The War On Marriage

The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.

I honestly wish the Catholic Church had shown as much concern about pedophile priests that they spend worrying about how their employees are tending to their lady-parts.

The Church as a right to their views, as backwards, stupid, superstition and misogynistic as they are. And they are free to preach to churches that are increasingly empty.

But when they run a money-shot business like a hospital or a charity, and hire people to work, one of those compensations being health insurance, they should not be in there second guessing the patient and her doctor.

because they aren't qualified.

So here's the deal. The Doctors won't go into Church and point out the impossibiliy of Turning Wafers into Chunks of Jesus, and the Church won't go around telling the Doctors their job!

Sounds reasonable to me.

The above post is laced with bigotry.

This is exhibit A in the war against Christianity.

Pointing out the absurdity is "bigotry".. right.

So the most potent weapon in the "War on Christianity" is "Scientific Logic"?
If that is the case then you would know you didn't have medical insurance.

Now who's stupid enough to work for a company that believes in praying away illness and expecting medical coverage?

Once again you're head is up your behind.

Except for the times I've had employers with "Stein" at the ends of their names, I had no idea what religion my employer belongs to. They might have been Christian Scientists or Jehovah's Witnesses or some other flavor of crazy. (By the way, from my viewpoint, ALL religions are crazy.) really are a bigot.

You should watch that antipathy towards people who are different from you.

Why is it pointing out that a name often indicates a certain religion "bigotry"?

Oh, that's right, because you can't argue the point. Your religion should ONLY apply to you. Period.

Frankly, I'd like single payer like every other country has, but if you are going to make me "sing for my supper", the supper better be what we agreed upon.
Except for the times I've had employers with "Stein" at the ends of their names, I had no idea what religion my employer belongs to. They might have been Christian Scientists or Jehovah's Witnesses or some other flavor of crazy. (By the way, from my viewpoint, ALL religions are crazy.) really are a bigot.

You should watch that antipathy towards people who are different from you.

Why is it pointing out that a name often indicates a certain religion "bigotry"?

Oh, that's right, because you can't argue the point. Your religion should ONLY apply to you. Period.

Frankly, I'd like single payer like every other country has, but if you are going to make me "sing for my supper", the supper better be what we agreed upon.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware I was picking on you Joe.
1)The Dems seem to have purposely taken a position that marginalizes the Catholic Church.

2) The fight over BC is Liberals trying to demonize people for their religious beliefs.

3) Why don't we make a law that everyone must eat pork and the government has to pay for it?

I'm up for some governmentally funded pork-chops.

1) I wouldn't trust the church to run a day care, so why on earth would I trust them with power in a secular government?

2) Yeah liberals are the one's doing the demonising... Do you know how many times I've seen religious fanatics calling a young woman a "slut" and a "whore" for using contraception?

3) No one is forcing anyone to use contraception.

1)The problem here is you don't understand the Constitution.

The threat isn't from crazy Christians running roughshod over your rights. It comes from secular agnostics trying to force Christians to adhere to their morals and their ideology. And nobody is being forced to use contraception, just forced to pay for it.

2)Oh, and those religious fanatics are just as much a pain in the ass to normal Christians.

1)"Congres shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof..."

What makes the Catholic Church so special in this arrangement that the founders have set up? It seems to me some view anything less than the establishment of their church in government as persecution. The point of a secular government is to ensure everyone has the right to worship or not worship according to their conscience. No one is forcing you to use contraception, no one is forcing you to respect the relationships of homosexuals. Your right to do as you please goes very far in America because we are a secular state. The only thing we are denying you the right to do is to make impositions on others.

2) I would sympathise with you if I didn't believe you were part of the problem. really are a bigot.

You should watch that antipathy towards people who are different from you.

Why is it pointing out that a name often indicates a certain religion "bigotry"?

Oh, that's right, because you can't argue the point. Your religion should ONLY apply to you. Period.

Frankly, I'd like single payer like every other country has, but if you are going to make me "sing for my supper", the supper better be what we agreed upon.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware I was picking on you Joe.

NOt at all. I get tired of hearing people whine "BIGOTRY", when I point out that religion is evil and stupid.

Religion never did a good thing, not once, even by accident. The sooner the human race throws Yahweh on the same junkpile of mythology where we've thrown Odin and Zeus, the better.
1) I wouldn't trust the church to run a day care, so why on earth would I trust them with power in a secular government?

2) Yeah liberals are the one's doing the demonising... Do you know how many times I've seen religious fanatics calling a young woman a "slut" and a "whore" for using contraception?

3) No one is forcing anyone to use contraception.

1)The problem here is you don't understand the Constitution.

The threat isn't from crazy Christians running roughshod over your rights. It comes from secular agnostics trying to force Christians to adhere to their morals and their ideology. And nobody is being forced to use contraception, just forced to pay for it.

2)Oh, and those religious fanatics are just as much a pain in the ass to normal Christians.

1)"Congres shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof..."

What makes the Catholic Church so special in this arrangement that the founders have set up? It seems to me some view anything less than the establishment of their church in government as persecution. The point of a secular government is to ensure everyone has the right to worship or not worship according to their conscience. No one is forcing you to use contraception, no one is forcing you to respect the relationships of homosexuals. Your right to do as you please goes very far in America because we are a secular state. The only thing we are denying you the right to do is to make impositions on others.

2) I would sympathise with you if I didn't believe you were part of the problem.

Quit editing my quotes.
Why is it pointing out that a name often indicates a certain religion "bigotry"?

Oh, that's right, because you can't argue the point. Your religion should ONLY apply to you. Period.

Frankly, I'd like single payer like every other country has, but if you are going to make me "sing for my supper", the supper better be what we agreed upon.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware I was picking on you Joe.

NOt at all. I get tired of hearing people whine "BIGOTRY", when I point out that religion is evil and stupid.

Religion never did a good thing, not once, even by accident. The sooner the human race throws Yahweh on the same junkpile of mythology where we've thrown Odin and Zeus, the better.

Pointing out your whining isn't whining.

And your kind of attitude is what forced the Pilgrims to move here.
Pointing out your whining isn't whining.

And your kind of attitude is what forced the Pilgrims to move here.

The pilgrims moved here because they weren't getting their way on shit. They tried to bully the crown into turning the whole country into repressed assholes like they were. Eventually, the Puritans did take over the country under Oliver Cromwell, and he managed to truly screw things up. So bad they later dug him up and violated his body.

Sadly, the Native Americans didn't let the Pilgrims all starve, which would have been great comedy. And they got Genocided for their trouble. Praise Jay-a-zus!
The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.


How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.
The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.


How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.

I think women weren't the least bit confused when Limbaugh called them "Sluts" and Akin started talking about "Legitimate Rape".
The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.


How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.

I think women weren't the least bit confused when Limbaugh called them "Sluts" and Akin started talking about "Legitimate Rape".

Now you resort to hyperbole.

Rush said any woman who wants to be paid for sex is a slut. He was talking about one particular woman. The way he said it I don't agree with.

I won't defend that Bucket-head Akin's statement. He doesn't speak for me.
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Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.
The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.


How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.

I've seen no study that proves that possession of a Vagina increases your I.Q.

I believe it does increase common-sense much as possession of a penis decreases common-sense.

The birth control argument is intended to produce an emotional response from women, not a rational response, in effect leading women unknowingly by the nose to vote with anger against a false image represented by fat, balding, white Republicans.

34 years of marriage has taught me a lot about women but never admit to this outloud to the one I'm living with.
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Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.

How can they take a right away that you never had?

And anyone who has studied law understands "Slippery-Slopes".

Once you change the law to accommodate one group another group is sure to demand their rights be accommodated.
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Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.

How can they take a right away that you never had?

And anyone who has studied law understands "Slippery-Slopes".

Once you change the law to accommodate one group another group is sure to demand their rights be accommodated.

Bullshit. Your logic would mean that allowing blacks to marry whites was a slippery slope. Allowing blacks and women the right to vote they didn't have was a slippery slope.

There is a reason it is called a slippery slope FALLACY.
The Church has a right to their religious views. Their employees have a right to look for another job if they don't feel their insurance covers them enough to buy their rubbers for them.

This is a circular argument that the White House dreamed up and is using it to confuse women and gain their support. It has no end point. Abortion wasn't enough for them. They want to force Catholic organizations to purchase contraceptives. It is against the constitution to force them to do so, so this goes to the court and of course they will win because Obama has a stacked court.

This is all just an unnecessary abuse by the government with the full support of the mob. Democracy in action.


How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.

I've seen no study that proves that possession of a Vagina increases your I.Q.

I believe it does increase common-sense much as possession of a penis decreases common-sense.

The birth control argument is intended to produce an emotional response from women, not a rational response, in effect leading women unknowingly by the nose to vote with anger against a false image represented by fat, balding, white Republicans.

34 years of marriage has taught me a lot about women but never admit to this outloud to the one I'm living with.

I've been married 31 years and still don't know shit about women
Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.

How can they take a right away that you never had?

And anyone who has studied law understands "Slippery-Slopes".

Once you change the law to accommodate one group another group is sure to demand their rights be accommodated.

Bullshit. Your logic would mean that allowing blacks to marry whites was a slippery slope. Allowing blacks and women the right to vote they didn't have was a slippery slope.

There is a reason it is called a slippery slope FALLACY.

Was there ever a federal law preventing it?

As it is, there is no federal law granting same-sex marriage and probably never will be under this president.
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How fucking stupid do you think women are? Women know all about havin' babies, and not havin' babies. What the hell does the White House have to do with women getiing married, or not, or being lesbians, or straight, or bi, and having kids, or not?

Confused? You retarded jerk. Negged for thinking you're as smart as any woman.

I've seen no study that proves that possession of a Vagina increases your I.Q.

I believe it does increase common-sense much as possession of a penis decreases common-sense.

The birth control argument is intended to produce an emotional response from women, not a rational response, in effect leading women unknowingly by the nose to vote with anger against a false image represented by fat, balding, white Republicans.

34 years of marriage has taught me a lot about women but never admit to this outloud to the one I'm living with.

I've been married 31 years and still don't know shit about women

Putting your obvious patronizing aside I guess you never learned to pay attention to them.
Women had a chance at one time, but they blew it.

Women are more like frustrated Valley Girls.

"Daddy buy me a new car?"

"No dear, you can get a job and buy your own car."

"You just don't want me to drive! You want to take away my driver's license."

And women fall for it, every time.
Gay marriage affects no one and it nothing in The Constitution can be used to ban it as it reads now.
Amazing that anyone would support a Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.
Take a document founded in protecting rights of the individual and limit government and turn it upside on it's head and ban a certain group of people from doing something other groups of people are legally doing.
Ban gay marriage gives more power to government and for the first time ever takes rights away from citizens.
All for something that affects no one.
Only in America.

How can they take a right away that you never had?

And anyone who has studied law understands "Slippery-Slopes".

Once you change the law to accommodate one group another group is sure to demand their rights be accommodated.

Bullshit. Your logic would mean that allowing blacks to marry whites was a slippery slope. Allowing blacks and women the right to vote they didn't have was a slippery slope.

There is a reason it is called a slippery slope FALLACY.

The reason an argument is called a slippery-slope is because changes to laws could have unintended consequences. Interracial marriage couldn't fall under this because you have to prove that the consequences are negative. What negative effect could result in a interracial marriage?

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