The tunnels were are are not a threat

If such tunnels were for defense, they damned sure wouldn't have... I dunno... AN OPENING IN ENEMY TERRITORY.

Pretty gaping weakness in the ol' defenses, there.
Err. Watch the vid. I sure as damn don't plan to transpose it all here.
They are a defence:

Gaza Ceasefire: After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault ? and What Comes Next? | Democracy Now!

The only threat to Israel is that they prevent Israel killing people from the air at will.

Interesting video, thanks for sharing. Interesting fact Egypt has closed/demolished 1,687 tunnels between Gaza and Egypt so far. Every time the Egyptians demolish a tunnel, Hamas is building 2. It's a never ending construction/destruction cycle. The Zionists may well be patting themselves on the back believing they've destroyed Hamas tunnel network, but in fact all that destruction has just created a vast pool of raw materials that can be used to construct new tunnels, if HAMAS is so inclined. Yet another epic fail by the IDF thugs and their masters, or was it? Perhaps the real intention all along was just to carry out another "cull of sub-humans", just another step towards the "Final solution of the Palestinian problem". Hang on, where have we heard that sort of language before....?
Its anyway none of Israel's business what Gazans do with their land and sea. In Gaza, above Gaza, off the coast of Gaza or under Gaza.

If they don't want the tunnels in Israel, close them like the Egyptians did in Egypt.
But they have no right to kill thousands of Gazans to destroy passive infrastructure.

And the ability to do it isn't a right.
Just as might is not right.
Israel has no intention of reaching any level of peace. They are just punishing the natives to keep them down.

70 years and they still can't do it. Israelis may evolve into ogres and trolls after a while, claiming that eating the flesh of Palestinians is justified, because they are 'terr-rr-rists'.
How 45 tunnels from Gaza to Israel considered defense? - fine lets agree they are, so does F-16 Jets bombardments..get lost beezle.
They are a defence:

Gaza Ceasefire: After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault ? and What Comes Next? | Democracy Now!

The only threat to Israel is that they prevent Israel killing people from the air at will.

A defence from what Israeli retaliation to over 200 rocket attacks prior to the July 4th attacks on hamas to shut down their terrorist organisation. It the Palestinians had not kidnapped 3 Israeli boys and brutally murdered them, and then increased the rate of attack none of the deaths would have happened. Then to LIE openly about the alleged atrocities shows that they have a hell of a lot to hide. Lets take it to the ICC and see who is found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity on the already existing evidence.

Please speak with Bibi and tell him to stop trying to evade ICC jurisdiction and investigation.
Israel doesn't plan to evade, when did you hear that? what are we Syria? comon.
Meh. You didn't even watch the vid before posting Lipush.

I did and saw that it was full of inaccurate details and ISLANINAZI LIES. No mention of the fact that Israel gave up to 4 days notice of intended targets and the civilians still acted as human shields. I say lest go to the ICC and see hamas and the P.A. be sentenced to life for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
They are a defence:

Gaza Ceasefire: After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault ? and What Comes Next? | Democracy Now!

The only threat to Israel is that they prevent Israel killing people from the air at will.

Interesting video, thanks for sharing. Interesting fact Egypt has closed/demolished 1,687 tunnels between Gaza and Egypt so far. Every time the Egyptians demolish a tunnel, Hamas is building 2. It's a never ending construction/destruction cycle. The Zionists may well be patting themselves on the back believing they've destroyed Hamas tunnel network, but in fact all that destruction has just created a vast pool of raw materials that can be used to construct new tunnels, if HAMAS is so inclined. Yet another epic fail by the IDF thugs and their masters, or was it? Perhaps the real intention all along was just to carry out another "cull of sub-humans", just another step towards the "Final solution of the Palestinian problem". Hang on, where have we heard that sort of language before....?

So you openly admit that hamas is depriving the Palestinian people of the means to rebuild gaza by stealing the materials to build illegal smuggling tunnels.

Way to go
Its anyway none of Israel's business what Gazans do with their land and sea. In Gaza, above Gaza, off the coast of Gaza or under Gaza.

If they don't want the tunnels in Israel, close them like the Egyptians did in Egypt.
But they have no right to kill thousands of Gazans to destroy passive infrastructure.

And the ability to do it isn't a right.
Just as might is not right.

BULLSHIT as INTERNATIONAL LAW prohibits everything that hamas is doing. The only way to stop the tunnels is to block them at source, preferably full of Palestinian terrorists.
Don't be daft Phoney.

International law doesn't prevent Hamas from building defensive structures. Nor offensive ones for that matter. You are weird to try to get that one past. :cuckoo:

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