The Trump Chaos


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2016
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Isn't it interesting how it's been nothing but a shit-storm of chaos since the orange clown took office? NON-STOP chaos. Starting from day one. From the lies about the attendance numbers at his inauguration to the secret meetings with Russian lawyers, to firing the FBI director to Russian interference in the election. From having to settle various lawsuits over his fraudulent "university" to the firing of Michael Flynn...From lying about Obama "wiretapping" him to his various conflicts of interest to Trump inciting violence at his rallies and being sued for it...From his casual re-tweeting of white nationalists to his pathetic response to the events in Charlottesville, I'm only barely scratching the surface. It's always something. The gas-lighting, endless.

His entire role seems to be to ramp up division and whip up his supporters into a hysterical frenzy to an inevitable end. If I were a Bible believing man, I'd be inclined to think that he fits the description of the anti-Christ to the "T." Christians are warned about a charming man who shows up and gains a loyal following, only to have an agenda of causing chaos and division, ripping people apart.

When was the last time we've seen this level of chaos and disruption in our country -- all thanks to ONE man? We've never seen anything like it. From a sociological perspective, it's fascinating. From the perspective of an average American, it's disturbing as hell.

We're all the victims of a narcissist. The ultimate narcissist. I'm reminded of this amazingly prescient piece written shortly after Trump stole the election and how accurate it is. It's going to take a long time for America to heal from the damage inflicted by Donald Trump.
Isn't it interesting how it's been nothing but a shit-storm of chaos since the orange clown took office? NON-STOP chaos. Starting from day one. From the lies about the attendance numbers at his inauguration to the secret meetings with Russian lawyers, to firing the FBI director to Russian interference in the election. From having to settle various lawsuits over his fraudulent "university" to the firing of Michael Flynn...From lying about Obama "wiretapping" him to his various conflicts of interest to Trump inciting violence at his rallies and being sued for it...From his casual re-tweeting of white nationalists to his pathetic response to the events in Charlottesville, I'm only barely scratching the surface. It's always something. The gas-lighting, endless.

His entire role seems to be to ramp up division and whip up his supporters into a hysterical frenzy to an inevitable end. If I were a Bible believing man, I'd be inclined to think that he fits the description of the anti-Christ to the "T." Christians are warned about a charming man who shows up and gains a loyal following, only to have an agenda of causing chaos and division, ripping people apart.

When was the last time we've seen this level of chaos and disruption in our country -- all thanks to ONE man? We've never seen anything like it. From a sociological perspective, it's fascinating. From the perspective of an average American, it's disturbing as hell.

We're all the victims of a narcissist. The ultimate narcissist. I'm reminded of this amazingly prescient piece written shortly after Trump stole the election and how accurate it is. It's going to take a long time for America to heal from the damage inflicted by Donald Trump.
Yet Trump and his merry band of whores will insist everything is going smoothly like a fine toothed comb..
It is in chaos, and I think the media, and many people in DC have their hand in it.
It's Soros chaos. I have been watching same things in Ukraine for 3 years, after the coup Soros' puppets are turning Ukraine into a 3rd world Nazi country.
Yes. The radical commie left is probably behind all this. They apparently want a revolution.
It is in chaos, and I think the media, and many people in DC have their hand in it.
People all over the country do. But of course the slimy dem is only going to blame one person lol
It is in chaos, and I think the media, and many people in DC have their hand in it.
People all over the country do. But of course the slimy dem is only going to blame one person lol

Typical conservative. It's never their own's always someone else's fault. Party of "personal responsibility" ha!
you are a conservative

Ouch. That really hurt my feelings.
well it hurt mine too :crybaby:
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Trump is contributing to it. There is no doubt about it. He says some dumb shit and plays games with fat dictators.
I think the OP is retarded but so was saying trump isnt doing anything.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.



You don't even know who Soros is, so stop pretending that you do.
It's not Trump's chaos, it's Soros chaos: his loyal troops of brainwashed liberals have been provoking all the mess and chaos.

I have been watching same things in Ukraine for 3 years, after the coup Soros' puppets are turning Ukraine into a 3rd world country, where only crooks and Nazis feel good and free.
Translation: I would never own up to the failed presidency of my fuhrer so I'll cast blame and dispersions anywhere I can..
The "chaos" is caused by the fitlhy ass Libtards that are butt hurt that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected.

They are the scum of America and it has been nothing but non stop fake news, rioting and everything possible to destroy Trump.

Obama was a piece of shit and the worst President this country ever had. We non welfre queen and non illegal Americans hated the sonofabitch. However, we didn't put on pink pussy hats and rioted, burned, looted and published fake new stories about him.

The Left is a very destructive force in America.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..

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