Well I guess if Donald gets elected his legacy will be a giant humongous wall on the country's southern border. That's if he can get approval by a majority of Mexicans. Will he stop there? Will he sell the plans to build it to other nations? Or perhaps paying for it out of his own pocket?
The funny thing is Mexicans can dig a good tunnel.
Why doesn't someone else offer another solution to the immigrant flow over America's border? If Trump says he's going to create jobs why doesn't he propose lining the border with more border control agents or use the military. He wants to improve the military so why not have them control the country's border?
Well I guess we will get to see if The Great Wall Of Trump gets built.
The funny thing is Mexicans can dig a good tunnel.
Why doesn't someone else offer another solution to the immigrant flow over America's border? If Trump says he's going to create jobs why doesn't he propose lining the border with more border control agents or use the military. He wants to improve the military so why not have them control the country's border?
Well I guess we will get to see if The Great Wall Of Trump gets built.