The world leaping ahead of us, the U.S. still has no fast trains.

There are no personal property rights or imminent domain issues in China.
California is having to abandon sections of it's high speed rail due to massive cost overruns (corruption).

I believe the high-speed rail in California has been abandoned. As was forecast, the costs have doubled and were close to doubling again.
I really hate flying

and I will never get on a train going 200 miles and hour

If I can't drive there then then the mountain will have to come to Mohammad.

still in the large cities where traffic is horrible, a train can be useful
... all propaganda crap .
From big oil, ,big rubber, big concrete/asphalt, big auto and Teamsters.
That’s right, I like my high powered gas guzzling performance cars made by “big auto”, and laying down rubber on the asphalt....and I will until the day I die.

You and your tranny Brigade friends are welcome to fund high speed rail all you want, and appease all those big steel, big train, big electric corporations.
the last time i drove i stopped at my friends house in belmar ..hes right on the beach and no guidos
I really hate flying

and I will never get on a train going 200 miles and hour

If I can't drive there then then the mountain will have to come to Mohammad.

still in the large cities where traffic is horrible, a train can be useful

you would think

Everything Will Be Totally Normal On Every Subway Line (Except The 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, A, D, E, F, J, L, M, N, Q, R, and W) This Weekend
that goes on every weekend
I can ride to the store in under an hour.
fast trains are not important and Europe's train fairs are not cheap. I recall seeing where a student flew from inside England to Ibiza and then Ibiza to London for less than it would have cost him to take the train from his hometown to London.
The US could use a little train infrastructure, sure!

How can we get anything like that when all Congress does is waste time going after Trump?
The Acela Express is the only high-speed rail in the United States which is profitable. The reason it is profitable is that the NE Corridor, where it runs, has a population of 42 million people.

In decades, nowhere in Europe or Japan has a high-speed rail been built that is profitable. Their cost is massive. Studies in Europe have also shown that building a high-speed rail alongside an overcrowded highway takes no traffic away from the highway.

All the high-speed rail routes in Europe and Japan have already been built. They all run along very crowded areas which make some of them feasible.

Compared with Europe, our country is still in its infancy and transportation here has made faster and further travel much easier.

What we should do is drastically improve and expand our freight rail systems. That would take trucks off the crowded highways and speed transportation of goods.
I really hate flying

and I will never get on a train going 200 miles and hour

If I can't drive there then then the mountain will have to come to Mohammad.

still in the large cities where traffic is horrible, a train can be useful

There are no trains in the US that travel at 200 mph. I doubt that there are any that travel that speed in the world. There are some that travel 200 kph which is about 154 mph.

A train in a city is light rail and can make sense. We've had elevated rails (the "L") in cities for many, many decades.
A train in a city is light rail and can make sense.

Dumb ass Democrats spent BILLIONS on light rail in Portland, OR. This after a study of other light rail projects around the country found light rail has failed everywhere it was tried in a city the size of Portland. Typical dumb ass Dem's they thought this time it would work.

Today the light rail trains run around half empty while the freeways which they neglected for decades while spending all the money on light rail are a daily stop and go traffic jam nightmare.
Who cares. High speed trains the world over are losers. There are only TWO lines in the entire world that actually can pay for themselves. Want to know some other things that China has that we don't? No labor laws, no pollution control laws, no freedom of speech, no native airline production capability, the car manufacturing is a joke. I will take the USA, and no trains, over China, and their fast trains, any day of the week.
When gas is $10 a gallon you'll start caring and China will be laughing.

No, I won't. China is a giant ant farm. You should go. You might like it. You seem to be a fairly slow individual. Ant farms are great for slow people.

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