more children will your people decapitate to turn Gaza into Jaffa, Princess?

Why are some of your people so unimaginably greedy?
I support Israel and would contribute to their war chest if asked.

Gods people

If you pay federal taxes in the US, you're contributing to the mass murder of children in Palestine.

God's Useful Idiots.

Yes, and the death of civilians is required at times to end war

Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Targeting civilians saved American lives. I'm sure the same is true for Israel

War is a bitch

Israel against Gaza is not an example of war between sovereign states like Japan and the US. Gaza is occupied territory and Israel its occupying power. That means Jews can't engage in the same conduct the US did with its racist murder of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; you probably already know the US didn't colonize Japan with American civilians after WWII ended; however, that is exactly what greedy Jews have in mind for Gaza. That has been Israels goal since its founding in 1948: all the land between the River and the sea for Jews alone. That's the Jew bitch.
Jews, of course, know the land beneath Gaza and the West Bank belongs to them. How many more children will your people decapitate to turn Gaza into Jaffa, Princess?...
The Israelis will do whatever is necessary to stop Hamas from firing rockets into Israel and to stop Hamas from digging tunnels from which to conduct terror-commando sorties into Gaza.

Don't want any more dead Gazan kids? Stop firing rockets and digging terror-tunnels, and stop embedding war-assets alongside your civilians. Simple.

...Why are some of your people so unimaginably greedy?
That's a damned fine question...

...Israel against Gaza is not an example of war between sovereign states like Japan and the US. Gaza is occupied territory and Israel its occupying power...
Any luck pitching that to the ICC in recent years?

...That means Jews can't engage in the same conduct the US did with its racist murder of Japanese civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...
What a crock of shit.

...you probably already know the US didn't colonize Japan with American civilians after WWII ended; however, that is exactly what greedy Jews have in mind for Gaza. That has been Israels goal since its founding in 1948: all the land between the River and the sea for Jews alone. That's the Jew bitch.
If the Gazans don't relish the prospect, they can always leave. They sure-as-hell can't fight.
If the Gazans don't relish the prospect, they can always leave. They sure-as-hell can't fight.
@Kondor Im sure you words will bring comfort to the relatives of the 67 dead IDF.
As opposed to how many dead Hamas scum?

Whatever the final tab, and whatever the pain experienced by the families of those brave, dead IDF troopers, the kill-ratio works out very nicely, don't you think?

And that's intentionally risking (and taking) IDF casualties in an attempt to keep collateral civilian casualties down to a minimum, in the context of any given fire-mission.

Imagine the wildly lopsided kill-ratio the Israelis could achieve had they not been making a reasonable effort to control that collateral damage?

In a 'weapons-free' situation, we're looking at a 25-to-1 or 50-to-1 ratio, at a bare-bones minimum.

Your Hamas pussies have been too busy scurrying from one mosque and hospital and school to another, and from one woman's skirt to another, to worry about kill-ratios and stuff like that.
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Jews, of course, know the land beneath Gaza and the West Bank belongs to them. How many more children will your people decapitate to turn Gaza into Jaffa, Princess?...
The Israelis will do whatever is necessary to stop Hamas from firing rockets into Israel and to stop Hamas from digging tunnels from which to conduct terror-commando sorties into Gaza.

Don't want any more dead Gazan kids? Stop firing rockets and digging terror-tunnels, and stop embedding war-assets alongside your civilians. Simple.

...Why are some of your people so unimaginably greedy?
That's a damned fine question...

Jews should stop stealing Arab land and water and murdering children in pursuit of Greater Israel.

Don't you agree?
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