The Trump Chaos

The "chaos" is caused by the fitlhy ass Libtards that are butt hurt that Crooked Hillary didn't get elected.

They are the scum of America and it has been nothing but non stop fake news, rioting and everything possible to destroy Trump.

Obama was a piece of shit and the worst President this country ever had. We non welfre queen and non illegal Americans hated the sonofabitch. However, we didn't put on pink pussy hats and rioted, burned, looted and published fake new stories about him.

The Left is a very destructive force in America.
The reason for the dysfunctional WH and chaos Trump is creating.. is...,
Hilllary and Obama.
Too funny for words.
Actually the first seven months of the Trump administration have gone pretty well despite democrat obstructionism, the attempted murder of conservative republicans at a baseball game and unfounded media hysteria based on fake news. The DOW is staying in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80% and the President is negotiating agreements with China and Russia regarding N.K.'s aggression. How is the democrat party doin? Still incoherent and leaderless and still losing elections?
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..

That's actually one of the most diabolical aspects of Trump's personality. He's been able to get his supporters to take ALL responsibility off of him, and place it on anyone else. They'll go to bat for him until the end of time. He even admitted this when he made his infamous "I could shoot someone and they'd still support me" comment. They're so fucking stupid that they STILL support him even after he pointed out how blindly stupid they are! It would be amazing if it weren't so unbelievably disturbing.
Actually the first seven months of the Trump administration have gone pretty well despite democrat obstructionism, the attempted murder of conservative republicans at a baseball game and unfounded media hysteria based on fake news. The DOW is staying in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80% and the President is negotiating agreements with China and Russia regarding N.K.'s aggression. How is the democrat party doin? Still incoherent and leaderless and still losing elections?

^ His supporters even do the gaslighting for him...
Actually the first seven months of the Trump administration have gone pretty well despite democrat obstructionism, the attempted murder of conservative republicans at a baseball game and unfounded media hysteria based on fake news. The DOW is staying in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80% and the President is negotiating agreements with China and Russia regarding N.K.'s aggression. How is the democrat party doin? Still incoherent and leaderless and still losing elections?
Yes the minority party that doesn't control either house of congress or the presidency are the obstructionists.
Your party is incapable of governing and everyone notices now.
And the economy was purring nicely under Obama so Trump inherited that unlike the lies he told about it..
As a matter of fact Obama created 10,000 more jobs his last 6 months in office than Trump has his first 6 months..

Everyone sees the dysfunctional White House. Everyone sees how unprepared he is to handle this job.
Everyone sees how incredibly insecure this man/ child is.
Everyone sees how unpresidential he is and how he has no idea what he's doing.
Isn't it interesting how it's been nothing but a shit-storm of chaos since the orange clown took office? NON-STOP chaos. Starting from day one. From the lies about the attendance numbers at his inauguration to the secret meetings with Russian lawyers, to firing the FBI director to Russian interference in the election. From having to settle various lawsuits over his fraudulent "university" to the firing of Michael Flynn...From lying about Obama "wiretapping" him to his various conflicts of interest to Trump inciting violence at his rallies and being sued for it...From his casual re-tweeting of white nationalists to his pathetic response to the events in Charlottesville, I'm only barely scratching the surface. It's always something. The gas-lighting, endless.

His entire role seems to be to ramp up division and whip up his supporters into a hysterical frenzy to an inevitable end. If I were a Bible believing man, I'd be inclined to think that he fits the description of the anti-Christ to the "T." Christians are warned about a charming man who shows up and gains a loyal following, only to have an agenda of causing chaos and division, ripping people apart.

When was the last time we've seen this level of chaos and disruption in our country -- all thanks to ONE man? We've never seen anything like it. From a sociological perspective, it's fascinating. From the perspective of an average American, it's disturbing as hell.

We're all the victims of a narcissist. The ultimate narcissist. I'm reminded of this amazingly prescient piece written shortly after Trump stole the election and how accurate it is. It's going to take a long time for America to heal from the damage inflicted by Donald Trump.

Not at all.... the man won the election and a lot of folks have been pitching hussy fits and undermining him. Tell us, what has he done that is so onerous?
They are not stupid because of that. They surely have a good reason why theY support him and are well aware (some of them) of that usually not being okay. In this particular case though with all the context included, it cannot be put that simply as you just did.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..

That's actually one of the most diabolical aspects of Trump's personality. He's been able to get his supporters to take ALL responsibility off of him, and place it on anyone else. They'll go to bat for him until the end of time. He even admitted this when he made his infamous "I could shoot someone and they'd still support me" comment. They're so fucking stupid that they STILL support him even after he pointed out how blindly stupid they are! It would be amazing if it weren't so unbelievably disturbing.
Trump's now on TV claiming ignorance on why he had such a poor response to the nazis violence.
Isn't it interesting how it's been nothing but a shit-storm of chaos since the orange clown took office? NON-STOP chaos. Starting from day one. From the lies about the attendance numbers at his inauguration to the secret meetings with Russian lawyers, to firing the FBI director to Russian interference in the election. From having to settle various lawsuits over his fraudulent "university" to the firing of Michael Flynn...From lying about Obama "wiretapping" him to his various conflicts of interest to Trump inciting violence at his rallies and being sued for it...From his casual re-tweeting of white nationalists to his pathetic response to the events in Charlottesville, I'm only barely scratching the surface. It's always something. The gas-lighting, endless.

His entire role seems to be to ramp up division and whip up his supporters into a hysterical frenzy to an inevitable end. If I were a Bible believing man, I'd be inclined to think that he fits the description of the anti-Christ to the "T." Christians are warned about a charming man who shows up and gains a loyal following, only to have an agenda of causing chaos and division, ripping people apart.

When was the last time we've seen this level of chaos and disruption in our country -- all thanks to ONE man? We've never seen anything like it. From a sociological perspective, it's fascinating. From the perspective of an average American, it's disturbing as hell.

We're all the victims of a narcissist. The ultimate narcissist. I'm reminded of this amazingly prescient piece written shortly after Trump stole the election and how accurate it is. It's going to take a long time for America to heal from the damage inflicted by Donald Trump.

Not at all.... the man won the election and a lot of folks have been pitching hussy fits and undermining him. Tell us, what has he done that is so onerous?

Been living under a rock, have you?
Trump won't call the act that ran down that innocent woman " terrorism."
If a Muslim did it he'd call it that.

Trump just said he doesn't know what the alt right is. Lol
He is responsible for sth. But what some people do (like you) is blame on him for every thing that appears to be "a mistake" without even knowing the context and do it with such amount of information you get. How is that rational? Not a bit.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..
He is responsible for sth. But what some people do (like you) is blame on him for every thing that appears to be "a mistake" without even knowing the context and do it with such amount of information you get.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..
Trump's whole presidency has been a mistake..
It's been even worse than I feared.

The only surprise has been the way the Left has completely lost its shit over him.

The crazies on both ends are wrecking this country.
This has gone beyond partisan politics and become a feeding of jackals. I don't like to see it.
Whose presidency wouldn't?
He is responsible for sth. But what some people do (like you) is blame on him for every thing that appears to be "a mistake" without even knowing the context and do it with such amount of information you get.
It isn't Trump creating this chaos, it is Soros and Co. You are falling for it. We are not. And I have a feeling Trump isn't going to put up with it for much longer. Stop the checks and the chaos goes home and watches TV.
Yes... trump's not responsible for anything... the buck stops nowhere with him.
He's not man enough to accept responsibility about anything and you enable him.
34% approval rating lowest in history is well deserved..
Trump's whole presidency has been a mistake..
It's not Trump's chaos, it's Soros chaos: his loyal troops of brainwashed liberals have been provoking all the mess and chaos.

I have been watching same things in Ukraine for 3 years, after the coup Soros' puppets are turning Ukraine into a 3rd world country, where only crooks and Nazis feel good and free.

Interesting you have proof of this, I would be interested in reading it!
It's been even worse than I feared.

The only surprise has been the way the Left has completely lost its shit over him.

The crazies on both ends are wrecking this country.

Let's not pretend this is an equal, both sides are crazy type of thing. Liberals aren't perfect but the disgusting campaign and behavior exhibited by Trump is now the model for the new right that thinks it's ok to be racist and violent.
Actually the first seven months of the Trump administration have gone pretty well despite democrat obstructionism, the attempted murder of conservative republicans at a baseball game and unfounded media hysteria based on fake news. The DOW is staying in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80% and the President is negotiating agreements with China and Russia regarding N.K.'s aggression. How is the democrat party doin? Still incoherent and leaderless and still losing elections?

^ His supporters even do the gaslighting for him...

Actually the first seven months of the Trump administration have gone pretty well despite democrat obstructionism, the attempted murder of conservative republicans at a baseball game and unfounded media hysteria based on fake news. The DOW is staying in record territory, illegal immigration is down about 80% and the President is negotiating agreements with China and Russia regarding N.K.'s aggression. How is the democrat party doin? Still incoherent and leaderless and still losing elections?
Yes the minority party that doesn't control either house of congress or the presidency are the obstructionists.
Your party is incapable of governing and everyone notices now.
And the economy was purring nicely under Obama so Trump inherited that unlike the lies he told about it..
As a matter of fact Obama created 10,000 more jobs his last 6 months in office than Trump has his first 6 months..

Everyone sees the dysfunctional White House. Everyone sees how unprepared he is to handle this job.
Everyone sees how incredibly insecure this man/ child is.
Everyone sees how unpresidential he is and how he has no idea what he's doing.

Why are you lefties agitating? Do you want a bloody revolution?
It's not Trump's chaos, it's Soros chaos: his loyal troops of brainwashed liberals have been provoking all the mess and chaos.

I have been watching same things in Ukraine for 3 years, after the coup Soros' puppets are turning Ukraine into a 3rd world country, where only crooks and Nazis feel good and free.

Interesting you have proof of this, I would be interested in reading it!

It's off-topic, but if you insist...
First couple of articles are pretty long but pretty informative.

Modern Ukraine is 25 yrs old, but is it actually independent?

CIS-EMO -EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ
Cohen: Trump should have spoken out against what many see as Ukraine’s troubling glorification of Nazi collaborators. Trump should have broadened the agenda to call out Kiev for its official state policy of honoring controversial figures from World War Two.

The latest example: local authorities in the capital recentlyvoted to rename a major street after a former Nazi collaborator and anti-Semite named Roman Shukhevych.

Shukhevych led the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), an organization responsible for the mass slaughter of Poles and Jews during the war. Even inside Ukraine the renaming is a disputed move, with hundreds of people taking to the streets last Friday to protest the decision – only to be attacked by an ultra-nationalist neo-Nazi group called C14.
Commentary: How Trump can show he’s tough on anti-Semitism
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev
On May 2 , 2014 Ukrainian Nazis burned over 60 civilians alive in Odessa for protesting against the coup.
This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
Americans have been carefully shielded from the ugly underbelly of Ukraine’s Maidan uprising in 2014 that overthrew the elected president and installed a U.S.-backed, fiercely anti-Russian regime which has unleashed armed neo-Nazis. But a French documentary has dared to expose this grim reality, as Gilbert Doctorow describes.
A Look at Ukraine's Dark Side
Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

As corruption and nepotism threaten the hope of Ukraine’s revolution, journalists are being told that they are helping the enemy just by doing their jobs.
Opinion | Ukraine Declares War on Journalism
Ukraine Is in Danger of Becoming a Failed State
NY Times:
International Monitory Fund and the donor nations, like United States, can’t continue to shovel money into a corrupt swamp
Opinion | Ukraine’s Unyielding Corruption
Politician makes claims of vast corruption in Ukraine
almost three years after the Euromaidan revolution, Ukraine’s leadership has fallen woefully short in delivering on its promises to fight against corruption’s-unimplemented-anti-corruption-reform
IMF’s mission chief for Ukraine, Ron Van Rooden: It will take Ukraine a generation to come near the Central European economy
Foreign Policy Journal:
Kiev Is Fueling the War in Eastern Ukraine, Too

And all that ^ is just a tip of iceberg....
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