The Warmers blew it! Greta should have been at Daytona 500.

All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
So, you’re ok with the left using a handicapped girl to push their agenda? Got,it.
I'm not into whataboutism but...I'd just like to point out that the right are using an ailing medicated senior citizen with advancing dementia to push theirs.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
So, you’re ok with the left using a handicapped girl to push their agenda? Got,it.
What makes you think its not her agenda?
Lol! Idiot thinks a sixteen year old retarded girl in up on global warming! lol
She knows more about it than you Mikey, so there's that.....
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
It's like AOC all over for them....they sure can't handle outspoken women/girls without crying all over the place.
That you lie about people making fun of those two idiots says all we need to know about you. Have you a nice bowl of CRC. Confused retarded crybabies.
Not makin' a whole lotta sense there my friend, wanna try again?
What could have been better? A surprise appearance by Greta von Iceberg sporting knee socks and pigtails. A Mano-a-Girlo confrontation with the Orange Menace on his home turf at the Daytona 500. Lecturing the Red Neck Trump Horde, fighting back tears as she rages about all the smog produced by race cars. Oh the drama, the anger, the smugness! And President Trump unable to fight back against a Wittle Girl.

What were you guys thinking? CNN would have been re-running coverage until the election. If you are going to save the planet, you need to up your game.

Did you catch the crazy mans practice lap

The leftards are fact checking right now lol
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.
And I married a big boobed blonde, so what? Why do you Leftards think homosexuality is a put down?
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.
You have never told the truth in your life.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.
You have never told the truth in your life.
How would you know? You retards couldn't recognize the truth if it landed on you.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.
And I married a big boobed blonde, so what? Why do you Leftards think homosexuality is a put down?
I don't. I just want him to be happy.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Calling people Homo as a derogatory attack, typical homophobic Leftard.
No, I'm just telling the truth.

He came out for a while, then changed his mind and backed up I'm just trying to help him out.
And I married a big boobed blonde, so what? Why do you Leftards think homosexuality is a put down?
I don't. I just want him to be happy.
Then come out of the closet and admit what we all know - you’re voting Trump.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

But funniest shit we ever saw...........the President doing a pace lap in celebration of the Great American Race AND a victory lap for 10 days of epic winning at the expense of the DUMS. It was hysterical.......couldn't help but wonder if Vindman was tuning in?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
Your limited mentality refuses to let you accept the fact that we are ridiculing her. No one is triggered by that retarded little bitch.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.
No one is triggered by her, she's just a stupid little bitch like you and we make fun of them. But you knew that so you're just a liar as always.
Says the triggered closet homo.

Hey s0n..........just wondering if leading up to November you are getting out in front of the upcoming shortages of crayons, clay and KY jelly? Don't be caught short......because the level of suck is going to be historic for you guys. We're hoping things get violent too........there is no finer moment in the life of a Trump supporter than to see snowflakes get knocked out with one punch on YouTube!!:springbed:
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

But funniest shit we ever saw...........the President doing a pace lap in celebration of the Great American Race AND a victory lap for 10 days of epic winning at the expense of the DUMS. It was hysterical.......couldn't help but wonder if Vindman was tuning in?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It must be nice in your little fantasy world.
All these tRumplings so thoroughly triggered by a little handicapped girl.

It's be funny if it wasn't so fucking pathetic.

But funniest shit we ever saw...........the President doing a pace lap in celebration of the Great American Race AND a victory lap for 10 days of epic winning at the expense of the DUMS. It was hysterical.......couldn't help but wonder if Vindman was tuning in?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
It must be nice in your little fantasy world.

Except everybody knows that you've been walking around with a big old bumpy cucumber for the last 3 years.........optics is everything s0n. Your posts are consistently filled with anger and misery. Not ours.......we laugh our way nine ways to Sunday every day in here. Winning does that.......

Check the ledger.............

Aunt Nancy........lost
Paris Treaty...........lost
The Wall.........lost
black voters........lost

Im missing some......I'll let my skeptic pals fill in the blanks.

Let me tell you........Im loving my fantasy world s0n!!!:abgg2q.jpg:

But do come see me out on Long Island next time you visit can take a shot at knocking my red MAGA hat off s0n!!:2up:
Last edited:
Tsk tsk. Using a handicapped mental retard as a human shield, how Leftist of you.

"Human shield" implies that you're being violent against leftists.

Not that anyone ever doubted that, given all the right-wing violence we can see. I suppose it's progress that you're admitting to it.

Your next step will be to admit that it's wrong to use violence as a political tool. Can you do that?

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