
Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
The War Criminal asking the US to shield him, what an f'n Coward!

Netanyahu asks US to help Israel avoid war crime charges | New York Post

WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked US lawmakers Wednesday to help fend off Palestinian claims that his country engaged in “war crimes” while defending itself against attacks from Gaza, one top lawmaker told The Post.

The Israeli leader later told international reporters that his country employed “extraordinary measures” to avoid civilian deaths in the nearly month-long conflict.

As a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held for a third day, Netanyahu met with a group of US legislators, including Rep. Steve Israel (D-L.I.,) to discuss the country’s tense security situation and some fissures in US-Israel relations.

Netanyahu asked the delegation to help Israel stay out of the International Criminal Court, where its attacks on Gaza could come under scrutiny — even while responding to Hamas rockets fired at Israeli urban centers.
The War Criminal asking the US to shield him, what an f'n Coward!

Netanyahu asks US to help Israel avoid war crime charges | New York Post

WASHINGTON — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asked US lawmakers Wednesday to help fend off Palestinian claims that his country engaged in “war crimes” while defending itself against attacks from Gaza, one top lawmaker told The Post.

The Israeli leader later told international reporters that his country employed “extraordinary measures” to avoid civilian deaths in the nearly month-long conflict.

As a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held for a third day, Netanyahu met with a group of US legislators, including Rep. Steve Israel (D-L.I.,) to discuss the country’s tense security situation and some fissures in US-Israel relations.

Netanyahu asked the delegation to help Israel stay out of the International Criminal Court, where its attacks on Gaza could come under scrutiny — even while responding to Hamas rockets fired at Israeli urban centers.
Hamas fires rockets at Israeli urban centers. Israel fires back. Israel taken to court for war crimes. What else is new?
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.

Clearly the analyses of an neophyte...It wasn't the soldiers fighting and eliminating Jihadists, it was the unnecessary bombing that killed civilians who were not combatants for no gain except to terrorize civilians...The rockets by Hamas were easily blocked by the Iron Dome and caused little or no fatalities...

That is a crime...
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.


So any and all of these films can be accessed without restriction by investigators?
That will be useful.

Though I don't doubt for a minute that the IDF would not allow that.
Smart move on Bibi's part, if true.

He's keenly aware of the forces arrayed against him, who cannot stand it when Israel dares to fight back, much less dare to do what is necessary to kill its enemies in large numbers, and to win.

He also understands the deep support for Israel, in the United States, and is making a preemptive political move, to circumvent such complications before they reach a problematic level.

The United States has your back, Israel, even if its present executive leadership is lukewarm, at best.

And, insofar as that is concerned, hang in there.

January 20, 2017 will be here before you know it.
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Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented. was the unnecessary bombing that killed civilians who were not combatants for no gain except to terrorize civilians...
To get at Hamas and its war-assets, it was necessary to inflict collateral civilian casualties.

...The rockets by Hamas were easily blocked by the Iron Dome...
Iron Dome is not completely effective, and there are not enough launchers, control centers and munitions to go around - they can't be everywhere simultaneously.

...and caused little or no fatalities...
The inaccuracy and lethality of Hamas rockets are not the issue.

The firing of the rockets towards Israel is the issue.

If I am out-and-about, walking with my family in the woods, and I have a high-powered hunting shotgun on me, loaded with scattershot...

And if you have a handgun, and are hostile to me-and-mine, and you are out-and-about in those same woods, walking with your family, and you begin taking potshots at me-and-mine from a distance...

I am not going to ask myself whether your handgun is a $50 piece of crap that is only accurate to 25 feet, or something far more deadly with a far better accuracy rating...


I am going to focus on the fact that you have a gun, and are shooting at my family...

Under such circumstances, I am going to have my family hunker down as best they can, and then I am going to come after you with that buckshot-primed shotgun of mine...

If I manage to get close enough to do any damage, and if you are hiding behind or too close to your own family, I am still going to discharge that load of buckshot, right through your own people, in order to get to you, to stop you from getting off another shot at mine...

I'll feel terrible about your family, afterwards, but, given that you are the one that began the firing, and that you were attempting to harm my family, and that you were hiding behind your own...

Hey... it's your family or mine, and I choose mine.

The accuracy of your handgun doesn't have a goddamned thing to do with it.

...That is a crime...
Inflicting civilian casualties in order to kill enemy combatants and to destroy enemy war-assets is not ipso facto a crime.

Good luck pressing that point, in a court of competent jurisdiction.

Next slide, please.
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Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.
That is the difference between an intelligent People (the Israelis) who learn from their experiences and apply that learning to similar circumstances in future, versus an intellectually dysfunctional people (the Palestinians) who keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results each time. The Palestinians (and, most certainly, Hamas) are not exactly the brightest crayons in the box. Isn't it amazing, how much legal leverage one can obtain from those tiny video cameras?
Good thinking, Israel!
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Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.

Clearly the analyses of an neophyte...It wasn't the soldiers fighting and eliminating Jihadists, it was the unnecessary bombing that killed civilians who were not combatants for no gain except to terrorize civilians...The rockets by Hamas were easily blocked by the Iron Dome and caused little or no fatalities...

That is a crime...

Not if they were told before hand that the place was to be bombed as a valid military target, and the people decided to become passive terrorist militia. Read the Geneva conventions
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.


So any and all of these films can be accessed without restriction by investigators?
That will be useful.

Though I don't doubt for a minute that the IDF would not allow that.

You forget that the media already has enough evidence of hamas skulduggery and LIES in regards to human shields, false accusations and BLOOD LIBELS. The IDF footage will just be the icing on the cake, and under the ICC rules all the evidence is to be given to all parties so they cant claim they did not know about the planted bodies inside the school grounds.
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.

Clearly the analyses of an neophyte...It wasn't the soldiers fighting and eliminating Jihadists, it was the unnecessary bombing that killed civilians who were not combatants for no gain except to terrorize civilians...The rockets by Hamas were easily blocked by the Iron Dome and caused little or no fatalities...

That is a crime...

Not if they were told before hand that the place was to be bombed as a valid military target, and the people decided to become passive terrorist militia. Read the Geneva conventions
so why is Netty asking for assistance? could it be the use of certain mortars and tank shells.The expert on the BBC news regarded these weapon as being too indiscriminate to use in populated areas.
I would also hope that any evidence of Hamas breaking any codes of war should be prosecuted.
Clearly the analyses of an neophyte...It wasn't the soldiers fighting and eliminating Jihadists, it was the unnecessary bombing that killed civilians who were not combatants for no gain except to terrorize civilians...The rockets by Hamas were easily blocked by the Iron Dome and caused little or no fatalities...

That is a crime...

Not if they were told before hand that the place was to be bombed as a valid military target, and the people decided to become passive terrorist militia. Read the Geneva conventions
so why is Netty asking for assistance? could it be the use of certain mortars and tank shells.The expert on the BBC news regarded these weapon as being too indiscriminate to use in populated areas.
I would also hope that any evidence of Hamas breaking any codes of war should be prosecuted.

Absolutely agree! Get the criminals out of the picture on both sides!
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.


So any and all of these films can be accessed without restriction by investigators?
That will be useful.

Though I don't doubt for a minute that the IDF would not allow that.

It should and it will.

It is first Israeli interests that the UN will see what really happened.

That the UN will know that the worst war criminal in this round was the UN itself.

It was said that TWICE Unrwa discovered rockets in their schools, and TWICE it gave those rockets back to Hamas. That turns the UN institutes to military bases and not civilian areas.

7 IDF soldiers were killed in a bombing that took place in a UN clinic in Gaza. Hamas planted the bombs in the UN CIVILIAN facility to cause deaths.

At least one time rockets were fired from UN school.

Allowing rockets to be fired from UN facility, especially one holding children, contradicts the most basic laws of morality and common sense.

And more importantly, allowing rockets to be fired from any UN facility against Israeli cities equals fighting against Israel with Hamas. Since those rockets target unarmed and unprotected people, Israel can and more than should sue the UN for war crimes, since the UN is responsible for attacking Israeli civilians.

I wonder if Israel will sue the UN In Hague. Won't that be interesting to see...
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If the UNWRA discovered the IDF had parked one of its Abrams Tanks in a UNWRA car park, should it confiscate the tank, or tell the IDF to get it the hell out?
UNWRA is supposed to be clean from any military-armed involvement. I don't know nor understand your stupid question, but once this agency is used to shelter weapon instead of people, then IDF will treat it accordingly.
Israel did something very clever this time, and it was to plant cams on the soldiers. claims "war crimes" can easily be proven as b******* when everything is documented.


So any and all of these films can be accessed without restriction by investigators?
That will be useful.

Though I don't doubt for a minute that the IDF would not allow that.

It should and it will.

It is first Israeli interests that the UN will see what really happened.

That the UN will know that the worst war criminal in this round was the UN itself.

It was said that TWICE Unrwa discovered rockets in their schools, and TWICE it gave those rockets back to Hamas. That turns the UN institutes to military bases and not civilian areas.

7 IDF soldiers were killed in a bombing that took place in a UN clinic in Gaza. Hamas planted the bombs in the UN CIVILIAN facility to cause deaths.

At least one time rockets were fired from UN school.

Allowing rockets to be fired from UN facility, especially one holding children, contradicts the most basic laws of morality and common sense.

And more importantly, allowing rockets to be fired from any UN facility against Israeli cities equals fighting against Israel with Hamas. Since those rockets target unarmed and unprotected people, Israel can and more than should sue the UN for war crimes, since the UN is responsible for attacking Israeli civilians.

I wonder if Israel will sue the UN In Hague. Won't that be interesting to see...
It would be but it appears Netty comb over is more interested in keeping the lid on the can of worms.
UNWRA is supposed to be clean from any military-armed involvement. I don't know nor understand your stupid question, but once this agency is used to shelter weapon instead of people, then IDF will treat it accordingly.

You don't do you.
That is quite plain. I am surprised you are such a limited thinker Lipush.

The point is, that if UNWRA were to take possession of any weapons, it could then very easily be construed as being a combatant. If UNWRA were to take either a tank belonging to the IDF or missiles belonging to Hamas, no matter how innocently obtained, it would be showing influence and power it is not expected nor permitted to have.

Also, imagine an unarmed UNWRA man insisting, ABSOLUTELY INSISTING, that the IDF allow UNWRA to take their tank and do with it whatever UNWRA pleased.
The response from the IDF would not be too unlike the response that Hamas would make if UNWRA told them it was confiscating their missile.

It may be a school, but neither Hamas or the IDF are schoolboys.
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