The Three R's Of The Democrats

And they are so atrocious they will never see the light of day.
they have passed many bills in the house, super duper, but Moscow Mitch won't even hear about them in the Senate. Brainwashed functional moron.
So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
they have passed many bills in the house, super duper, but Moscow Mitch won't even hear about them in the Senate. Brainwashed functional moron.
So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron. When I try to say comma, this damn phone thinks I'm saying Tama so the hell with commas. I went through the grammar program at the hotchkiss school so I know grammar. Screw grammar. LOL
they have passed many bills in the house, super duper, but Moscow Mitch won't even hear about them in the Senate. Brainwashed functional moron.
So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations and they only need 51 votes for that and for screwing- cutting programs for the middle class and the nonrich. Thanks to their reconciliation rule- and the Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform. Time to go nuclear on everything. Only garbage propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP Mess possible.
The democrat congress has done absolutely nothing since winning the house in 2018...not one bill passed....they have not done one thing but attack Trump....I'm hearing dem voters raising concern over this and openly wondering if they will hold on to congress let alone beat Trump...

That is not really accurate. The Dem House (the only side they control) has passed over 100 bills this year that are waiting on the Senate. So, the Repus in the Senate are just as guilty as the Dems in the House.
Passing a bill that you know will not get past the senate and signed by the executive branch is fool hearty and a waste of everyone's time and money....if either side wants to get something positive done they must work together...not pass idiotic bills written for political purposes only....
Yanno, you shouldn't have to say that to one who claims to be a centrist because it's obvious to rational adults but for those who just pretend to be centrists it makes no sense.
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Did you not highlight The democrat congress? are normally a little better than this Gator...did you drink too much last night?...

I highlighted 3 and quoted 17. And none of that changes you blamed one sided totally. And now you are trying to sing a different tune after getting called out
Maybe you should take the day off and go see a movie or something....

just own up to it, it is much easier in the long run. It is ok to be a partisan sheep, most of you on this forum are.
Own up to what dummy?...

your partisan sheephood. you should wear being hyper partisanship as a badge of honor like your fellow wingnuts on here
LOL. Yeah ... no irony in that from you, Leftard.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
Your sympathy for greedy idiot lying billionaires is noted, brainwashed functional moron.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
Your sympathy for greedy idiot lying billionaires is noted, brainwashed functional moron.
Your envy and seething hatred for those who are more successful than you - pretty much everyone judging by your bitterness - is once again noted, mindless commie.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. That doesn't work, and it is a ripoff of the non-rich. You are baffled with BS. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. Government statistics and the GOP scam.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. That doesn't work, and it is a ripoff of the non-rich. You are baffled with BS. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. Government statistics and the GOP scam.
Forget your justifications and rationalizations for your greed and belief that you have some right to the fruit of other's labor, Commie Franco.

You don't, and if you want more you need to get off your lazy, useless ass and earn it.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
Your sympathy for greedy idiot lying billionaires is noted, brainwashed functional moron.
Your envy and seething hatred for those who are more successful than you - pretty much everyone judging by your bitterness - is once again noted, mindless commie.
I am educated and know what is going on while you do not, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired I just cannot believe how backward the GOP has made our country. A total disaster and you don't even know. Thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence the stupidest Wars ever and a corrupt World depression. Now Trump is going to screw it up just like smoot-hawley in 1930.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. That doesn't work, and it is a ripoff of the non-rich. You are baffled with BS. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. Government statistics and the GOP scam.
Forget your justifications and rationalizations for your greed and belief that you have some right to the fruit of other's labor, Commie Franco.

You don't, and if you want more you need to get off your lazy, useless ass and earn it.
having the richest people in the country paying the same percentage in taxes as the middle class is impossible a greedy idiot dream. Meanwhile you never heard about it. Because you listen to only GOP propaganda.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
We now have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. That doesn't work, and it is a ripoff of the non-rich. You are baffled with BS. Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it. Government statistics and the GOP scam.
Forget your justifications and rationalizations for your greed and belief that you have some right to the fruit of other's labor, Commie Franco.

You don't, and if you want more you need to get off your lazy, useless ass and earn it.
Quite the brainwashed hateful imagination you have....
Trump would be the guy to put us into a recession. A terrible businessman and I'm guessing a terrible president. This is just like smoot-hawley in 1930 -pushed the world further into depression. Always a great job
So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron. When I try to say comma, this damn phone thinks I'm saying Tama so the hell with commas. I went through the grammar program at the hotchkiss school so I know grammar. Screw grammar. LOL

Use a keyboard and stop believing propaganda.
at least they don't do evil like the giveaway to the rich screw everybody else GOP, brainwashed functional moron...
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations...
Tax cuts are not giveaways you STUPID little commis scum. They enable productive Americans to keep more of what they earn, and nothing seems to burn the butts of life's losers more than that. :lol:.
Your sympathy for greedy idiot lying billionaires is noted, brainwashed functional moron.
Your envy and seething hatred for those who are more successful than you - pretty much everyone judging by your bitterness - is once again noted, mindless commie.
I am educated and know what is going on while you do not, brainwashed functional moron. I am happily retired I just cannot believe how backward the GOP has made our country. A total disaster and you don't even know...

You're not educated but rather inculcated. You swallow, Comrade Franco … or should I call you Comrade Fredo?

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So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations and they only need 51 votes for that and for screwing- cutting programs for the middle class and the nonrich. Thanks to their reconciliation rule- and the Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform. Time to go nuclear on everything. Only garbage propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP Mess possible.

Naturally, you fail to consider reality. Should democrats totally eliminate the filibuster, they would never again be able to stop the all powerful Republicans. Observe what Harry Reid unlocked.
So the scumbag giveaway to the rich greedy idiot GOP has blocked everything Democrats have wanted since Reagan except for the stimulus and ObamaCare. Congratulations, idiot dupe.

Oh, those poor useless democrats.
It's gotten to the point where we have to Nuke you dupes along with your scumbag Masters. The nuclear option 51 votes the next time we will pass Health Care daycare cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich only paid parental leave infrastructure 1 month vacations after a year at least living wage. Because this is ridiculous only propaganda and the brainwash make this GOP mess possible for 35 years now. Worst upward mobility and inequality ever anywhere. Great job the Rich
're doing fine

You keep voting for them and they keep being useless. There's a saying about doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

Interesting that you can't even assemble a list on a coherent fashion. Try learning about punctuation, propagander.
All the GOP cares about is passing tax cuts on the rich and giant corporations and they only need 51 votes for that and for screwing- cutting programs for the middle class and the nonrich. Thanks to their reconciliation rule- and the Democrats need 60 votes to pass reform. Time to go nuclear on everything. Only garbage propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this GOP Mess possible.
what is your definition of rich anyone with a job? cause anyone with a job paying federal taxes got a refund. I'm sorry you're far too stupid to understand that, and it isn't our problem you are that stupid. So I must conclude you think anyone with a job is considered rich.

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