Fox news, fair and balanced?

Evidently not everyone is interested in the constant lies and BS from outlets like CNN and NBC.

Fox news said the pope was dead when he wasn't. That Mark Sanders, and Marc Foley were democrats.

“Barack Obama lied to the American people – repeatedly and with a straight face – every time he insisted that those who like their current healthcare could keep it under Obamacare. And he’ll keep lying to the American people because the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable.

“NBC News, whose own reporter found the language in Obamacare proving Obama knowingly lied to the people for over three years, gave this bombshell revelation a pathetic 21 seconds of coverage on Nightly News. There was no follow-up on Today. In other words, NBC News buried their own reporter to protect Obama."

NBC Buries Own Reporter To Hide Obama Lie

CNN Parts Ways With Donna Brazile After Debate Questions Were Provided to Clinton

Also, guessing we don't need to discuss how NBC handled the Weinstein issue.

Most of the MSM are simply Prog activists. They don't even lie about it anymore.
“Barack Obama lied to the American people – repeatedly and with a straight face – every time he insisted that those who like their current healthcare could keep it under Obamacare. And he’ll keep lying to the American people because the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable.

Trump lied that repeal and replace of Obamacare would be easy.

Trump lied that he would "uinsign" Obamacare on "day one"

Trump lied that he would repeal Obamacare, give Tax cuts, and spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the first 100 days

Trump lied that his muslim ban wasn't a muslim ban.

Trump lied that he was keeping Pret Bhrar on as US attorney

Trump lied about everything he promised on his pledge to America.

Look at you squealin' and squirmin' like a stuck pig!

Wow....he really put you in your place, huh?

OK>...not really hard to do, but, to watch.
“Barack Obama lied to the American people – repeatedly and with a straight face – every time he insisted that those who like their current healthcare could keep it under Obamacare. And he’ll keep lying to the American people because the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable.

Trump lied that repeal and replace of Obamacare would be easy.

Trump lied that he would "uinsign" Obamacare on "day one"

Trump lied that he would repeal Obamacare, give Tax cuts, and spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the first 100 days

Trump lied that his muslim ban wasn't a muslim ban.

Trump lied that he was keeping Pret Bhrar on as US attorney

Trump lied about everything he promised on his pledge to America.

Christ sake, I'll reference one of the easier ones. Are there Muslim's in India? Does India have a travel ban?
“Barack Obama lied to the American people – repeatedly and with a straight face – every time he insisted that those who like their current healthcare could keep it under Obamacare. And he’ll keep lying to the American people because the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable.

Trump lied that repeal and replace of Obamacare would be easy.

Trump lied that he would "uinsign" Obamacare on "day one"

Trump lied that he would repeal Obamacare, give Tax cuts, and spend $1 trillion on infrastructure in the first 100 days

Trump lied that his muslim ban wasn't a muslim ban.

Trump lied that he was keeping Pret Bhrar on as US attorney

Trump lied about everything he promised on his pledge to America.

Christ sake, I'll reference one of the easier ones. Are there Muslim's in India? Does India have a travel ban?

Actually more Muslims in India than in Pakistan.
This is what happens when you provide businesss with an environment they need to thrive. The left has spent decades driving businesses out of the U.S. The right is bringing them back lead by President Trump...

Trump Announces Major Company Is Moving to the US
Dude, I want you to take a long hard look at why these companies are coming back....ain't got a motherfuckin thing to do with workers, our economy....they want that Trump easy fuckin tax money. The jobs they're supposidly bring back are low waged, most will hire only a hand full of suckers until the Dems take back the house and senate and most see a president, clueless and want to take advantage of the cry me a fuckin river over corporations giving a fuck
One of the car companies, I believe it was Hertz, had a 50% cancellation rate for the next two weeks... they are taking a huge hit.
Yeah, but they'll sleep at night.
NO THEY WONT... MORON...Share holders know how to cut a loosing bunch of morons too..
This is what happens when you provide businesss with an environment they need to thrive. The left has spent decades driving businesses out of the U.S. The right is bringing them back lead by President Trump...

Trump Announces Major Company Is Moving to the US
Dude, I want you to take a long hard look at why these companies are coming back....ain't got a motherfuckin thing to do with workers, our economy....they want that Trump easy fuckin tax money. The jobs they're supposidly bring back are low waged, most will hire only a hand full of suckers until the Dems take back the house and senate and most see a president, clueless and want to take advantage of the cry me a fuckin river over corporations giving a fuck
“Dude”....I want you to take a good, long, hard look at what your wrote and think about it.

Yes, stupid. They are coming back for the “Trump easy fuck’n tax money”. That’s the entire point, you ignorant dolt. When you give businesses the best deal, you will get their jobs, their tax dollars, etc.

When you go shopping for a new car - do you go out of your way to pay the maximum you can to “help society” or do you do everything in your power to get the best deal for yourself? Businesses do the same thing, you fuck’n junior high dropout.
The jobs they're supposidly bring back are low waged, most will hire only a hand full of suckers until the Dems take back the house and senate
So you openly admit that the Dumbocrats drive jobs overseas with their ignorant, failed policies? Thank you!!!
The jobs they're supposidly bring back are low waged
I’ll take “low wages” jobs over Dumbocrat no wage jobs any day. You’re exactly what the Dumbocrats need - an ignorant, greedy, uninformed voter. You low IQ voters are the only thing keeping that mess of a party alive.
Evil always fails in the end. And there is nothing more evil than progressivism...
This assumption is reflected in the blindsided, startled unease of liberals in the era of President Trump: “There are moments when everything I have come to believe in — reasoned deliberation, mutual toleration, liberal democracy, free speech, honesty, decency, and moderation — seem as if they are in eclipse,” Andrew Sullivan recently lamented in New York magazine. “For the foreseeable future, nationalism is likely to remain a defining political force,” Yascha Mounk fretted this weekend in the New York Times; “liberals should strive to make nationalism as inclusive as possible,” he warned. Against this backdrop of liberal disquietude...
I practically orgasmed at progressives openly crying about the defeat of their ideology. They see absolutely no light on the horizon. The American people have taken their country back and the facists on the left are distraught. They thought they were so close to defeating the U.S. and the constitution. The entire progressive ideology is imploding.

Opinion | It’s time to give socialism a try
The Republican Party continues to promote, protect, and prosper the African-American community. This is what happens when you treat people as equals instead of useful idiots for an agenda.
The unemployment rate for black Americans fell back down to an historic low in February. Just 6.9% of black adults were unemployed in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second-lowest such ratio since the agency has been keeping track.
Well done President Trump. Well done.

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February
The Republican Party continues to promote, protect, and prosper the African-American community. This is what happens when you treat people as equals instead of useful idiots for an agenda.
The unemployment rate for black Americans fell back down to an historic low in February. Just 6.9% of black adults were unemployed in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the second-lowest such ratio since the agency has been keeping track.
Well done President Trump. Well done.

Black unemployment falls to second-lowest level on record in February
After 8 long years of Barack Insane Obama’s failed “cower and appease” strategy, it is so refreshing to see real leadership in the White House once again.
Praising the president’s leadership, South Korean national security adviser Chung Eui-Yong...revealed Thursday evening that Kim is eager to meet “Trump as soon as possible.”

Pence emphasized that “the North Koreans are coming to the table despite the United States making zero concessions,” as past U.S. presidents have done to appease the Kim regime. Instead of concessions, the U.S. has continued to ratchet up the pressure on North Korea, urging it to pursue a path of peace instead of destruction.
Kim Jong Un understands that the U.S. has a real leader in the Oval Office now, who will not tolerate any of his antics. Appeasement does not ingratiate the U.S. to maniacs. But showing resolve and superior strength causes maniacs to heel.

Pence: Kim Jong Un Wants to Talk Because Trump Stood Firm
President Trump has done the unthinkable. He has anti-constitutional progressives actually respecting (even desiring) the 10th Amendment.
Incredibly, the Democrats know that for this plan to gain momentum, they must argue that the law restricts states’ rights. That’s correct—Democrats are now championing states’ rights.
That’s right - the people who have fought for over a century to make the federal government the only government in the U.S. now suddenly want to limit the federal government to their 18 enumerated powers. Thank you Mr. President!

Democrats Are Arguing for Constitutional Right to a Tax Deduction

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