Zone1 The War In Heaven

Wanted to address this when I had more time. My guess is that more than ninety percent of parish priests in any one time, were about advising and comforting their parishioners about personal lives when they weren't teaching the parish about the life of Christ. They were about organizing help and taking care of those in the parish who needed a hand.

The Church did become involved in government for altruistic reasons--the cross and the sword together. In those days powerful families sent their older sons to the secular government, their younger to the church.

Powerful families. Bush, Clinton, Biden, Pelosi...and any number of politicians of both parties. Political Science: Scare people. Put people in need. Force them to look to the government to feed and protect them. It is going on now just as it is going on today. Unfortunately, a significant number of the population falls for this--it did then, as it does today.

You do no favors for placing total blame on the Church and what you seem to think came from the Body of Church. Yes, there were powerful people in the Church using age-old tactics--the same tactics people fall for today. But like today, there are swarms of citizens, of the faithful, of everyday, normal people, struggling to wiggle out from beneath the heel of government power, just as there were swarms in yesteryear trying to wiggle out beneath the heel of the powerful in their own time.

People who smugly believe they got out from the heel of the Church and all is now daisies under secular power will be rudely awakened. Hopefully they will remember that the body of the Church never was about governing, it was about extending a hand to help people, personally, to find the Way.
You bring up good points. I think regardless of the original intentions of the church it has evolved for centuries with intertwined interests and elements have been corrupted by power. It still has many valuable aspects in its teachings and in the institution that does good for individuals and communities. But like with everything there needs to be proper management, transparency, and accountability…. Much like governments.

If the power scale tips too much it’s not a good thing.
Right. Which has nothing to do with judgement of humans.

But it does support my belief that God does not destroy what he creates.



some do and some do not - learn their lessons ...

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