The Truth about Math and Gender


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
2016 SAT test results confirm pattern that’s persisted for 50 years — high school boys are better at math than girls | American Enterprise Institute - AEI %

Every day one reads articles claiming that boys are no better at math than girls, or that their aptitudes for math are the same, or some other bit of anti-intuitive, manifestly phony balderdash.

The linked article details the bizarre fact that although girls are "better prepared," "better educated," and get better grades than boys in math and science, where the rubber meets the road, boys come out on top. In QUANTITATIVE testing that actually measures math and science proficiency, it's no contest. In fact, the higher up the achievement scale one goes, the more marked the dominance of males becomes. It is not discrimination that results in science Nobel Prizes being disproportionately awarded to men.

And these gender differences cross all ethnic lines, as true for Asians as for African Americans (interestingly, Asian FEMALES score higher than MALES in any other ethnic group, but who's counting?).

The Left is DYING to find some heretofore hidden nefarious plot that is the cause of the top STEM jobs going to men, but in this, as in many things, the facts are the greatest rebuttal. Never fear, though, they will eventually demand that such positions be filled - at all levels - by a gender ratio that reflects the general population, proficiency be damned.

Is it at all interesting that women come out on top in analogous evaluations of verbal aptitudes, and men feel not the least bit threatened?
Remember the Barbie doll that said: "Math is tough!"

They had to pull the doll off the shelves.
Women are better at language, men are better at mathematics.

There's nothing wrong with that.
2016 SAT test results confirm pattern that’s persisted for 50 years — high school boys are better at math than girls | American Enterprise Institute - AEI %

Every day one reads articles claiming that boys are no better at math than girls, or that their aptitudes for math are the same, or some other bit of anti-intuitive, manifestly phony balderdash.

The linked article details the bizarre fact that although girls are "better prepared," "better educated," and get better grades than boys in math and science, where the rubber meets the road, boys come out on top. In QUANTITATIVE testing that actually measures math and science proficiency, it's no contest. In fact, the higher up the achievement scale one goes, the more marked the dominance of males becomes. It is not discrimination that results in science Nobel Prizes being disproportionately awarded to men.

And these gender differences cross all ethnic lines, as true for Asians as for African Americans (interestingly, Asian FEMALES score higher than MALES in any other ethnic group, but who's counting?).

The Left is DYING to find some heretofore hidden nefarious plot that is the cause of the top STEM jobs going to men, but in this, as in many things, the facts are the greatest rebuttal. Never fear, though, they will eventually demand that such positions be filled - at all levels - by a gender ratio that reflects the general population, proficiency be damned.

Is it at all interesting that women come out on top in analogous evaluations of verbal aptitudes, and men feel not the least bit threatened?
There are female mathematicians - averages are just approximations and don't apply in individual cases, so in practice I respect the merit of individual men and women.

"STEM", at least In mass education, is arguably an ugly subject anyway, at least at the lowest levels of mass education - not a substitute for creativity or entrepreneurship, such as in the case of Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, or advanced mathematicians who laugh at how the average person doesn't even know the difference between boring, ugly arithmetic and advanced mathematics. Most of what are erroneously called the "top jobs" are so below the level of actual entrepreneurs that they'd be more comparable to grade school in terms of the actual work and attitude required to perform them.

The average so-called "STEM" job is barely even on the level of a "workman" unable to do much of anything but perform boring, easily automated tasks by rote, let alone an advanced engineer, scientist, or mathematician such as an Alan Turning, an Einstein, a Marie Curie, or otherwise.

As an entrepreneur, I can attest that no man or woman capable of being an entrepreneur, whether in "STEM" fields, music, the arts, or otherwise would ever settle for a "STEM" job to begin with. I certainly wouldn't unless I had to.

Would a female opera singer, for example, trade her career for an ugly, low level "STEM" job? I doubt it.

The Greatest Female Opera Singers Ever - How Many Do You Know Of?
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More women are nurses too....although some of you big tough(laughable) men will refute it.
"Math" is ugly, mathematics is a different thing entirely, so I've heard.

Sure, many entrepreneurs and artists use mathematics in their jobs, but who of the entrepreneurial variety would ever want a dime-a-dozen "STEM" job, unless they were too unintelligent or uncreative to do anything else?

Anything marketed to the masses, including so called "STEM jobs" is just a substitute for actual entrepreneurship.
I think distraction is what rules when mathematics is the test.

I proved it in my younger years.

My older sister became a mathematics high school teacher. She used to bring her pupils tests at home to check their answers and give grades. The table was full of papers everywhere almost everyday. One day I came back home from my technical drawing classes, and went straight to take a shower because I had a date that night.

After shower I went to my room to change clothes but on my way I saw my sister preparing new mathematical problems for the following test. She was fully concentrated in the middle of hard formulas and equations when I asked her: How much is two plus two?

And I continued going to my room, changed my clothes, put some cologne, look at myself 50 times on the mirror and came out ready to go out. But, I saw my sister sat standing still looking like hypnotized to nowhere. So I asked her what was wrong with her. She said: I just can't remember how much is two plus two...
2016 SAT test results confirm pattern that’s persisted for 50 years — high school boys are better at math than girls | American Enterprise Institute - AEI %

Every day one reads articles claiming that boys are no better at math than girls, or that their aptitudes for math are the same, or some other bit of anti-intuitive, manifestly phony balderdash.

The linked article details the bizarre fact that although girls are "better prepared," "better educated," and get better grades than boys in math and science, where the rubber meets the road, boys come out on top. In QUANTITATIVE testing that actually measures math and science proficiency, it's no contest. In fact, the higher up the achievement scale one goes, the more marked the dominance of males becomes. It is not discrimination that results in science Nobel Prizes being disproportionately awarded to men.

And these gender differences cross all ethnic lines, as true for Asians as for African Americans (interestingly, Asian FEMALES score higher than MALES in any other ethnic group, but who's counting?).

The Left is DYING to find some heretofore hidden nefarious plot that is the cause of the top STEM jobs going to men, but in this, as in many things, the facts are the greatest rebuttal. Never fear, though, they will eventually demand that such positions be filled - at all levels - by a gender ratio that reflects the general population, proficiency be damned.

Is it at all interesting that women come out on top in analogous evaluations of verbal aptitudes, and men feel not the least bit threatened?
There are female mathematicians - averages are just approximations and don't apply in individual cases, so in practice I respect the merit of individual men and women.

"STEM", at least In mass education, is arguably an ugly subject anyway, at least at the lowest levels of mass education - not a substitute for creativity or entrepreneurship, such as in the case of Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, or advanced mathematicians who laugh at how the average person doesn't even know the difference between boring, ugly arithmetic and advanced mathematics. Most of what are erroneously called the "top jobs" are so below the level of actual entrepreneurs that they'd be more comparable to grade school in terms of the actual work and attitude required to perform them.

The average so-called "STEM" job is barely even on the level of a "workman" unable to do much of anything but perform boring, easily automated tasks by rote, let alone an advanced engineer, scientist, or mathematician such as an Alan Turning, an Einstein, a Marie Curie, or otherwise.

As an entrepreneur, I can attest that no man or woman capable of being an entrepreneur, whether in "STEM" fields, music, the arts, or otherwise would ever settle for a "STEM" job to begin with. I certainly wouldn't unless I had to.

Would a female opera singer, for example, trade her career for an ugly, low level "STEM" job? I doubt it.

The Greatest Female Opera Singers Ever - How Many Do You Know Of?

It’s “STEAM” now, btw.
My wife was pretty good at math, one day she found lipstick on my collar and panties in the glove box, and said she could put 2+2 together.
2016 SAT test results confirm pattern that’s persisted for 50 years — high school boys are better at math than girls | American Enterprise Institute - AEI %

Every day one reads articles claiming that boys are no better at math than girls, or that their aptitudes for math are the same, or some other bit of anti-intuitive, manifestly phony balderdash.

The linked article details the bizarre fact that although girls are "better prepared," "better educated," and get better grades than boys in math and science, where the rubber meets the road, boys come out on top. In QUANTITATIVE testing that actually measures math and science proficiency, it's no contest. In fact, the higher up the achievement scale one goes, the more marked the dominance of males becomes. It is not discrimination that results in science Nobel Prizes being disproportionately awarded to men.

And these gender differences cross all ethnic lines, as true for Asians as for African Americans (interestingly, Asian FEMALES score higher than MALES in any other ethnic group, but who's counting?).

The Left is DYING to find some heretofore hidden nefarious plot that is the cause of the top STEM jobs going to men, but in this, as in many things, the facts are the greatest rebuttal. Never fear, though, they will eventually demand that such positions be filled - at all levels - by a gender ratio that reflects the general population, proficiency be damned.

Is it at all interesting that women come out on top in analogous evaluations of verbal aptitudes, and men feel not the least bit threatened?

What is the point of comparing the scores of girls and boys? What should such comparisons lead to? Changes in teaching methods? These scores are only averages, anyway.

My own score on the math section of the SAT was 624, and I broke 700 on the verbal, so I'm going to sit here and snicker.

RIP Rear Admiral Grace Hopper:

Grace Hopper | Biography & Facts
I think distraction is what rules when mathematics is the test.

I proved it in my younger years.

My older sister became a mathematics high school teacher. She used to bring her pupils tests at home to check their answers and give grades. The table was full of papers everywhere almost everyday. One day I came back home from my technical drawing classes, and went straight to take a shower because I had a date that night.

After shower I went to my room to change clothes but on my way I saw my sister preparing new mathematical problems for the following test. She was fully concentrated in the middle of hard formulas and equations when I asked her: How much is two plus two?

And I continued going to my room, changed my clothes, put some cologne, look at myself 50 times on the mirror and came out ready to go out. But, I saw my sister sat standing still looking like hypnotized to nowhere. So I asked her what was wrong with her. She said: I just can't remember how much is two plus two...

If your story is true, your sister was a moron who should have been in a home instead of teaching.
Some women would beg to differ with you...





Some women would beg to differ with you...




I agree, I respect merit - and most of what the average person calls "math" is just entry level basic arithmetic, which some mathematicians have called a horrible and ugly subject - not advanced mathematics, such as that used in computing or graphics design.

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