The Trump Presidency is Already a Joke


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
Bannon is Bugs Bunny to Trump's Elmer Fudd.

It can reasonably be said that our dear leader is now the most ridiculed man on the planet. In fact, he may well be the most ridiculed man in history. For a preening narcissist who takes himself terribly seriously, being the butt of the joke heard round the world has got to hurt. The handpicked assortment of craven nitwits and supplicants that he has surrounded himself with have valiantly tried to insulate him from the derision. But they’re only human. Your heart has to go out to the ones doing the heavy lifting: banty Sean Spicer, the M. C. Escher of the English language, and Kellyanne Conway, the president’s temperament fluffer. (Look away from CNN, Mr. President. There’s something shiny and bright over there!) Engaging as it is to watch these overworked mouthpieces, I fear their days must be numbered. Comments about microwaves that turn into spy cameras and what should be understood when the president puts words in quotation marks are having minimal effect in reducing the scorn heaped upon their boss. Hats off to them for their tenacity, but no amount of spin is going to change the fact that the Trump White House, like the company its inhabitant has run for the past four decades, continues to be a shambolic mess.

The Trump Presidency Is Already a Joke
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"Trump may be a joke, but the chaos and destructive forces around him are not. If he can cause this much havoc during his first few months in office, imagine what the country and the world will look like at the end of four years. Watch him when he walks into a crowd of people. There is a slight grimace, a tightening of the mouth that to me indicates a hesitation, perhaps based on fear. The thing is, if Trump has made any sort of arrangement with the Russians—Kremlin, oligarchs, F.S.B., Mob, or any combination of the four—to drop the Obama-era sanctions in return for past favors, the hoo-ha surrounding his Russian connections now makes that almost impossible to deliver. Whatever support he has received from the Russians over the years presumably came with promises of a payback. If Trump can’t follow through on this, he might be in serious trouble."
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Graydon Carter worked for Time magazine and Henry Luce which was totally tied to the Rockefeller I give his opinion the back-handed wave of the hand. The fact that he doesn't endorse Trump only makes me feel better.....wanna debate me on this? I am always looking for leftard ass to kick.....not many leftards have the nads to debate me...seems that I know too much for their comfort. What say ye?.
We know the media is against the president and will say anything, tell any lie. Why bother paying attention.
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Graydon Carter worked for Time magazine and Henry Luce which was totally tied to the Rockefeller I give his opinion the back-handed wave of the hand. The fact that he doesn't endorse Trump only makes me feel better.....wanna debate me on this? I am always looking for leftard ass to kick.....not many leftards have the nads to debate me...seems that I know too much for their comfort. What say ye?.
Shoot the messenger. Character assassination. That's all you Deplorables can do when someone's speaks the truth.
You can feel all the fervor you like and keep denying reality. This lunatic president is the laughing stock of the world... and as the writer noted, possibly biggest joke in history.
His colossal failure of the HC Bill will go down as the biggest broken promise in history.

" I will repeal and replace Ocare on DAY ONE and it will be great and cover everyone. "

You're an easy mark.
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We know the media is against the president and will say anything, tell any lie. Why bother paying attention.
You have no idea what caused Trump's biggest failure ( this week) do you. Hint: it wasn't the media. It's because people all over the country rose up in town halls, Calling their representatives and camping out in front of their congressman's home to tell them and the republicans They don't want to lose their health insurance and to go fuck themselves on their giveaway to the rich health care bill.
The fact Trump is such a spectacular failure along side his out of control ego, plus seeing things that aren't there and the whole litany of bizarre behavior, makes him an international joke.
But you blame the media. Lol
As Bob Dylan sang," You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. "
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At first, I was pissed off that Trump never spends a weekend at the White House when he could be spending our tax money playing golf. But, I have seen the light. When he is on vacation somewhere where the government is enriching his resorts, he is not doing much damage to the country.
Another little taste of how the world sees the pussy grabber idiot in chief.

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At first, I was pissed off that Trump never spends a weekend at the White House when he could be spending our tax money playing golf. But, I have seen the light. When he is on vacation somewhere where the government is enriching his resorts, he is not doing much damage to the country.
Imagine how crazy Trump would be if he didn't take a vacation every week?
"Trump’s one brief moment of acting presidential—when he read off a teleprompter for 60 minutes and 10 seconds during his address to Congress—served only to show just how low the bar for presidential behavior has plummeted since January. Watching TV commentators applaud him for containing himself for a little over an hour was like hearing a parent praise a difficult child for not pooping in his pants during a pre-school interview. Besides, vintage Trump is not going anywhere anytime soon. A couple of weeks earlier, during a visit by the Japanese prime minister, Shinzō Abe, the president told an acquaintance that he was obsessed with the translator’s breasts—although he expressed this in his own, fragrant fashion."

He's still the pig he's been all of his life.
"Trump may be a joke, but the chaos and destructive forces around him are not. If he can cause this much havoc during his first few months in office, imagine what the country and the world will look like at the end of four years. Watch him when he walks into a crowd of people. There is a slight grimace, a tightening of the mouth that to me indicates a hesitation, perhaps based on fear. The thing is, if Trump has made any sort of arrangement with the Russians—Kremlin, oligarchs, F.S.B., Mob, or any combination of the four—to drop the Obama-era sanctions in return for past favors, the hoo-ha surrounding his Russian connections now makes that almost impossible to deliver. Whatever support he has received from the Russians over the years presumably came with promises of a payback. If Trump can’t follow through on this, he might be in serious trouble."

They're just pissed off that day by day maobamas ridiculous regulations are being rolled back. It will take years to do it all, but they seem to be focusing on the big ones and working down the lists.
"Trump may be a joke, but the chaos and destructive forces around him are not. If he can cause this much havoc during his first few months in office, imagine what the country and the world will look like at the end of four years. Watch him when he walks into a crowd of people. There is a slight grimace, a tightening of the mouth that to me indicates a hesitation, perhaps based on fear. The thing is, if Trump has made any sort of arrangement with the Russians—Kremlin, oligarchs, F.S.B., Mob, or any combination of the four—to drop the Obama-era sanctions in return for past favors, the hoo-ha surrounding his Russian connections now makes that almost impossible to deliver. Whatever support he has received from the Russians over the years presumably came with promises of a payback. If Trump can’t follow through on this, he might be in serious trouble."

They're just pissed off that day by day maobamas ridiculous regulations are being rolled back. It will take years to do it all, but they seem to be focusing on the big ones and working down the lists.
Yeah all those ridiculous regulations like keeping our food safe, and our water and air clean.
he may well be the most ridiculed man in history.

Oh, he's definitely not that. One can only hope he doesn't become that, though it would be a fittingly ironic superlative to assign to him. "Unequivocally oafish miscreant who proves existentially that evolution has a reverse gear" seems more apt a description.
"Trump may be a joke, but the chaos and destructive forces around him are not. If he can cause this much havoc during his first few months in office, imagine what the country and the world will look like at the end of four years. Watch him when he walks into a crowd of people. There is a slight grimace, a tightening of the mouth that to me indicates a hesitation, perhaps based on fear. The thing is, if Trump has made any sort of arrangement with the Russians—Kremlin, oligarchs, F.S.B., Mob, or any combination of the four—to drop the Obama-era sanctions in return for past favors, the hoo-ha surrounding his Russian connections now makes that almost impossible to deliver. Whatever support he has received from the Russians over the years presumably came with promises of a payback. If Trump can’t follow through on this, he might be in serious trouble."

They're just pissed off that day by day maobamas ridiculous regulations are being rolled back. It will take years to do it all, but they seem to be focusing on the big ones and working down the lists.
Yeah all those ridiculous regulations like keeping our food safe, and our water and air clean.

Right out of commiecrat talking points, do you ever think for yourself?

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