The Vaccine is Dangerous

Your need to lash out irrationally is understandable.

Take your cattle dewormer with a spritz of Mountain Dew.
The science that screws your bashing is anything but irrational. You likely cannot debate what has been placed before you, though others will be able to understand because it is in their mother tongue, English. You are stupid, and that always gets precisely the reality it deserves.
The science that screws your bashing is anything but irrational. You likely cannot debate what has been placed before you, though others will be able to understand because it is in their mother tongue, English. You are stupid, and that always gets precisely the reality it deserves.
Ideological fanaticism is no substitute for empirical medical science, the same discipline that brought you cattle dewormers - for cattle.

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Dude that's because the people who have adverse reactions to the vaccines are already buried. I mean think about what you're saying before you say it.
It's kind of hard for them to occupy an ICU bed at the same time they're already occupying a casket.
Except for that’s not even close to being true. Where are you getting your data from?
Except for that’s not even close to being true. Where are you getting your data from?
Except for that’s not even close to being true. Where are you getting your data from?
Data? Now we're actually going to use Data? I'm all for it! But tell me why the sudden departure from the norm? I mean up till now we've been getting buried with all forms of manipulated, biased and false information that could possibly be jammed into one single issue. Why should we suddenly start dealing with real numbers?
Data? Now we're actually going to use Data? I'm all for it! But tell me why the sudden departure from the norm? I mean up till now we've been getting buried with all forms of manipulated, biased and false information that could possibly be jammed into one single issue. Why should we suddenly start dealing with real numbers?
I don’t know what your talking about… maybe take a break from whatever partisan hate media you follow. I talk to doctors that I know personally when looking for medical information. I also use the CDC and other reputable medical institutions. How about you?
...I talk to doctors that I know personally when looking for medical information. I also use the CDC and other reputable medical institutions. How about you?
I also place greater trust in expertise and experience. I assume that is the general preference, but for some, ideological dogma trumps knowledge, apparently. The consequences of dumb can be lethal.

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GOP Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Draws Applause for Praising Ivermectin as COVID Treatment

Ivermectin won't treat COVID-19, but it might kill you, CDC warns

Calls to poison control centers regarding exposure to ivermectin have increased five-fold in recent months.
I also place greater trust in expertise and experience. I assume that is the general preference, but for some, ideological dogma trumps knowledge, apparently. The consequences of dumb can be lethal.

GOP Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert Draws Applause for Praising Ivermectin as COVID Treatment

Ivermectin won't treat COVID-19, but it might kill you, CDC warns

Calls to poison control centers regarding exposure to ivermectin have increased five-fold in recent months.
For the life of me I can not understand how people like Gohmert get elected into positions of power. Blows my mind.

he must have been the only person running
For the life of me I can not understand how people like Gohmert get elected into positions of power. Blows my mind.

he must have been the only person running
I would have accepted him as being elected by folks who, unfortunately, deem him representative of them, but his presumption that he is qualified to impart medical advice that is condemned by those who are actually qualified to do so is almost as amazing as somebody actually listening to it. Let alone cheering it! How stupid is that!

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All the back and forth debate on the "science" a waste of time at this point. Debate has long passed.

Heres the only thing that matters..........100,000,000 Americans are never rolling up their sleeves for shit. The "anti-vaxers" :coffee: .

Which means, the Covid obsessed Vaxxies are going to end up having to suck on it and go out and grab themselves one of these to navigate in society.........HAPPY NOW

Although there is a common misimpression that the viral load tests actually count the number of viruses in the blood, these tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all;"

"This means that the PCR test could not diagnose if you were infected with HIV=AiDS and can not diagnose if you are infected with Covid-19".

But they are, so how is that possible?

The viral load is the amount of a specific virus in a test sample taken from a patient. For COVID-19, that means how many viral genomes are detected in a nasopharyngeal swab from the patient. The viral load reflects how well a virus is replicating in an infected person. A high viral load for SARS-CoV2 detected in a patient swab means numerous coronavirus particles are present in the patient.

It's just like parts per million/billion in a milliliter of liquid.
The PCR test finds one or molecules.
The viral load test determines how many.

"Any medical procedure based ONLY on a suspicion is dangerous".
Of course, they always warn the patient of dangers, when they perform exploratory surgery.
But that isn't the case here, they are only doing further testing.
Where do you get this guff from? You just regurgitated EACTLY the erroneous thinking that Mullis....the INVENTOR of the PCR test....lectured for years against. Here, for the objective reader to fully understand just how wrong our Smoky friend is:

TheDefiantOne said:
Nnaa-unnh, junior! You don't get off playing that game. YOU made an issue of the numbers of deaths, cases, etc., reported by the MSM as the hands down justification for all policies and practices regarding treatment of Covid. Now, when you see that those numbers are essentially below minimal to the population, you throw out that assertion.

You can't have it both can't use a rule and then diminish/discard it to suit your needs.
You should have asked your doctor how the hell is getting these experimental gene therapy shots protecting anyone WHEN THE CDC AND FDA COP TO THE FACT THAT YOU CAN STILL CONTRACT AND/OR BE A CARRIER OF COVID (VARIANTS) DESPITE GETTING ANY OF THE "VAX" SHOTS?
What you "believe" is irrelevant when one looks at ALL the information that is available, much less the contradictory nature of information the MSM is bull horning in conjunction with medical officials.

translation: another right wing corporate parrot left unable to logically or factually refute what I posted.
TheDefiantOne said:
Nnaa-unnh, junior! You don't get off playing that game. YOU made an issue of the numbers of deaths, cases, etc., reported by the MSM as the hands down justification for all policies and practices regarding treatment of Covid. Now, when you see that those numbers are essentially below minimal to the population, you throw out that assertion.

You can't have it both can't use a rule and then diminish/discard it to suit your needs.
You should have asked your doctor how the hell is getting these experimental gene therapy shots protecting anyone WHEN THE CDC AND FDA COP TO THE FACT THAT YOU CAN STILL CONTRACT AND/OR BE A CARRIER OF COVID (VARIANTS) DESPITE GETTING ANY OF THE "VAX" SHOTS?
What you "believe" is irrelevant when one looks at ALL the information that is available, much less the contradictory nature of information the MSM is bull horning in conjunction with medical officials.

translation: another right wing corporate parrot left unable to logically or factually refute what I posted.
Nah, just don't have the time nor patience to keep going back and forth. I got a full time job and I wanna relax when I got the time to.

Nah, just don't have the time nor patience to keep going back and forth. I got a full time job and I wanna relax when I got the time to.

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So you don't have the time to give a logically, fact based retort....yet you have time to put effort into posting some BS excuse/dodge from a like minded intellectually dishonest, right wing wonk. Clearly, you don't realize how moronic this tactic of yours is.

You don't have the intellectual maturity just to concede a point on something as anonymous as this thread....a consistent right wing troll deficiency. Little point in just giving you a platform to dodge and blow smoke. See you in a month or so.
So you don't have the time to give a logically, fact based retort....yet you have time to put effort into posting some BS excuse/dodge from a like minded intellectually dishonest, right wing wonk. Clearly, you don't realize how moronic this tactic of yours is.

You don't have the intellectual maturity just to concede a point on something as anonymous as this thread....a consistent right wing troll deficiency. Little point in just giving you a platform to dodge and blow smoke. See you in a month or so.
You realize it takes more time to actually engage in debate than to say "nah, I don't feel like it", right? This is not a formal debate, I am in no way obligated to stay and keep it going.
And concede? Fuck no. I stand by everything I said 110%. If you don't like it, go suck a lemon. I'm outie, will be ignoring further replies from here on out. :hhello:
All the back and forth debate on the "science" a waste of time at this point. Debate has long passed.

Heres the only thing that matters..........100,000,000 Americans are never rolling up their sleeves for shit. The "anti-vaxers" :coffee: .

Which means, the Covid obsessed Vaxxies are going to end up having to suck on it and go out and grab themselves one of these to navigate in society.........HAPPY NOW

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The only that is going to be sucked on are longer periods of masking requirements and limited accessibility for businesses. Those anti vaxxers are sure showing us!!!
Where do you get this guff from? You just regurgitated EACTLY the erroneous thinking that Mullis....the INVENTOR of the PCR test....lectured for years against. Here, for the objective reader to fully understand just how wrong our Smoky friend is:


You're STILL barking up the wrong tree, as are others.
From your own link:
Predictably, as a result of PCR's predominate use in diagnosing COVID-19, increasing numbers of medical and science professionals are uneasy because 70-90 percent of positive PCR test results, generated using 35 or higher cycle thresholds, are “false positives,” requiring additional testing for definitive case confirmations.

So, upon further testing, why are they finding so much covid-19?

The viral load is the amount of a specific virus in a test sample taken from a patient. For COVID-19, that means how many viral genomes are detected in a nasopharyngeal swab from the patient. The viral load reflects how well a virus is replicating in an infected person. A high viral load for SARS-CoV2 detected in a patient swab means numerous coronavirus particles are present in the patient.

Doesn't matter if what's being used to detect it, they are detecting it.
Just like a cancer test, they have false positives too.

In a false positive, a screening test indicates that a mass in the breast is likely to be cancerous. This typically triggers additional imaging such as diagnostic mammograms, which are a bit more involved than a screening mammogram and will help the doctor get a better look at the suspicious growth. You may also be referred for a breast ultrasound or breast MRI. You may even be advised to undergo a breast biopsy – the removal of all or a portion of the suspicious growth for further laboratory testing – which is the only tool that can actually diagnose cancer. A "core needle biopsy" is the standard method today, the breast cancer nonprofit Susan G. Komen reports, but it's also possible to have another type of needle biopsy or a surgical biopsy.

You're STILL barking up the wrong tree, as are others.
From your own link:
Predictably, as a result of PCR's predominate use in diagnosing COVID-19, increasing numbers of medical and science professionals are uneasy because 70-90 percent of positive PCR test results, generated using 35 or higher cycle thresholds, are “false positives,” requiring additional testing for definitive case confirmations.

So, upon further testing, why are they finding so much covid-19?

The viral load is the amount of a specific virus in a test sample taken from a patient. For COVID-19, that means how many viral genomes are detected in a nasopharyngeal swab from the patient. The viral load reflects how well a virus is replicating in an infected person. A high viral load for SARS-CoV2 detected in a patient swab means numerous coronavirus particles are present in the patient.

Doesn't matter if what's being used to detect it, they are detecting it.
Just like a cancer test, they have false positives too.

In a false positive, a screening test indicates that a mass in the breast is likely to be cancerous. This typically triggers additional imaging such as diagnostic mammograms, which are a bit more involved than a screening mammogram and will help the doctor get a better look at the suspicious growth. You may also be referred for a breast ultrasound or breast MRI. You may even be advised to undergo a breast biopsy – the removal of all or a portion of the suspicious growth for further laboratory testing – which is the only tool that can actually diagnose cancer. A "core needle biopsy" is the standard method today, the breast cancer nonprofit Susan G. Komen reports, but it's also possible to have another type of needle biopsy or a surgical biopsy.
:eusa_naughty: you need to stop trying to separate EXACTLY how the PCR works to fit your narrative. As Mullis explained in the linked video, PCR amplifies a molecule to the point for proper viewing and study. "there are very molecules that you don't have at least one single one in your body". He went on to point out that with (then) HIV, it was either partially inherited or if contracted, you would also have a host of other retro-virus molecules in your system...but it does not mean that this molecule is proof that your entire system is infected and therefore the cause of the disease that put you (or will put you) in the hospital. In short, you can't say Mr. Smith has this disease because the PCR test showed a positive for molecule X.

You comparison to a breast cancer mass is totally erroneous because you are dealing with known, physical object that can be quantified and studied in various ways (blood sample, biopsy, various immune system responses, etc.). Using just the PCR to find one molecule that you can claim is the culprit when you're dealing with symptoms that can be attributed to a host of other diseases is inaccurate at best.

It's like this; I can have list of diseases to test you for. Now, you don't have any symptoms and are in general good health. But, I do a PCR test for disease #1, and after a multitude of bio-molecular amplification (i.e., duplication) I find that molecule in your body. Does that mean you will definitely succumb to that disease? Nope. Does that mean that the symptoms you currently display are a direct result of that disease? Nope. It does indicate that one point you breathed in some particulate of that disease, your immune system took care of it...or a parent had that disease and passed it on with anti-bodies to you.

This is why you have so many false positives and negatives, because of the varying amount of amplification needed to spot JUST ONE molecule of a disease in your body.

Hope this helps.
How many deaths have been directly caused by the vaccine? do you know?
What we do know is that the medical professionals, out of over 6,200 deaths shortly after the vaccine, can't even explain why these people died. What level of incompetence are we dealing with that the medical professionals can't figure out what killed over 6200 people? We are told that they are "investigating". How long does it take for them to figure out how 6200 people died? They are hiding the truth from us because they don't want us to know the truth.

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