The Wonderful Donald Speech that if Everyone Saw, He Would Win Easily

BRILLIANT SPEECH------Donald did well-----but few people in the USA have the brains to see his point. Personal anecdote---I was---for a time, a single mom in a dangerous city.
MY ONE issue was 'find a place to live in which my six year old would be safe whilst I worked' It was a dangerous city---but I walked each day from the subway station to my place of employment down a road I knew to be something like GUN SHOT WOUND TO THE HEAD ---CENTRAL. One day I asked a cop------"I walk down X road every day"-----"I see at least one GSW to the head each week from that area and NEVER SEE A COP". The cop answered---"you walk there...? I wouldn't take a patrol care down that road"
-----I did not blame him and I was right----cops have been shot there too. ----lately---SELECTIVELY. The big victims of our society are------BLACK MOTHERS----the mothers who actually LIVE with their kids in such hell holes
Trump brought it home. I think most people think blacks are destroying their own neighborhoods. He's pointing out how it hurts the people ltrying to live there in peace. . The thugs need to be pushed out. Law and order is the call of the day.
Trump brought it home. I think most people think blacks are destroying their own neighborhoods. But he's pointing out how it hurts the people ltrying to live there in peace. Law and order resonates there. The thugs need to be pushed out.

I tend to think speeches like this must frighten the establishment..Oligarchs, the MSM, and both political party's leadership. If he can win with that group united against him, it just might be a miracle.
Finally, someone tells the world what a bunch of greedy aholes all democrats are. all they want is to steal from the poor/middle class and use the money to buy those million dollar homes on the beaches of New York and Cape Cod.
Finally, someone tells the world what a bunch of greedy aholes all democrats are. all they want is to steal from the poor/middle class and use the money to buy those million dollar homes on the beaches of New York and Cape Cod.

democrats do that? in what sort of hovels to republicans live?
Trump speech was the clearest appeal to the African American community of any Republican nominee.if he builds on this it could be big.
"As an educated, aware black american I'm blown away by @realDonaldTrump speech last night, it's as if he were talking directly to me" - Ben Carson

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