The Value of Free Speech

Lets stay on point. The KKK has an opinion that causes crimes to be committed against minorities. Everytime they do that they should be punished.

Depends on what they say. If the KKK is saying blacks are nothing but a bunch of shiftless *******, then no they should not be punished as if they committed a crime. It's distasteful and ugly, but it's not a crime. Boycott a KKK owned business is not the same thing as punishing them legally.

Now if they said "go out and attack every black you see" then yes, they have committed a crime by inciting a violent act.

It least you seem to get what I am saying. However, a boycott is in the legal confines of punishing them. I have a legal right to picket their business until they lose every cent and close up shop. I see nothing wrong or evil about that.
So it only bothers you when someone that is not native american does it? I see. Do you see the ghettos as urban reservations? I do. The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos. Fuck you and spare me your self righteousness please

That's not at all what I said. You don't see, you speak. You don't think, you act. You're impulsive. That's your problem. Spare me you indignation. Spare me your Pharisaical nonsense. You don't know jacksquat about me or my people. You seem to think you can pry into the minds of others and automatically know what they are thinking. You are no champion of affirmative action. You seem to think you are judge, judging others based off of what you believe.

And now you call us crazy? How dare you show such disrespect?! If it weren't for my people being ploughed under by this government during the frontier days, you wouldn't be there spouting that BS to me. And you call us crazy?

You know nothing.

I know more than you think I know about "your" people. I know a lot of native americans that don't think like you. Is it a habit of yours to lie? Where did I call native americans crazy? I think I get your modus operandi now. You lie when you have no leg to stand on and get indignant trying to change the subject. Its ok though. You're really just a worse hypocrite than your signature implies.

How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.
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Indians didn't believe anyone owned the land. On top of that, they routinely fought over it, with stronger tribes pushing weak ones out of better areas. If the white man hadn't taken the land, there is no reason to believe that they would have kept it.

Even if they did believe in private ownership of land, and managed to hold onto it, there is no reason to believe that one person would have the right to all that land. Even in Europe, which had laws that protected property owners, most of the descendents of any particular property owner don't have land.

So you are ok that the Whites swindled Native American people out of their land? Good thing most Native Americans dont think like you.

How dare you speak for people of which you know nothing.
Your arrogance is astounding.

I wouldn't offer that sentiment if i didn't know for sure dumbass.
By legally, I mean through the courts. Calling someone a name is not a crime and does not merit a trip through the criminal system (or through the civil system to be honest). There is no right to not be offended.
Acually, that is why you are wrong. Words are not actions.

For example, if Obama gets up and gives a speech about Hindus, and someone then goes out and burns down a Hindu temple because Obama "told" him to, I see no reason to hold Obama responsible. On the other hand, if you hand out matches, and then talk about how racist assholes that write slurs on restaurant receipts should be punished, and that person then goes out and burns down the house an innocent person, you should be held responsible for giving them the matches.

Funny thing, my position is a lot closer to what the Supreme Court says than yours.

Actually you cant read. Were did I say words were actions? You seem to enjoy lying. Their action is in speaking opinions that encourage people being racist. For that I get to hurt them financially or career wise if I don't do it illegally. You dont like it. Tough shit.

"Were did I say words were actions"
" action is in speaking opinions".
Way to contradict yourself, genius.
Do you ever tire of being wrong all the time?
And who the fuck are you going to punish.
You're nobody. You're not even a paper weight. You are the paper it sits on....
Assclipius....The "keyboard punisher"........Tough shit.....
Really , sparky?
Oh..I'm shutting you down. You can try to reply but you'll end up blowing a gasket. Cuz I'm bored with this thread. And I 'm sick of you. Racist prick. Go drown in your hatred.

I still dont see where I said words were actions. Do you actually know the difference between speaking which is an action and words which are not?

If I was wrong all the time I would be quiet and listen.

I will punish anyone that professes a racist opinion. How are you going to stop me?

Good to see you kicking rocks.
That's not at all what I said. You don't see, you speak. You don't think, you act. You're impulsive. That's your problem. Spare me you indignation. Spare me your Pharisaical nonsense. You don't know jacksquat about me or my people. You seem to think you can pry into the minds of others and automatically know what they are thinking. You are no champion of affirmative action. You seem to think you are judge, judging others based off of what you believe.

And now you call us crazy? How dare you show such disrespect?! If it weren't for my people being ploughed under by this government during the frontier days, you wouldn't be there spouting that BS to me. And you call us crazy?

You know nothing.

I know more than you think I know about "your" people. I know a lot of native americans that don't think like you. Is it a habit of yours to lie? Where did I call native americans crazy? I think I get your modus operandi now. You lie when you have no leg to stand on and get indignant trying to change the subject. Its ok though. You're really just a worse hypocrite than your signature implies.

How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, Asclepias, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.

Really? I dont know any native americans? :lol: OK. You're so full of it its a shame. How you got "crazy" out of what I typed only means you are crazy. Look up into the night sky at the stars and behold all the fucks I give about how genuinely angered you are. You dont know me. You dont know who I know. You dont even know my racial makeup. I seriously doubt you are a native american even though I have heard there are some that think like you.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me. turns out you are just buttsore because I disagree with you. My point is and has remained that I have the right to exercise my 1rst amendment rights to punish any public officials or business person who wants to advance a stupid or racist opinion. This will be done via boycott or any other legal means I can muster to punish them where it hurts in their pocket book or their career. Disagree if you must but never forget that point.
By legally, I mean through the courts. Calling someone a name is not a crime and does not merit a trip through the criminal system (or through the civil system to be honest). There is no right to not be offended.

That never was my position. Don't let the resident crazies convince you otherwise. Please read my posts. My position has yet to change despite their attempts to change the subject.
I know more than you think I know about "your" people. I know a lot of native americans that don't think like you. Is it a habit of yours to lie? Where did I call native americans crazy? I think I get your modus operandi now. You lie when you have no leg to stand on and get indignant trying to change the subject. Its ok though. You're really just a worse hypocrite than your signature implies.

How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, Asclepias, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me.

No. Actually, you don't get to tell me how to disagree. It is my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to disagree, just as it is yours to make the opinion I disagree with. Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?
How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, Asclepias, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me.

No. Actually, you don't get to tell me how to disagree. It is my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to disagree, just as it is yours to make the opinion I disagree with. Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

You continue to have reading problems. I said "if you truly wanted to discuss". Where did I tell you how to disagree. You have got to be the strongest man alive. You aren't just moving the goal posts you are moving the entire stadium.
I know more than you think I know about "your" people. I know a lot of native americans that don't think like you. Is it a habit of yours to lie? Where did I call native americans crazy? I think I get your modus operandi now. You lie when you have no leg to stand on and get indignant trying to change the subject. Its ok though. You're really just a worse hypocrite than your signature implies.

How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, Asclepias, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.

Really? I dont know any native americans? :lol: OK. You're so full of it its a shame. How you got "crazy" out of what I typed only means you are crazy. Look up into the night sky at the stars and behold all the fucks I give about how genuinely angered you are. You dont know me. You dont know who I know. You dont even know my racial makeup. I seriously doubt you are a native american even though I have heard there are some that think like you.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me. turns out you are just buttsore because I disagree with you. My point is and has remained that I have the right to exercise my 1rst amendment rights to punish any public officials or business person who wants to advance a stupid or racist opinion. This will be done via boycott or any other legal means I can muster to punish them where it hurts in their pocket book or their career. Disagree if you must but never forget that point.

One, you don't use the First Amendment to punish people you disagree with, if you want to punish your politicians, use your constitutional right to vote and vote them out.

Two, who are you to ruin the career of someone you disagree with? By what authority do you have this power?

Three, I know you, I know your kind. You are devious as you are treacherous. You lie, you mangle the truth, you insult those you disagree with. You go as far as to insult the heritage of another. You insist on punishing people for having a simple opinion. You think speech should be regulated. I've been debating on message boards for nearly three years now. I know you and your kind better than you think.

And lastly, I suggest you spread your ignorance of free expression somewhere else. It will never work here so long as there are people who draw breath willing to defend that right. Go ahead, try to punish me for my opinion.
Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

I was satisfied a long time ago you were a hypocrite. You kept on so I did too. You can change the subject all day long then whine about me not discussing the point you wandered from. If you dont want to argue shut up then and just agree to disagree. If not we will continue this if it suits me.
If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me.

No. Actually, you don't get to tell me how to disagree. It is my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to disagree, just as it is yours to make the opinion I disagree with. Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

You continue to have reading problems. I said "if you truly wanted to discuss". Where did I tell you how to disagree. You have got to be the strongest man alive. You aren't just moving the goal posts you are moving the entire stadium.

Yeah, you ignored the other half of your sentence. "You would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me." I will disagree to my heart's content, not when you or your ilk tell me to. No, I move mountains with my arguments. You have not the wherewithal or mental prowess to move a mustard seed.
Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

I was satisfied a long time ago you were a hypocrite. You kept on so I did too. You can change the subject all day long then whine about me not discussing the point you wandered from. If you don't want to argue shut up then and just agree to disagree. If not we will continue this if it suits me.

Please explain in detail how I am a hypocrite. I will write an epic based on your hypocrisy in this thread.

I'm not the one trying to change the subject, you are and you have. See, there you go telling people to shut up. This plays right into the theme of this thread. The Chinese are trying to bar dissent, "shut up or we will punish you." You are nothing but a peon. You are below even the most clueless of human beings. It has been a colossal waste of my time debating you, you are hopelessly dense, woefully ignorant, and haplessly malinformed.
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How dare you?

You don't know any Native Americans, the only one you know is me, and that is over an internet connection. Go read what you said. You basically accused us of being crazy. "The same mental conditions that exist on the reservations also exist in the ghettos," you said. You are way out of line, Asclepias. My "modus operandi" is to combat liars like you who do nothing but spin the truth, mislead and smear others. I'm no hypocrite. You are.

You have been spinning your double standards on speech, accusing people of being racists and stepping on the heritage of my people. You have genuinely angered me, Asclepias. Why is it, when you are cornered, Asclepias, that you accuse others of changing the subject? Changing the subject to you would be deflecting to something you want to talk about, rather than the actual point.

This thread is about the value of free speech, not of racism, not of history, none of that. I invite you to discuss the subject matter of this thread instead of the character of others; ironically enough, you're the one that lacks it.

Really? I dont know any native americans? :lol: OK. You're so full of it its a shame. How you got "crazy" out of what I typed only means you are crazy. Look up into the night sky at the stars and behold all the fucks I give about how genuinely angered you are. You dont know me. You dont know who I know. You dont even know my racial makeup. I seriously doubt you are a native american even though I have heard there are some that think like you.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me. turns out you are just buttsore because I disagree with you. My point is and has remained that I have the right to exercise my 1rst amendment rights to punish any public officials or business person who wants to advance a stupid or racist opinion. This will be done via boycott or any other legal means I can muster to punish them where it hurts in their pocket book or their career. Disagree if you must but never forget that point.

One, you don't use the First Amendment to punish people you disagree with, if you want to punish your politicians, use your constitutional right to vote and vote them out.

Two, who are you to ruin the career of someone you disagree with? By what authority do you have this power?

Three, I know you, I know your kind. You are devious as you are treacherous. You lie, you mangle the truth, you insult those you disagree with. You go as far as to insult the heritage of another. You insist on punishing people for having a simple opinion. You think speech should be regulated. I've been debating on message boards for nearly three years now. I know you and your kind better than you think.

And lastly, I suggest you spread your ignorance of free expression somewhere else. It will never work here so long as there are people who draw breath willing to defend that right. Go ahead, try to punish me for my opinion.

1. Yes I do use the 1rst amendement. Do you know what that is? Its my right to say something that culminates in financial disaster for them. I will also use my voting rights as you suggested. However, that is not effective if they just own a business.

2. I am me. See number 1

3. You still don't know me and you are free to paste where I insulted your heritage. Your problem is, unless you are capable of modifying my post you wont be able to produce such evidence. On top of that I have a piece of information you are not aware of in your claim that I insulted "your" heritage. You are a disgrace to whatever tribe you are a member of.

Your suggestion is duly noted. You may wish to take your own advise and apply it to yourself.
No. Actually, you don't get to tell me how to disagree. It is my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT to disagree, just as it is yours to make the opinion I disagree with. Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

You continue to have reading problems. I said "if you truly wanted to discuss". Where did I tell you how to disagree. You have got to be the strongest man alive. You aren't just moving the goal posts you are moving the entire stadium.

Yeah, you ignored the other half of your sentence. "You would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me." I will disagree to my heart's content, not when you or your ilk tell me to. No, I move mountains with my arguments. You have not the wherewithal or mental prowess to move a mustard seed.

Then don't whine about me arguing if you wish to do it yourself.
Why do you continually argue with people? Is it because you aren't satisfied with the answers you get? See, there you go, trying to dictate discourse on this thread. Who died and made you the king?

I was satisfied a long time ago you were a hypocrite. You kept on so I did too. You can change the subject all day long then whine about me not discussing the point you wandered from. If you don't want to argue shut up then and just agree to disagree. If not we will continue this if it suits me.

Please explain in detail how I am a hypocrite. I will write an epic based on your hypocrisy in this thread.

I'm not the one trying to change the subject, you are and you have. See, there you go telling people to shut up. This plays right into the theme of this thread. The Chinese are trying to bar dissent, "shut up or we will punish you." You are nothing but a peon. You are below even the most clueless of human beings. It has been a colossal waste of my time debating you, you are hopelessly dense, woefully ignorant, and haplessly malinformed.

Look no further than your signature. It wholeheartedly supports my sentiment. :lol:

You have skipped from calling me names to claiming I have called native americans crazy to faking indignation to whining about us arguing. If you dont want to argue then shut up.
Really? I dont know any native americans? :lol: OK. You're so full of it its a shame. How you got "crazy" out of what I typed only means you are crazy. Look up into the night sky at the stars and behold all the fucks I give about how genuinely angered you are. You dont know me. You dont know who I know. You dont even know my racial makeup. I seriously doubt you are a native american even though I have heard there are some that think like you.

If you truly wanted to discuss the thread you would have been satisfied with just disagreeing with me. turns out you are just buttsore because I disagree with you. My point is and has remained that I have the right to exercise my 1rst amendment rights to punish any public officials or business person who wants to advance a stupid or racist opinion. This will be done via boycott or any other legal means I can muster to punish them where it hurts in their pocket book or their career. Disagree if you must but never forget that point.

One, you don't use the First Amendment to punish people you disagree with, if you want to punish your politicians, use your constitutional right to vote and vote them out.

Two, who are you to ruin the career of someone you disagree with? By what authority do you have this power?

Three, I know you, I know your kind. You are devious as you are treacherous. You lie, you mangle the truth, you insult those you disagree with. You go as far as to insult the heritage of another. You insist on punishing people for having a simple opinion. You think speech should be regulated. I've been debating on message boards for nearly three years now. I know you and your kind better than you think.

And lastly, I suggest you spread your ignorance of free expression somewhere else. It will never work here so long as there are people who draw breath willing to defend that right. Go ahead, try to punish me for my opinion.

1. Yes I do use the 1rst amendement. Do you know what that is? Its my right to say something that culminates in financial disaster for them. I will also use my voting rights as you suggested. However, that is not effective if they just own a business.

2. I am me. See number 1

3. You still don't know me and you are free to paste where I insulted your heritage. Your problem is, unless you are capable of modifying my post you wont be able to produce such evidence. On top of that I have a piece of information you are not aware of in your claim that I insulted "your" heritage. You are a disgrace to whatever tribe you are a member of.

Your suggestion is duly noted. You may wish to take your own advise and apply it to yourself.

1. I know what the First Amendment says. It says nowhere that you can use your free speech to debar someone else that right.

2. You are a liar and a cheat. How dare you impugn yourself on me?!

3. I pasted your insult, I feel no need to repeat myself. You are completely ignorant of my culture, Asclepias. I am Cherokee, and we were one of the more devastated tribes after the government moved in and took my ancestors lands. There are brethren here, and in Oklahoma. My ancestors walked the Trail of Tears, beaten and broken. And if you didn't insult my heritage before, you just did now by labeling me as a disgrace to my tribe.

You are a disgrace to humanity, Asclepias. That is the bottom line.
I was satisfied a long time ago you were a hypocrite. You kept on so I did too. You can change the subject all day long then whine about me not discussing the point you wandered from. If you don't want to argue shut up then and just agree to disagree. If not we will continue this if it suits me.

Please explain in detail how I am a hypocrite. I will write an epic based on your hypocrisy in this thread.

I'm not the one trying to change the subject, you are and you have. See, there you go telling people to shut up. This plays right into the theme of this thread. The Chinese are trying to bar dissent, "shut up or we will punish you." You are nothing but a peon. You are below even the most clueless of human beings. It has been a colossal waste of my time debating you, you are hopelessly dense, woefully ignorant, and haplessly malinformed.

Look no further than your signature. It wholeheartedly supports my sentiment. :lol:

You have skipped from calling me names to claiming I have called native americans crazy to faking indignation to whining about us arguing. If you dont want to argue then shut up.

You parked yourself in this thread for the past few days and shut down any civil discourse going on. What is it you hope to accomplish? Oh wait, I get it, you're trying to punish us. What could I have possibly been thinking?
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One, you don't use the First Amendment to punish people you disagree with, if you want to punish your politicians, use your constitutional right to vote and vote them out.

Two, who are you to ruin the career of someone you disagree with? By what authority do you have this power?

Three, I know you, I know your kind. You are devious as you are treacherous. You lie, you mangle the truth, you insult those you disagree with. You go as far as to insult the heritage of another. You insist on punishing people for having a simple opinion. You think speech should be regulated. I've been debating on message boards for nearly three years now. I know you and your kind better than you think.

And lastly, I suggest you spread your ignorance of free expression somewhere else. It will never work here so long as there are people who draw breath willing to defend that right. Go ahead, try to punish me for my opinion.

1. Yes I do use the 1rst amendement. Do you know what that is? Its my right to say something that culminates in financial disaster for them. I will also use my voting rights as you suggested. However, that is not effective if they just own a business.

2. I am me. See number 1

3. You still don't know me and you are free to paste where I insulted your heritage. Your problem is, unless you are capable of modifying my post you wont be able to produce such evidence. On top of that I have a piece of information you are not aware of in your claim that I insulted "your" heritage. You are a disgrace to whatever tribe you are a member of.

Your suggestion is duly noted. You may wish to take your own advise and apply it to yourself.

1. I know what the First Amendment says. It says nowhere that you can use your free speech to debar someone else that right.

2. You are a liar and a cheat. How dare you impugn yourself on me?!

3. I pasted your insult, I feel no need to repeat myself. You are completely ignorant of my culture, Asclepias. I am Cherokee, and we were one of the more devastated tribes after the government moved in and took my ancestors lands. There are brethren here, and in Oklahoma. My ancestors walked the Trail of Tears, beaten and broken. And if you didn't insult my heritage before, you just did now by labeling me as a disgrace to my tribe.

You are a disgrace to humanity, Asclepias. That is the bottom line.

1. Its amazing that you pointed that out. It would be more amazing if thats what I said I was doing. Swing and a miss again. Dont lie. Stick to my point. Feel free to take a few hours to read it to yourself so you miss anything.

2. You are a liar and a hypocrite. How dare you lie about what I am saying?

3. You didnt paste my supposed insult. You are lying again. Where did I say native americans were crazy? Paste it. I dare you. Cherokees are not the only native americans dumbass. I'm part Blackfoot and Ottawan. I know a lot more than you think. See what happens when you don't know what you are talking about? Kind of kills your lie that I insulted my own ancestors.

You are a disgrace and you know why if you are really a Cherokee.

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